View Full Version : New setup!

09-16-2011, 04:58 PM
Keep in mind this is not complete just the basic layout, i will be touching it up, or removing, or adding to it, it will eventually look much better.

Dig the platform. Thats the newest thing, and then there's the plants. I'm a Foliage Fan, (they're hides climbs everything and they look awesome)

BTW, everything was bought at Michaels... ya know, that craft store. CHEAP. HUGE SELECTION OF PLANTS. Perfect plants. It had the shelf itself, along with a lot of others, this one I got cause it had an edge so I can load it up with substrate. And the legs, and the magnets...




09-16-2011, 05:00 PM
Looks like plenty of exploring space and items.

09-16-2011, 05:21 PM
That's the idea. Wish the cage was bigger, than I'd go crazy!

09-16-2011, 05:44 PM
Very nice! Great job!

09-16-2011, 05:58 PM

And yes, these were taken with my iPod, as I don't have a computer to upload from camera.

09-16-2011, 07:12 PM
Their favorite hide (24/7) is now 5 inches higher.

Doesn't seem to be a problem.


Mrs N1ntndo
09-16-2011, 07:43 PM
curious question. What are the magnets for. I love all the set up. Im looking for ideas when I get my 30 long tank set up . So lookinhg at all these things on here are giving me some awesome ideas.

09-16-2011, 09:17 PM
I need to do something like this when I upgrade my garter!

09-16-2011, 09:24 PM
Well, origanally I was gonna use magnets for most of the support, but I felt magnets from the harddrives, and they were too strong for what I had planned, so I bought 12 little round ones (tiny) but still very strong.. used 3 legs on the platform, but knowing they'd be too weak, glued 5 magnets to the back, 2 on the side, and attached the rest to those, through the glass. So nothing was connect the glass, just magents glued to the shelf, and magnets on the outside... don't know how to explain that. Anyway, it holds the platform in place real strong.

Wrapped one leg with a leafy viney thing twice, and attached that tree thing to the other. Filled it with bedding, put their favorite hide up there.

Drilled a hole through another hide, stuck another tree thing in there (left side of cage) did some other leafy stuff, blah blah blah.

Not done yet.

09-17-2011, 08:33 AM
I need to do something like this when I upgrade my garter!

It's harder than it sounded, and simpler than it sounded, but as easy as it looks, it's more complicated than you'd think...:p

09-17-2011, 10:27 PM
That's what I thought they were for. I can completely picture that.