View Full Version : Not Shedding??
Light of Dae
09-28-2011, 07:43 AM
Not sure this is considered urgent care but I'm kinda worried n wondering...
K so I've had this baby garter since she was a week old, has now been just over two months old, she's grown lots... But I've never seen her shed. There has been no skin in her tank anytime I've cleaned it, she has never had the faded eye look like they get when about to shed...
Is this normal for a baby at two months old? She's grown at least 4-5 inches, now being about a foot long.... ?? Any ideas ?? :confused:
09-28-2011, 07:46 AM
I wouldn't worry. She'll shed when she needs too.:)
09-28-2011, 07:55 AM
My only concern would be a retained shed. Any chance you can post a photo for use to take a look at.
If she's been eating all along I would think there should have been a shed by now.
09-28-2011, 07:58 AM
Don't always expect to catch the cloudy eyes either, I came downstairs this morning to find another complete shed. I'm sure it was Lightning, as Eskerina shed 4 days ago, and the shed had a black stripe so it wasn't Binky.
I've now had 3 normal sheds - first there was no warning signs, second I spotted Esk in her pool starting to shed, then this morning which had no warnings. When I say there were no warning signs... There probably were, but being new to snakes and the snakes being new to us, we didn't have a baseline to compare dull skin with, and didn't know that an albino eyes don't cloud.
The 4th shed is one I assisted with this morning. She was struggling with it, but a bowl of warm water helped. Her eyes are the only ones that we saw cloud about 2 days ago.
If yours is eating and growing, I wouldn't worry so much, the shedding will happen when you are not looking.
09-28-2011, 08:15 AM
If you see your snake everyday you'll notice blue eyes.
Light of Dae
09-28-2011, 08:17 AM
Thanks everyone for comments, I am hopefully going to buy a camera today so I can post pictures.
I also just completely redid her tank. Got rid of the sand (was told sand was bad) I put in pine/cedar shavings. I noticed a lot of sawdust with it though so I shifted it all out. Sawdust would be bad right? I also built a fake rock hide with holes n a shelf inside, she loves it!
Light of Dae
09-28-2011, 08:20 AM
I do see her everyday n take her out almost everyday or every other day, her skin feels fine to me... Nice n tight but not like stuck to her... lol don't know she feels normal to me I just thought by now she would have shed, especially since shes doubled in size.
09-28-2011, 08:28 AM
No pine. Causes respiratory problems.;)
09-28-2011, 08:29 AM
Pine is bad. They can't breathe it in.
09-28-2011, 08:30 AM
I do see her everyday n take her out almost everyday or every other day, her skin feels fine to me... Nice n tight but not like stuck to her... lol don't know she feels normal to me I just thought by now she would have shed, especially since shes doubled in size.
Doubled in size and no shed doesn't sound right.
Light of Dae
09-28-2011, 08:36 AM
ok. So I shall remove shavings, and return the bag (gotta love Walmart) Which shaving are ok? I've heard aspen is good, haven't found any yet though, what else is ok to use?
Doubled in size is right, she was only about 4-5 inches n now shes about a foot long. No shed.
09-28-2011, 08:51 AM
Shavings - Aspen. Its safe, but NOT SAFE TO INGEST. I don't reccommend it if you feed him in his cage.
I use ReptiBark... It's more expensive, found at pet stores, but it's too big to be swallowed, and looks awesome!
You can see it here next to my pretty little snake.:D
Light of Dae
09-28-2011, 09:22 AM
hmmm, might have to get some. How would you clean it? or would you just take out dirty stuff n add new?
09-28-2011, 09:28 AM
I spit clean it every time I see it. The babies poops so small I nustbhave to pick out one or two chunks. It's usually just a white spot on the chunk. But now that they're bigger I usually have to take out several at a time.
I just use my hands. It lasts me a long time, I have 3 babies in one cage with this stiff and have only had to change it completely once! Because I clean it like that, everytimeni see it. Stay on top of that and it will last.
