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View Full Version : Parasite/worms and deworming question

07-18-2011, 04:57 PM
Ok, I know that my WC male, being WC, probably has some "bugs"...

First, I've had him for less than a year, but close. I'd consider that a successful "quarantine", wouldn't you? He has no noticable parasitic anythings. Is there any chance of any he may have, being passed on to another snake?

Also, how does deworming work? Where can I get it, how does it work? What form is it in?

07-18-2011, 05:15 PM
If you haven't de-wormed your W/C then it will have the propensity to pass any parasites to another snake, mostly through fecal matter.
A Vet would weigh you snake and probably use Panacur. It's an oral medicine and probably receive a second treatment 2 weeks later.
The second treatment can be done by you.
Most Vets. do the first in office and send the meds. home with you along with a syringe.
This has been my experience.

07-18-2011, 05:18 PM
Thanks. How much would it cost?

07-18-2011, 05:21 PM
It depends on the area. The vets in my area aren't reputable and wanted to charge 150 for a fecal float, and 100 if one of my snakes did have parasites/worms. That's just for one snake.

edit: I said it depends on the snake.. When I meant area. Haha. Sorry.

07-18-2011, 05:24 PM
Argh!!!!!!!. I can't spend that!!!!!!!!

07-18-2011, 05:25 PM
It might be different where you are, I live in the boonies, so vets charge a lot of money simply because they're the only vet for miles.

07-18-2011, 05:34 PM
Yeah... Still won't be cheap.

07-18-2011, 06:14 PM
Keep the water very clean, especially if your WC poops in it. Not all parasites can be passed this way. Food coming in contact with fecal matter is another way. Still other parasites must be acquired by eating an intermediate host. Those are the worst kind in my experience, and luckily, aren't contagious just by keeping snakes together thank goodness.

Didn't we talk about this before, or was it another member/thread?

Look, WC snakes can live long lives in captivity with a moderate parasite load. Their health really depends on how loaded up they are, and what type they have. Either way, having them parasite-free gives them quite a health advantage, particularly if they become mildly ill or otherwise stressed for some other reason.

Tape worms are by far the most likely parasite to cause outward symptoms and health problems and you can't get rid of those with panacur. Panacur is a good wide spectrum anti parasitic that takes care of a wide variety of organisms though.

Personally, if the snake has good body mass, eats well, and appears healthy, I skip the vet/fecal float and treat them as if they are infected. (you don't want to treat a snake if it seems weakened or doesn't eat well because it's hard on them) The meds necessary to do so are cheap and available OTC. However, getting the dosage right is critical and for that you need not only to know how much your snake weighs in grams on an empty stomach but also you need to be able to measure the dosage and for that you need a scale capable of accurately measuring micrograms/milligrams and they aren't cheap.

Really, anyone can do it. You don't have to have special knowledge or a vet but most people do that for peace of mind. But it's costly. Weigh your snake in grams/kg (most vets will let you use their scale for free) after a two week fast and tell me what it weighs. I can send you meds (the right dosage) that will take care of everything panacur gets rid of, plus get rid of/prevent tape worms, for free. It will work, and it won't kill your snake. Is that cheap enough?

07-18-2011, 06:48 PM
I guess. Depends on the scale cost. I really can spend that money right now, it will be a few weeks, but I'll let ya know. Thank you.

I may check out the local vets just for the heck of it though.

07-20-2011, 10:46 PM
I guess. Depends on the scale cost. I really can spend that money right now, it will be a few weeks, but I'll let ya know. Thank you.

The scale I use sells for around $1,600 and is also calibrated and tested regularly by the USDA for accuracy. It's capable of accurately weighing a flake of dandruff off of your head. It's not my scale. It belongs to my employer, is located in a full service USDA food testing laboratory, and I have access to its use.

I'm not asking you to spend any money. What I'm trying to tell you is that if you can get your snake weighed in grams (doesn't have to be accurate by fractions of a gram) after a two week fast, I will weigh and measure the dosage for you, and send you the meds.

07-21-2011, 07:04 AM
OK, sorry. I must say, i never a 1,600 scale
existed :D

And look, I'm not doing it NOW... I told ya in the next few weeks. We're kinda busy and I need to wait. Thank you though.

07-21-2011, 12:52 PM
That's nothing. We also have scales that cost over 6 grand.

07-21-2011, 12:53 PM