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05-06-2007, 06:04 PM
Well, I asked my dad if I could get another garter, and he said no. After arguing with him for a while I found out that he would let me breed, but only if I can catch another snake and use that. He never said why, but I can't buy another snake. This makes absolutely no sense to me, since I would be paying for it. I also told him how it probably wouldn't be worth it to sell normal easterns, but he said I can breed what I catch. :confused:
Any suggestions on how to help him understand (and let me buy another snake)?

05-06-2007, 08:16 PM
tell him that its better to get a store baught one for safety reasons. one being that a wild caught snake could have parasites that might damage your already existing garter. 2. tell him that you feel its wrong to catch a wild snake and take him to a captive enviroment, try and play something along that lines, unless of course your snake already is wild caught. or maybe you could buy one off line and do all your payments over the net

05-06-2007, 08:29 PM
my parents never used to really look in my cages too much when I was younger, lol i bet he wouldnt even notice if there was another one : D

05-07-2007, 02:44 AM
I know what I'd do......Go out to "catch" a wild snake, but make sure I had money in my pocket. Then I'd come home with the snake I "caught". The money would be gone though! Who would know?

05-07-2007, 05:39 AM
that was my thinking also
if you're buying it with your own money, your dad doesn't even need to know
unless of course he's in charge of your personal funds

05-07-2007, 06:59 AM
But I'd be getting it online, not from a pet store. I'd actually rather have a wild caught garter than one from petco.

05-07-2007, 07:28 AM
Hay Abcat: OK we are talking major deception here, not a good idea. Parents despite how it seems are not a dumb as they look. Suppose you did buy another snake, and your Dad did find out, then what? Lots of trouble, loss of trust (bad), disrespect he may even make you get rid of both snakes, not a good situation (I have been there on the theory that when the gun rack is full the wife doesn’t notice a new one..... wrong). How about this? Sit down and show your father this site, (not necessarily this thread) and show him what goes on here (and some of the photos of the beautiful snakes), he may change his mind, if it is his idea. If that doesn’t work, ask him to help you look for a wild snake, he was a kid once too, and he may have fun. Besides if you find some you can always say "wrong sex" (who can tell anyway?). Working to “tame” a wild snake might be fun, and when the time comes you can always release them. One thing that I have found (both personally and professionally) is that it is best never to lie, not necessarily any great moral code on my part, but I always seen to get caught. Good luck.:)

05-07-2007, 08:31 AM
you are a better man than I
of course being truthful is always the preferred option
and your advice to get the dad involved is a much better idea

05-07-2007, 12:07 PM
Yes, of course Terry is right. I'm shamed! Of course you should try to get your parents on side rather than trying to deceive.

05-07-2007, 12:19 PM
Honesty is the best policy in these matters. Not even I could get away with buying a new snake without anybody finding out. :D Whenever any of my relatives come over, they still head for the terrarium and ask the usual question; "Still only two?" Believe it or not, but my parents still have something to say about my pets, because since I'm studying again, I'm forced to keep 2/3 of my snakes at my parents house.

But I don't think I've told them about the corn yet. :eek:

05-07-2007, 01:58 PM
Wait a minute, I never said anything about deception. I was just wondering how some of you convinced your parents (or how you, the parent, was convinced) to let you get a snake. Me keeping my garter was partial luck, because my dad was extremely tired and didn't really care that my grandpa had found a snake while moving stones with my dad, and I kept it.

05-07-2007, 03:42 PM
yeah, i have problems with that aparently its true what they say "mom always knows" its true she can always tell when i am lieing...she asks " christopher do you have another critter in your room?" i said no she goes your ears are turning red your lieing show me the snake...and i was like fine...showed her rico!!! and she said ahhhh!H!H!H!H! and ran....but i still got to keep him so its all good now

and besides rico now goes to the elementary school some times to teach the kids about snakes and how to handle them. (plus i love the extra credit and time out of class)

05-07-2007, 04:53 PM
Wait a minute, I never said anything about deception. I was just wondering how some of you convinced your parents (or how you, the parent, was convinced) to let you get a snake. Me keeping my garter was partial luck, because my dad was extremely tired and didn't really care that my grandpa had found a snake while moving stones with my dad, and I kept it.

Sorry Matt, I guess the whole deception thing was my idea:eek:. Best to ignore me and go with your own concience!

05-07-2007, 04:58 PM
actually i think the deception was my fault with the whole "buy it off line thing..." sorry m8s!!! best of luck to ya

05-08-2007, 01:23 AM

Your dad might be working under the theory that something "earned" out of your own effort is always cherished a lot more than something bought. Maybe he's trying to encourage this type of adventure and discovery? I'm glad he has noticed the care and responsibility you've shown to your garter, and I noticed that he's changed his mind on the number of snakes you're now allowed to have ;). That's because of you, so good job!

I also realize that you don't want another common garter snake (T.s. sirtalis). You want something more exotic and colorful. Terry offered an excellent suggestion about showing your dad the enormous variety of garters available... just not in your area. Do a bit of web surfing and save all the cool garter morph pictures that you find into one directory, so you can show them to him quickly and easily. Then let him know that you want to invest in a more colorful and unique (sub)species. If YOU think it would help, you might also show him the prices (and demand) for some of these morphs. You're definitely on the right track, Matt, so continue to have patience and maturity... it's working ;).


05-12-2007, 09:10 PM
I never would have thought of the adventure and work for it part that you brought up Cazador.It makes sense that way.

My parents used to refuse reptiles because of responsibility issues. Then I got older and when they saw how well I was treating my many bonsai they decided to say yes to my request of a garter snake. I just have to design and build my dad a vegetable garden (like every year) and I can get my supplies and then my snake.I paying for most of it, I guess as another responsibility test, but I guarantee I'll persuade them into paying for one of the big supplies.:D