Also that picture shows reptile carpet, anther option, although I just use it as a liner now, it's covered completely now. I hated trying clean it. 4 babies pooping on it all day,... you'd be surprised how hard it was. It only lasted a week.:p
Light of Dae
09-30-2011, 09:25 AM
Well I bought some aspen shavings after looking at reptile bark.. I love the look of the bark but seeing as I just moved n am little short cashed I wasn't about to pay 50bucks for bark, aspen was only 7bucks. lol So I will just keep feeding her outside of her tank. :P that does remind me though I need to buy more pinkies n a small fish tank n guppies! :) Half the worms I had in the fridge got uh lol frozen. SOMEONE (being my unknowing fiance) had pushed them to the back of the fridge. lol oops. Oh and I need to find a heating pad, mine quit working... grr.
09-30-2011, 09:33 AM
$50?!? You're joking right? It's not THAT expensive... I get it at Petsmart for $12.....
Light of Dae
09-30-2011, 09:42 AM
Not even kidding. I'll have to keep n eye out for a petsmart n cheaper bark... had the thought to buy the bark you put in your garden (12bucks for big big bag), but wasn't sure if it would be safe or not.
09-30-2011, 09:47 AM
I wouldn't.
You can't let them get away with that!! $50 is downright wrong. You need to tell them that, they'll at least price match petsmart.
You can't charge $50 for a bag of substrate.:mad: that ain't right.
Light of Dae
09-30-2011, 09:55 AM
Oh I know, its ******** n I told the lady that after I asked her if the price was marked correctly. I laughed in her face. It is a small family owned n operated store, they did however have some nice looking reptiles, frilled lizard, corn snakes for around 30-70bucks n their pet, red tailed boa <<Big girl... needs a bigger tank though..
09-30-2011, 10:05 AM
$50. Jeez. Pure freakin' wrong.
Check it out. Petsmart:
Zoo Med Repti Bark - Reptile - Sale Category - PetSmart (
And look. PetCo is even cheaper. Here's the thing, I don't shop at that animal abusive place. But when I say to petsmart "can you price match?" they say "sure!" so I get it at petsmart, of the price of PetCo. IN YOUR FACE DOUCHE BAGS!!!
Zoo Med Premium Repti Bark at PETCO (
You can buy it online if you can't find a petsmart near you.
Light of Dae
10-16-2011, 12:02 PM
k so I've been real busy as of late, Rescued a giant belgian horse n all :) UPDATE my snake still has not shed... I even put her in a box with a couple warm wet towels to try n see if she would, to no avail though. I have noticed an appetite decrease as well... hasn't eaten anything for 9days now. When I offered a scented pinkie she was really eager about it, kept 'nipping' at it but wouldn't take it. And today gave her some worms and yay she ate one... mostly when it was almost all the way down, she decides to spit it up. I don't get it. Temps are all good, she looks like she wants to eat but she just freaking won't!!! Grrr... Any ideas? I'm completely lost here..
Still hasn't shed since the birth shed (she's 5days away from being 3months old)
Is now on a hunger strike...
Tank temps are perfect, she almost seems lazy...???
10-16-2011, 12:35 PM
They sometimes stop eating just before they shed. That's what our big girl Binky does. Last shed she refused food for about 8 to 10 days, shed, then ate like it was going out of style.
10-16-2011, 12:59 PM
Throwing up a worm isn't normal under most circumstances, especially when it's almost down.
Was it a extra large worm?
Light of Dae
10-16-2011, 02:00 PM
It wasn't too big I don't think... It was about 1 1/2 inch cut worm, thick though... she's at least a foot n a half... she had just the end of the worm sticking out... then out it came... It wasn't even a 'lively' worm that was fighting her...
Light of Dae
10-16-2011, 02:01 PM
I mean cut worm as in cut up earthworm... not an actual 'cut worm' lol just to clarify
10-16-2011, 02:21 PM
You might try some smaller pieces just to see if she'll keep them down.
10-16-2011, 02:35 PM
You say that this snake has never shed, but has grown to a foot and a half? I'm not sure that is physically possible. None of ours are quite that big yet but they've shed at least twce each. Binky has grown from 34cm to 38cm and gone from 14g to 18g in about 4 weeks and has shed twice. Lightning is a month or so younger is growing slightly quicker and has also shed twice.
