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View Full Version : 17th Annual Seattle Reptile Show

08-07-2011, 03:28 PM
October 15th & 16th 2011, Puyallup Fairgrounds
Last year nothing shouted to me "Take me home :D". This year maybe the same. I have yet to see any Garters. But I'll go just the same. Maybe cathch up with someone I know.
I do plan to sell off my Milks.
Anyone going?

08-07-2011, 03:33 PM
Only in spirit buddy, only in spirit.:D

08-07-2011, 03:34 PM
Only in spirit buddy, only in spirit.:D

Well that counts. :rolleyes:

08-08-2011, 04:43 AM
Maybe I'll go. Have to make sure there isn't anything conflicting with it. I'm very active in my step sons school PTA.

08-10-2011, 02:35 PM
Yeah!!!! We are going!! Adult admission is $7 for one day or $12 for a 2 day pass. Children 10 and under are free.

08-11-2011, 12:21 AM
Great see ya there.

Mrs N1ntndo
08-11-2011, 12:55 AM
October 15th & 16th 2011, Puyallup Fairgrounds
Last year nothing shouted to me "Take me home :D". This year maybe the same. I have yet to see any Garters. But I'll go just the same. Maybe cathch up with someone I know.
I do plan to sell off my Milks.
Anyone going?

I wish I was going but I am in Michigan and would be difficult to get there cause the hubby is wanting a milk snake bad along woth a hog nose but i think is more wanting a milk snake. Do you have any pics and how much are you selling them for?

10-07-2011, 06:47 PM
Bummer news. I can't go to the show this year. I have to work both days. :(

10-07-2011, 06:49 PM
Awwww. I wouldn't be able to go either, mostly because I live in the middle of no where... I'm not waking up at 5 to be on a bus for 6 hours :P

10-07-2011, 11:57 PM
I have plans on the 15th. But I would love to go on the 16th. Hopefully I can work it out :)

10-08-2011, 01:07 AM
Well if you go take pics!

10-11-2011, 12:15 AM
Great, look for garters and post

Something came up and I'll be in Lauglin, Nevada 16 - 19... so I won't be going.

10-11-2011, 02:14 AM
Michael, we need to get together so I can look at your puget babies. I'll pm you soon with the time frame I thinking of.