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07-03-2011, 02:32 PM
I understand the reasoning behind not feeding comets. Although some disagree, I won't risk the beautiful Florida Blue I caught in May. I saw searching the forums some feed Rosie Reds, which I switched to, or guppies. I've used bait store minnows in the past almost excusively. But what about frozen silver sides?
Of course I can always convert the little guy to rodents but with 25 rodent eaters already.....8.54 for 8oz of silversides calls to me.:)
Don't fret my friends, whatever is best for the snake be it a rodent conversion or silvers, that is the route I'll go.:cool:

07-03-2011, 02:36 PM
Frozen silversides are a healthier alternative than live feeder fish.

07-03-2011, 04:15 PM
I use feeder guppies, but only occasionally. That;s the only live fish i would feed.

Frozen silversides are my main fish source. Safe.

07-03-2011, 04:19 PM
Rosie Reds are not recommended. They are high in a chemical called thiaminase which, if consumed by garter snakes in large quantities, can lead to Vitamin B deficiency. It is recommended that you avoid any feeder fish that contains thiaminase.

Thiaminase can be killed by cooking the fish, if it is fresh, but any fish rich in thiaminase that is frozen will actually be even more problematic.

Silversides and guppies are relatively safe. Frozen/thawed fish fillets from a reputable supplier are also an option. I feed Little Dude tilapia cut into strips (though Scarlett won't touch them).

Another option is Nightcrawlers. Garter snakes love them, and they are relatively easy to obtain. Your local bait shop likely carries them, as well as any large retail department store. Nightcrawlers are highly recommended due to certain biotics in their digestive tract that are very beneficial to garter snakes. If your snake is small, you can always cut a nightcrawler up into small bite-sized pieces, and if served immediately, the pieces will still be wiggling, attracting you snakes attention easily.

07-04-2011, 05:29 AM
I use feeder guppies, but only occasionally. That;s the only live fish i would feed.

Frozen silversides are my main fish source. Safe.

Rosie Reds are not recommended. They are high in a chemical called thiaminase which, if consumed by garter snakes in large quantities, can lead to Vitamin B deficiency. It is recommended that you avoid any feeder fish that contains thiaminase.

Thiaminase can be killed by cooking the fish, if it is fresh, but any fish rich in thiaminase that is frozen will actually be even more problematic.

Silversides and guppies are relatively safe. Frozen/thawed fish fillets from a reputable supplier are also an option. I feed Little Dude tilapia cut into strips (though Scarlett won't touch them).

Another option is Nightcrawlers. Garter snakes love them, and they are relatively easy to obtain. Your local bait shop likely carries them, as well as any large retail department store. Nightcrawlers are highly recommended due to certain biotics in their digestive tract that are very beneficial to garter snakes. If your snake is small, you can always cut a nightcrawler up into small bite-sized pieces, and if served immediately, the pieces will still be wiggling, attracting you snakes attention easily.

I knew about thiaminase. We had a problem in Lake Griffen (large lake in Florida) with a mass killing of gators due to an introduced fish full of the stuff. I usually fed worms in the Spring and fish the rest of the year. I haven't had a Garter in 20 years when Silversides didn't exist in pet stores. Good info and thanks for the responses.

07-09-2011, 01:21 AM
Like the others said, guppies or nightcrawlers/earthworms, I think garter snakes start to grow most once they get on pinky mice.

07-09-2011, 07:44 AM
Personally, and from my experience, garters grow better with a variety. In a lot of places, garters have more than one food that they eat, whether its frogs, slugs, fish, mice, or worms. I feed my snakes a mixture of mice and worms, with a treat of fish, snail or frog every once in a while.

07-09-2011, 09:05 AM
Like the others said, guppies or nightcrawlers/earthworms, I think garter snakes start to grow most once they get on pinky mice.

IMO it's best to mix it up, some pinkies (most of diet), worms and fish. Fish are optional, pinkies and worms, imo, are probably the best diet.