To go from birth to 45cm without shedding sounds rather unlikely to me. Other with more experience will be able to comment as to whether this is impossible or not.
Light of Dae
10-16-2011, 05:33 PM
well I've had her since she was two weeks old, she was the biggest of all the babies... She's closer to a foot an a quarter. and every time I've cleaned her tank I ain't never seen a shred of evidence that she has shed. and I know what a shed skin looks like. but Like I said she's doubled in size since I've had her.
10-16-2011, 05:37 PM
I would say you missed a shed in there.
I can't say I've had any snakes double in size without at least one shed.
Light of Dae
10-16-2011, 05:47 PM
hmm.. Could it have been completely disintegrated because I had been using sand? When I changed out the sand for aspen I didn't notice anything outa the blue...?
10-17-2011, 01:53 AM
I'm inclined to agree with Chris and Steve. I think you've just missed a shed. From what I've read, it's not possible for a snake to get that big and not have shed at least once. Maybe the skin broke down in the sand as you've said, but the snake must have shed at some point.
10-17-2011, 08:42 AM
I've had a snake double in size without shedding (pumpkin), he's such a little pig and grows really fast because of it, but sheds really infrequently.
Light of Dae
10-17-2011, 07:46 PM
Well I looked through the sand today cause its just in a box, have no other use for it right now... Didn't see anything other then poop. She used to be a pig n eat lots, but I tried feeding her again today to no avail... this is day 10 with nothing! I even had smaller worm chucks. She was all at them like she was going to eat them then just wandered off... came back to them again n bit one only to swing her head around n toss it. then wandered around again. came back snapped another up only to let go again!!!
Any Ideas on why she ain't eating?
10-17-2011, 09:07 PM
It's winter, many snakes go off food right now.
10-18-2011, 07:05 AM
Do snakes ever eat their shed? I know our leopard gecko does...
10-18-2011, 07:19 AM
Never heard of it with garter snakes.
10-21-2011, 10:00 PM
She could have shed just before you got her. Even if she didn't , she probably won't have to for a long time still. Shedding isn't something that happens weekly. It's once in a while, especially when they are kept in a tank.
Light of Dae
10-23-2011, 10:35 AM
Finally She ATE! it was a process lol Had half a pinkie mouse drenched in worm scent, hanging off a thread (I tested it out and made sure there would be no way that fibers or that it would get stuck) Cause she wont eat from tongs or if it ain't moving so, needle and thread through thin skin works perfect... However the picky girl she is was Extremely interested in it, kept biting it pulling then letting go (and yes i was letting the thread be slack) and she just wouldn't take it, so I threw in a couple worm halves and she circled them an did the same thing! This went on for a good hour, I started poking the worms to keep them moving THEN finally she grabbed one and kept it!!! YAY
It was really weird though... She's never been one to inhale her food, but this worm chunk was taking her extra long and I couldn't tell if she was trying to finish it or spit it out. Me thinking it might be too dry or tacky I put some water in a plastic bag in put a pin hole in the corner of it and dripped water on her stuck worm n her head, it worked, she finished it shortly after that.
Has anyone else had to wet their snakes food so that it could be fully swallowed? or am I the only one with this issue of it taking an hour and forty minutes to feed a snake?
10-23-2011, 10:40 AM
It takes quite a while for runt to eat sometimes, shes partially blind and will bite anything if I have snake food in the room, but she wont always bite onto the food when its in her face. So, it takes quite a few tries sometimes.
Light of Dae
10-23-2011, 11:00 AM
hmm well she was hitting the target everytime never missed. I'd think she had a good grip in it, then she'd let go. I think she's just picky about the texture. maybe? I will be trying a guppy soon as the fully belly look goes away and shes pooped. I acquired a few pregnant guppies and two males so :)
Oh and I love KIJIJI lol got an 24x18x18 front opening Exo-Terra Terrarium basically brand new with textured background (about to be modified :) for only $60 :) LOVE IT
Light of Dae
11-02-2011, 07:25 AM
WAAHOOOOO!!!! SHE SHED! She was hiding on me all day yesterday, so I dug her out from under her favorite fake fern n was holding her n noticed what looked like n was a tiny bit of skin on her tail, rubbed it, it came off easily so I made up a 'shed box' put her in. meanwhile I rummaged (cleaned as well) through her tank n there it was an awesome shed just missing the tip of the tail :) Took her out the she box n rubbed her down again and yay! First shed I've seen of hers! pretty awesome... :)
11-02-2011, 09:12 PM
Cool! Did she get the tip of her tail off?
