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07-24-2011, 09:07 PM
Hello everyone, I am going to Petsmart tomorrow and am wondering what I should look for? I need a basking light for sure. What kind of bulb so I need for it?

Also, is there anything else I will need to get? Thermometer? Humidity detector? Anything of that nature?

07-24-2011, 09:11 PM
Thermometer and hydrometer (humidity gauge) is a must. I use a normal 60 wat bulb.

07-24-2011, 09:11 PM
Just get a low watt repti-sun bulb or something for basking. You don't need a high wattage one, because they're pretty hot when you pass 30 watts.

07-24-2011, 09:14 PM
A thermometer is always good to have, just to make sure your snake isn't getting too hot or cold. Just a tip; you can find very similar tankside thermometers for less than a dollar at WalMart to the ones that cost about six dollars at the pet store :)

Where I live the temps and humidity inside are fine, so I've never used a lamp or had to worry about misting them..

07-24-2011, 09:14 PM
I stay away from any reptile bulbs from pet stores. They get too hot, and are over priced. The one advantage is the fixed line... that can be fixed with a normal bulb, tilting the lamp at an angle and stuff, cause you don't want to heat up the whole cage. Your choice.

07-24-2011, 09:50 PM
Thermometer and hydrometer (humidity gauge) is a must. I use a normal 60 wat bulb.

I have a electronic home one the room my snake is in (my bedroom). That has temp and humidity. Would that be okay to use instead of having on in the tank? Because wouldn't the humidity of the room be the same as the tank?

Also, why should we keep track of the humidity? What is good humidity for these snakes?

07-24-2011, 10:14 PM
idk about the humidity, but you'd need a thermometer in the tank if you're using a basking light. It can be dangerous if they get too hot, so you need to monitor that.

If the humidity is too low, they can have problems shedding, especially babies.

07-24-2011, 10:37 PM
idk about the humidity, but you'd need a thermometer in the tank if you're using a basking light. It can be dangerous if they get too hot, so you need to monitor that.

If the humidity is too low, they can have problems shedding, especially babies.

Whats a good hot temp, and a good cold side temp?

And how would you go after changing humidity in a snake's tank? Misting?

07-24-2011, 10:51 PM
They tell me around 75f for the cool side and about 85f for the warm side. But I keep my snakes in an non-air-conditioned room, so I'm pretty sure my temps are a bit warmer than that. But I do have a nice big water section for them to bathe in.

07-24-2011, 10:51 PM
Dollar tree sells sunbeam 45 watt reflector bulbs for a buck.... perfect garter lights.

http://couponsrene.info/Sunbeam%20Mighty%20Bulb%20Indoor%20Floodlights,%20 65%20Watt.jpg

07-24-2011, 11:06 PM
And how would you go after changing humidity in a snake's tank? Misting?

I just use my frog's mist-er but a little finger-sprayer from walmart or the dollar store works. Just spritz the inside of the tank a bit. Make sure not to let it get too wet and that the substrate doesn't stay damp at all because that can cause problems.

07-24-2011, 11:17 PM
If humidity is too high they can develop blister disease. From some of the threads I've read the ideal humidity should be around 50-60%. Toothless developed a blister when we first got her, before we got a well ventilated enclosure. We kept a close eye on her and used antibiotic ointment on it. She is doing great now. Luckily we have a local reptile vet that is affordable.

07-25-2011, 12:17 AM
If humidity is too high they can develop blister disease. From some of the threads I've read the ideal humidity should be around 50-60%. Toothless developed a blister when we first got her, before we got a well ventilated enclosure. We kept a close eye on her and used antibiotic ointment on it. She is doing great now. Luckily we have a local reptile vet that is affordable.

My homes humidity is 47% at night and around 50% in the daytime... Is this ok?

07-25-2011, 01:13 AM
I'd say that's about perfect. I wouldn't get it any higher than 60%, and only have it at 60 or a tiny bit higher if your snake is shedding.

07-25-2011, 06:54 AM
I'd go a little higher, with one or two little sprays of water once or twice a day. This is why you need a hygrometer.

07-25-2011, 07:25 AM
I've never worried about humidity and I live in a fairly arid area. I couldn't even make a guess as to what the humidity is in my house or in the snake tanks. I do mist them occasionally, but it's not even a weekly thing. As long as they have a water dish large enough to soak in they should be ok. My guys very rarely soak and have perfect sheds, so I trust that they're fine.

They do love a basking light, though. Like other's have said, just make sure it doesn't get too hot in the tank. I've bought a couple of those 'inside/outside' thermometers from Harbor Freight and Walmart. I put one side on the cool side and the probe right on or near their basking spot. You can simply move the light further away to reduce heat or go with a lower watt bulb.

Good luck. It sounds like you're on the right track!

07-25-2011, 08:14 AM
My homes humidity is 47% at night and around 50% in the daytime... Is this ok?

All you need.. nothing else.

07-25-2011, 09:58 PM
That's what I use. They work fine. They can't handle bumps though, they'll blow in a heartbeat. Just make sure you use a domed ceramic socket fixture and choose a wattage that gives you the right temperature. Place it on one end of the tank.

You don't need those expensive basking bulbs. Also all this stuff you've been mentioning that you're buying and where you are buying it, is way more expensive than it needs to be. Don't go buying a $15 bulb when a $1 bulb is just as good. ;) Got my domed light fixtures for around $5-$10, substrate for half as much as petsmart charges, dollar store plants, etc.

I just think it's outrageous how much petsmart and petco charge for stuff. There's other places to get most of it, much cheaper.