View Full Version : Snake Medicine Cabinet
08-06-2011, 02:56 PM
I was just thinking that maybe a thread dedicated to snake first-aid items might be good.
A place we could list some of the common medicines used to treat our snakes, that coupled with a brief explanation of how it is used.
Keeping in mind that the more serious health issues should be diagnosed and treated by a qualified Vet.
This thread could a place to go for some good ideas on how to treat minor health issues.
I'll get things started with a few around the house items that most of us should have in our medicine cabinets already.
Neosporin(Triple antibiotic ointment)
Can be used to treat minor cuts and abrasions.
I get this next one from the pharmacy with a prescription from my Vet. My cost is $4
From the Vet. it is 10 times that amount.:eek:
Silver Sulfadiazine:
It is used much in the same way Neosporin is used. My Vet. recommends this on snakes who have had incisions made during treatment.
My Vet. has also recommend its use on suspicious(discolored) looking scales. Not in the mouth area though.
08-06-2011, 03:24 PM
For serious open wounds, first-time cleansing of new minor wounds, scale rot, and preventing early stage blister disease from becoming septic, you can't beat this:
Buy CVS Povidone-Iodine 10% First Aid Antiseptic Solution online at ( g)
Comes in solution or undiluted.
For wounds around the mouth area or infections near or inside the mouth, this works well (must be diluted first) isn't as toxic as iodine and doesn't damage healthy tissue like peroxide will:
Hibiclens Antimicrobial and Antiseptic skin Cleanser Liquid - 16 oz (,or.r_gc.r_pw.&biw=1672&bih=882&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=10346640496651169590&sa=X&ei=fbE9TrXVAcrkiAKUg9jDBg&ved=0CF4Q8gIwAA)
(same ingredient in prescription mouthwash used for serious gum disease)
08-08-2011, 10:48 AM
Testament to Neosporin (Triple antibiotic ointment)
About five years ago, I was cleaning vivs, left the King snake open to long, and lost my male. I ripped the room apart to find him; I tried the baby powder trick … mouse inside a small kid’s viv inside of a 29 tall without a top … nothing so I gave up.
Move the clock ahead mid August (6-7 months) and my wife gets two new ferrule kittens and we are teaching them to hunt with live CB mice. Works great ;) spring the next year … 2007 I think, I notice one of the cats playing with something in the back yard. Jumping, pouncing on something, and throwing in the air what looked like a stick in the air then pouncing having a good old time.
Only I see that this is a funny colored stick … black and white bands … OMG :eek: it’s my male King. I shoot out the door and yep he was on the wrong end of those claws. I snatch the snake from the cat and off to the vet.
My vet looks him over, concludes no major puncher wounds, and suggests just temped bath then rub him down with olive oil. Olive oil go figure. Therefore, I do and notice a few scales missing. Instead of the olive oil, I used Neosporin and I believe it helped quicken the scale regeneration.
Long story short point Neosporin works.
Mrs N1ntndo
08-09-2011, 05:49 PM
Neosporin is such a great thing. I love the stuff.
01-19-2012, 04:33 PM
I thought I'd update this thread with some UK available stuff, we struggle more with antibiotics over the counter than our American friends. There's some ointments available on and other websites, I'm not sure about the legality of selling some of these because they contain ingredients which are normally prescription-only.
I'm considering getting some triple antibiotic ointment and keeping it around just in case I need it. I'm also pretty sure we could get some similar antibiotic ointments prescribed by a vet.
Active ingredient: chlorhexidine.
In the UK is available as Corsodyl, the mouthwash.
Hibiscrub skin cleanser (contains chlorhexamine): Hibiscrub Skin Cleanser 250ml - 1 bottle - Boots (
Antibiotic ointments:
Neosporin = Antibiotic woundcare ointment.
Active ingredients: Neomycin Sulfate,Polymyxin B, Bacitrin Zinc, Pramoxine (just an analgesic, so no antimicrobial properties).
Not available in the UK.
Bacitracin = An antimicrobial ingredient in it's own right.
Ointment called Polyfax (contains both Polymyxin B and Bacitrin zinc). It's prescription only. has several antibiotic ointments:
A double antimicrobial -
A Triple antibiotic ointment -
01-26-2013, 08:06 PM
01-26-2013, 09:06 PM
So this stuff works as an applicant to a mouth infection?
Hibiclens*Antiseptic/Antimicrobial Skin Cleanser Liquid | Walgreens (
01-26-2013, 09:07 PM
So this stuff works as an applicant to a mouth infection?
Hibiclens*Antiseptic/Antimicrobial Skin Cleanser Liquid | Walgreens (
Yes it does.
01-27-2013, 10:15 AM
Works great. I had to use it on Sadie w/her mouth issues, but still have no idea where the issue came from.
So this stuff works as an applicant to a mouth infection?
Hibiclens*Antiseptic/Antimicrobial Skin Cleanser Liquid | Walgreens (
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