Light of Dae
11-03-2011, 10:11 AM
yea, between the shed box n me rubbing it it came off :)
11-03-2011, 05:07 PM
Very good. Keep an eye out for cloudy eyes for the next shed. You'll want to watch the next shed closely to be sure the tail comes off, or have a shed box ready.
11-05-2011, 08:45 AM
Well that's pretty awesome!:D
Light of Dae
12-08-2011, 08:19 AM
HA she shed again! PERFECTLY. I had seen her eyes kinda bluey n the next day there was a 'ghost' snake looking up at me lol Yay, she's growing so big now. She's turned into a pig, Enjoys eating her goloush of salmon n worms, with some pinkie parts as well.
12-08-2011, 12:15 PM
I've been looking back over your thread and I was wondering...have you ever considered Carefresh as substrate? I swear by it. It doesn't look as natural as reptibark or aspen...but it is safe for them to eat around...I just make sure they have a little paper towel under their dish. It runs about $12.99 for a bag that you can fill the tank at least four times with it will last for a while depending on how often you change the substrate. You can also get away with spot can just scoop out the pieces that have poop and urates on it. It's also great for the snakes to burrow in...mine love it. They sell it in pet stores in animal bedding. It's also available in different colors.
12-08-2011, 01:48 PM
have you ever considered Carefresh as substrate? It's also available in different colors.
I used the multi colored Carefresh when I first got my hognose. Once I used it up, I switched to aspen. I must have been on a penny pinching stretch! I'd rather buy generic products (as long as quality is good) and then take my boys out to eat! We seem to spend a lot of time in Game Stop too. In fact, Terry won't have an allowance for another month, while he pays off COD:MW3!!
12-08-2011, 03:39 PM
I just don't trust aspen with the chances of the snakes ingesting the substrate...I feel much safer with the carefresh and they love burrowing in it. This way I don't have to worry about taking them out of the enclosures every time I feed. But I do understand the penny pinching...
Light of Dae
12-10-2011, 04:11 PM
I have considered carefresh, but I liked the look n affordability of coco husk (Used dry) only 7bucks for a brick that'll last me couple months, I also got a bag of aspen shavings to use up. I have come accustom to feeding outside her home, it works perfect, She gets some hands on lovins, and gets to stuff her face :D I have feed her in her tank lately for picture sake (Decembers photo luncheon) :D I'm just happy she shed perfectly!
12-10-2011, 04:14 PM
I love your photo contest pic...awesome! Where do you get the coco husk? I haven't seen it around here. I'm glad she shed too.
Light of Dae
12-12-2011, 09:04 AM
I found a brick of coco husk at a small pet shop. You should be able to find it anywhere that carries reptile supplies. :D
12-12-2011, 09:08 AM
Hmm...I didn't see it at the pet store I usually go to but that isn't actually surprising. I'll look at Petsmart next time I'm there. Thanks.
12-19-2011, 04:10 PM
The only issue I have with the bricks is that you have to use water to expand them. So, you got wet substrate. I did get them in the summer and dry it outside on black plastic, just because it was very cheap to do that. Online I got the 3 brick pack about half the price of a pet store, including shipping. It's good for keeping up humidity, but I haven't used it since I found aspen so cheap at walmart.
Light of Dae
12-20-2011, 08:07 AM
I cheated... I simply broke it apart with my hands, didn't use any water at all :) I have started to keep a small corner slightly damp because it get really dry around here. My cats often shock themselves when coming in for a scratch lol then they look at me like "What did you do that for?!?!"
