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View Full Version : Fish....Babies....and encloser?

Mrs N1ntndo
08-26-2011, 06:40 PM
Today I went to the store and like everyone said ... try to look in the seafood section of the grocery store and see if they have the fish. I picked up Salmon and Tilapia and this is may question. Neither has skin and has no seasoning. I am just wondering if I just take small pieces and defrost them and then feed them to Pheobe and the babies raw.
I havent heard anything from Shannon about Pheobe so what I am going to do is give her a nice big meal tonight and then when I go into town tomorrow I am releasing her where I had found her. That means that the babies will be transfered into the 20gal tank from the 10 gallon tank. They are about a month old and I am wondering if they can have the coco-fiber as there bedding or should I continue to use paper towels. I feed them in there encloser now but I dont have to if they are in the one with coco-fiber. I can take them out to feed them. I will just use the 10 gallon as a feeding spot. Please help me cause I would like to know cause I would like to feed the babies the fish tonight and Im hoping that the ones that are iffy about the worms that maybe they will take the fish better.

08-26-2011, 08:11 PM
They may take to the fish quite nicely. Worth a try. Everything in your arsenal is worth a try. Worms, fish, silversides, pinkies...whatever you can get them to eat. Good luck!

08-26-2011, 09:12 PM
Mine LOVE fish. Wouldnt be surprised.

fish, silversides,

I was under the impression silversides were fish.:D

Mrs N1ntndo
08-27-2011, 01:00 AM
I talked to Steve earlier and he explined a lot to me and I thank you again very much Steve. I will be feeding them tomorrow before I go to town. I may be spending the night at my moms again to hang out and stuff. Also I am going to be letting go of Pheobe then also and I will be putting her in the same spot that I had found her so that she can go back home as well. She will be fed before I let her go so that shell have a full belly to help her start her journey weither it be a block away or 2 days away. I will miss her but I know she will be happy to be able to roam again and have a lot more room then I can prvide for her. I will always remember he cause like I said I will still have some of her babies and tons ans tons of pics of her.
Thank you all and I will let you know how it will work out tomorrow.

Mrs N1ntndo
08-28-2011, 05:24 PM
well Pheobe is gone and yes we did let her go where we found her. She seemed happy. So when I came home that night i cleaned out her tank and set it up for the babies. Ealier that morning before letting Pheobe go I tried fish. Tilapia.... OMG pheobe had hers first and she chowed down. I gave her a couple worms also. She loved it. I didnt want her going away without food in her tummy so she had a good size meal. Then it was to the babies. Wow it was awesome. Even my problem eaters didnt have any problem. They all love it. They each had a piece of fish and a piece of worm. They love it.
Also when I was switching them to the other tank I noticed that a few of them had foggy eyes so I know tht in a few days I will see some shedding going on. I cant wait to see how they look after cause they look kinda dull now. I did take pictures and when Im not on my phone and I put the pics from camera on computer. I will post them too. Ill do it but itll be earlier am.

08-28-2011, 05:38 PM
Tilapia has that affect on my garters too... They love it.

08-28-2011, 05:49 PM
Glad to hear things went well with Pheobe.
Giving her a full belly and releasing her where she was caught was a good thing.;)

08-28-2011, 05:51 PM
Oh yeah, forgot that.. what Steve said.:rolleyes:

08-30-2011, 01:46 PM
Personally, I wouldn't release her with a full belly. Snakes tend to stay hidden and not move around when they're full. It makes them vulnerable to predators by slowing them down.

I would let her digest a large meal, and once that is all but completed, then release her. Also, don't release if their eyes are cloudy from being in shed.

Personally I think it's best to release when they could use a meal and are as far from needing to shed as possible (such as right after shedding)

08-30-2011, 01:49 PM
She already released her.

08-30-2011, 01:50 PM
Lets hope she found a comfortable hiding place fairly quickly. When you're dragging around an undigested meal and/or have cloudy eyes, is not the time to be out and about.

08-30-2011, 02:02 PM
Indeed, that is why I don't leave the house after eating... Which is pretty often.

Mrs N1ntndo
08-30-2011, 04:07 PM
i already let her go but she scooted off and stopped . I dont remember seeing her when I checked again.

Mrs N1ntndo
09-01-2011, 11:45 PM
Just so you all kow I had 2 of the babies shed yesturday and that was so awesome. I left for a bit and came back and they already had them off in one piece. I have 1 that I am naming Furbie( daughter chose it....cute) is one that had shed and I believe its a girl but anyway she is still a lot of grey. Shes big too. I will take some pics in the next couple days and show you all.