View Full Version : ADOPTION of Disabled Garter ???

05-11-2007, 11:10 AM
Good Day All ... I have a young Oregon Red Spot female that has weathered what appears to be the worst of a birth defect. She developed kinks throughout her spine from head to tail. She always had one small (though abnormally sharp in hindsight) kink close to the very end of her tail. Early this year she began to develop additional kinks throughout her body. It got so bad that depending upon her position she could look accordian like. She was constantly moving about her enclosure during this time. I thought that to perhaps be in response to physical discomfort. This went on for approximately two weeks. My sole reason for not euthanizing her during this period was that she continued to feed very well. I was unable to come to terms with taking a life when she herself did not appear to have given up on life. She ate three pinks each week during this 2 week period.

This 'uncomfortable' phase occured roughly in January 2007 afterwhich her kinks seem to have smoothed out for lack of a better term. She has a very visable kink at the base of her neck followed by perhaps 3 additional 'softer' (much less noticable) ones. She is a very nicely colored animal, orange/red head but very small, I would guess no more then a foot long ... 'sub-yearling' size for lack of a better term. She continues to eat extremely well, taking 3 to 4 f/t pinks per feeding and with the exception of the 2 week period described above, she moves about 'normally'.

My reason for this post is in quest of possibly re-homing her. I have a friend who would like to take her however my friend has no previous reptile experience and that concerns me. As well intentioned as she is, it doesn't seem 'fair' to me. If anyone should have any interest in providing a new home for this girl please PM me and we can go from there. I do have pics of her ...

Happy Friday to All ...

05-11-2007, 12:01 PM
Poor girl. Good luck finding a new home for her.

05-11-2007, 03:21 PM
It's amazing that even in the shape it's in, she continued to live her life like nothing was wrong. Hope you find someone who will take good care of her.

05-12-2007, 02:37 PM
In my opinion, I would also not give her to a person who is totally new at keeping reptiles. Hope you find someone good for her.

05-12-2007, 06:25 PM
thats really kinda inspirational, poor little snake has kinks and yet she plugs away at life not leting it get to her....kinda makes me sad, i wish i could take her but i can't my parents said i can only keep rico. i really hope she gets a good home.

05-12-2007, 07:22 PM
Yeah, another friend that is a 4th grade teacher feels it would be good for her to have this snake in her class but again, our opionions differ. Not too pressing an issue as the snake is small. Not taking up alot of space makes her an easy keep, having no idea when or if condition may take a turn for the worse.

thanks for your concerns ... much appreciated :o .

05-13-2007, 10:10 AM
i think she would do good in a school. the younger kids can learn about snakes, and other things such as disabilities and what not.

05-13-2007, 12:17 PM
i think she would do good in a school. the younger kids can learn about snakes, and other things such as disabilities and what not.

It might be a good thing for the children, as you say there would be much to learn from her. However, I'm not so sure this would be the best outcome for the snake. It seems to me that she deserves a little TLC and individual attention. Poor girl.