Light of Dae
12-20-2011, 10:21 AM
Oh wow, she is going to shed AGAIN! so soon! Dull body n blue eyes, sure signs. :D Mind you she has been eating a lot n doing some good growing... Maybe now she's finally realized that Shedding Feels Good lol I'll make up a warm bath for her when I get back from town today (Puppy now named Shades needs a collar n some chew toys, So she quits chewing me!)
MMM worms for breakfast
Going to pick up a 100w normal bulb today too, it's getting colder n the current 60w is only keeping it around 60f on the cool side n about 65-68f on the warm side, I'd like it a wee warmer in there. I added a tin foil background lol it helps a little but not enough.
12-20-2011, 12:04 PM
I actually found the ecoearth in the loose form at my pet store. I have been using it along with reptibark....I'm not convinced my snakes like it though. I think they miss the carefresh. They liked burrowing in it.
12-22-2011, 09:58 PM
My snake just shed and now he sits in his water bowl most of the day. This is normal behavior, right?
12-22-2011, 10:08 PM
It could be. Some garters love to soak/bathe.
Soaking can also be a sign of mites.
Some snakes will go into a spontaneous shed to remove them.
Just something to consider.
12-23-2011, 03:47 AM
Some species like the water more than others too. If my checkereds or Blacknecks spent hours in their water I may be concerned, but if it was one of my Cuitzeos hours in water is normal (the one in my office spent a whole day while I was working in her water bowl once).
I've noticed the checkereds only spend 20 minutes or so in the water to prepare for their shed. One of the girls used to spend that sort of time in her water on a day to day basis, I've not seen her in the water so much recently, so it probably goes in phases.
You probably said somewhere on the forum... But what sort of garter is it Zen?
Light of Dae
12-23-2011, 10:26 AM
hmm Today her eyes ain't bluey anymore but her body is still dull. Cleaned her tank n confirmed she hasn't shed. Is this normal? Last time I noticed her eyes bluey I went out for the day n came back hoping to get pictures of the cloudy eyes but she had already shed, this time its been days of dull, cloudy eyes, now clear eyes? Whaaaat? lol
Light of Dae
12-23-2011, 10:35 AM
These two pictures are of her yesterday. Can clearly see cloudy bluey eyes, dull body.
These two pictures are today. Still dull in body but clear of eyes.
lol like she had a revelation? lol *Insert music notes* I can see clearly now, the rain is gone...
12-23-2011, 10:43 AM
All sounds rather normal. The way and time it takes to shed can change from shed to shed.
Make sure the water is available and wait. You'll probably have a shed snake before you know it.
12-23-2011, 11:16 AM
Yes...their eyes clear up before they shed. It's the eye caps coming off first. She should shed soon.
As far as Zen snakes usually soak before they shed...don't know about soaking after a shed.
12-24-2011, 06:55 AM
Chris, it's an Eastern.
He's out of the water now, just hanging out under the substrate the last day or two.
12-24-2011, 06:56 AM
Oh, and light, my snake had blue eyes and then it was like five days later when he finally shed.
Light of Dae
12-24-2011, 02:35 PM
Shed shed yesterday evening perfect again :) I had given her another warm bath in which she saw Shade my new pup through the clear plastic n musked at her lol She's NEVER musked before but I was laughing so hard, Shade was wide-eyed n nose to the plastic, licking it. Radix musked when she noticed a big puppy face next to hers lol.
But alas, perfect shed... except when I eagerly removed the shed from the tank I ripped the bottom jaw off. oh well it was perfect
12-24-2011, 07:03 PM
Yes...their eyes clear up before they shed. It's the eye caps coming off first.
Not exactly. The cloudiness is a new skin forming under the old. While it's cloudy, it's basically a liquid. Once that new skin is ready, it turns clear. Soon thereafter, the old skin separates and comes off all at once, including the eye parts. After the old skin comes off, the new skin can immediately expand to accommodate the snakes current size. As the snake grows, it can only expand so far, so it gets too tight, then the cycle must start again.
The eyes clear up after the cloudy period because the new skin underneath is ready to use, and has become clear.;)
Light of Dae
12-25-2011, 01:52 PM
Not exactly. The cloudiness is a new skin forming under the old. While it's cloudy, it's basically a liquid. Once that new skin is ready, it turns clear. Soon thereafter, the old skin separates and comes off all at once, including the eye parts. After the old skin comes off, the new skin can immediately expand to accommodate the snakes current size. As the snake grows, it can only expand so far, so it gets too tight, then the cycle must start again.
The eyes clear up after the cloudy period because the new skin underneath is ready to use, and has become clear.;)
^^That is neat, I never would have known that. Liquid skin forming underneath... cool.
Her is Radix since she shed, All shiny n new! She's getting some color n more spots underneath :)
And one of Shade cause she wouldn't leave me alone lol
12-25-2011, 02:09 PM
Thanks for the updated radix photo.
Beautiful little darker phase. Great orange dorsal.
Love seeing a radix.
12-25-2011, 02:57 PM
And Shade is cute too!!! :)
12-27-2011, 06:19 PM
Glad it went well. Now next time, you'll know the process and maybe not worry so much.;)
12-28-2011, 02:47 AM
Glad she finally shed, great news.
How long do you guys wait after a shed before feeding? Does it really matter so long as she actually eats it?
12-28-2011, 03:23 AM
I offer food as I normally do.
Shedding has no affect on food schedules for me.
Light of Dae
12-28-2011, 06:38 AM
I offer food as I normally do.
Shedding has no affect on food schedules for me.
What he said^^^ lol I do the same
12-28-2011, 11:38 AM
Your Shade pics are driving me crazy! I desperately need a dog but the family doesn't want one.
12-29-2011, 02:35 AM
I offer food as I normally do.
Shedding has no affect on food schedules for me.
Me too. I've had one take a minnow from my hand and then immediately begin shedding. I'd probably panic if I ended up with a normal snake that sometimes refused food or went on random fasts. :p
Light of Dae
12-29-2011, 11:00 AM
Your Shade pics are driving me crazy! I desperately need a dog but the family doesn't want one.
Look on Kijiji for free dogs lol then just bring one home, Do all the work n clean up etc for the dog so that they don't complain more blah blah blah lol and they won't be able to help but love the dog :) (Might work)
Oh and just for you to go a wee crazier lol here are some pictures!
12-29-2011, 11:03 AM
I was gonna tell her she could have my brat-dog, but then I saw she's in Canada. It's a mite far to drive!
12-29-2011, 11:07 AM
I can't stand it! Shade is one of the cutest puppies I've ever seen! (and I've seen alot!!!) :)
12-29-2011, 03:18 PM
Very cute puppy!!! Come to think of male eastern is the only one who does not eat before a shed...the other two eat right before.
Light of Dae
12-29-2011, 03:30 PM
I put up some good pictures of my little Radix (Now being called Babs from looney tunes / tiny tunes) in enclosures "heat options for plastic tank" One that actually shows some of her good color :)
12-30-2011, 11:02 AM
Look on Kijiji for free dogs lol then just bring one home, Do all the work n clean up etc for the dog so that they don't complain more blah blah blah lol and they won't be able to help but love the dog :) (Might work)
Oh and just for you to go a wee crazier lol here are some pictures!
Haha, I wish. We actually visited a shelter and everybody loved this dog, Duncan ('TRNT1','TRNT','TRNT2','TRNT3','TRNT4' ,'TRNT5'&atype=&where=type_DOG)! They are concerned about him destroying the house...specifically the hardwood floors.
Shade's adorable :D
Light of Dae
01-08-2012, 04:25 PM
Oh wow, Babs has blue eyes again! So soon! She's growing like a weed! She has been eating like a pig, but she doesn't over due it, if she's full she'll leave whatever is left in her dish. I just can't believe that she's going to shed again so soon, lol it has only been 15days!
Cannot wait to see the brighter colors that keep coming out in her. Will defiantly be keeping y'all updated with pictures lol
Here she is today, just after stuffing herself :D
01-08-2012, 05:05 PM
She's a pretty girl!
01-08-2012, 05:10 PM
If she sheds in the next 3 days she'll beat our Eskerina's 18 days between sheds. Funny how it varies, Esk had that really short gap of 18 days, and her eyes cleared today so she should shed tomorrow, but it's been 2 months since her last shed, so 18 day gap to a 60 day gap.
01-08-2012, 07:20 PM
I wonder when Hermes will shed again...I would think he would shed again soon because he is growing pretty rapidly right now. He shed Christmas of my favorite Christmas presents! He is starting to have that rough look he had before he shed last time...the only sign I noticed since he is albino.
Light of Dae
01-10-2012, 07:23 AM
I'm pretty sure Babs shed last night. She always sheds inside her fake rock along the side of it... I'd check but I got a huge job interview this morning! :D But Babs looks really shiny n pretty :)
01-10-2012, 08:05 AM
Let us know when you know!
Light of Dae
01-10-2012, 04:35 PM
Oh yea yet another perfect shed, she is currently enjoying her reward for it mmm Salmon n Worms! Will post pictures in a bit here when she has a nice full belly :) That's my girl <3 She is becoming such a lover! When I took out her shed n placed the reward in her home she calmly just watched me, then smelled the tempting treat awaiting her and she was on the move!
Light of Dae
01-10-2012, 05:59 PM
Here She is yet again, stuffing her face like a good snake :)
Her face is blurred cause there was no 'pause' for a picture, it was all nom nom nom :)
01-10-2012, 06:00 PM
That is one happy little snake!
01-10-2012, 07:07 PM
Have salmon will travel.
01-10-2012, 10:11 PM
I think that's a great pic!
Light of Dae
01-11-2012, 01:34 PM
01-11-2012, 02:29 PM
If she sheds in the next 3 days she'll beat our Eskerina's 18 days between sheds. Funny how it varies, .
i had always assumed that the shedding was dictated by growth, the more vigorous the growth spurt the faster the need to cast off the old restricting skin ...having said that, little in life is usually straight forward and there may well be other more complicated reasons dictating when the old skin has to go.
01-11-2012, 02:59 PM
As I get through more sheds with more snakes I will put together the weight and shedding data I'm collecting and see if there is any correlation. At the moment I don't have enough data, I want to know more about how my snakes are growing.
01-11-2012, 05:39 PM
3763 What a gorgeous pic!!
Light of Dae
01-11-2012, 05:45 PM
Thank you! I love my new camera! It was well worth buying it for myself.
Light of Dae
01-23-2012, 10:32 AM
Wow.. 13days and she's got bright blue eyes again! I am astounded at how much she is growing! Wow. Insane. Go Babs go!
01-23-2012, 12:13 PM
Sounds like my Lucky. For almost a year she was shedding every 3 weeks. Just like clockwork.
She was a growing machine back then.
02-01-2012, 01:16 PM
i had always assumed that the shedding was dictated by growth, the more vigorous the growth spurt the faster the need to cast off the old restricting skin ...having said that, little in life is usually straight forward and there may well be other more complicated reasons dictating when the old skin has to go.
I think you're onto something there. I know that with most of my big adults, even if they just shed a week before brumating, they always shed again shortly after coming out. That can't be because of growth. Probably a hormone thing since mating takes place right after that post-brumation shed.
02-01-2012, 01:20 PM
Sounds like my Lucky. For almost a year she was shedding every 3 weeks. Just like clockwork.
She was a growing machine back then.
And Amy (orange iowa albino radix) shed every 3 weeks, for the first 6 mos. Every 5 weeks for the second half of his first year.
02-01-2012, 02:21 PM
I wish Hermes would shed again. He hasn't shed since Christmas and it's concerning me since he's so young and since he is albino and they can have shedding issues.
02-01-2012, 04:20 PM
I don't think albinos are any more prone to shedding problems than any other snake. Just keep an eye on him. If his skin starts crinkling up when he bends, that would indicate a retained shed. Sometimes very small radixes and checkered's I've had will retain sheds, albino or not.
It hasn't been all that long. I wouldn't start worrying yet. Just watch for signs of retained shed. "stiff" movement, crinkly skin, labored breathing.
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