View Full Version : Sad news

06-18-2011, 05:49 PM
So today when I got home I decided to go out field herping with my buddy and we did not have a very good time. We went to a local elementary school that I used to go to and find snakes all the time, and to our disappointment we did not see any live snakes, however we did find two dead ones. It was a really sad sight. They were about fifty yards from each other. They both were very stiff and eaten by bugs and insects pretty bad. I do not understand what is going on down there. Not even two weeks ago I found five or so healthy snakes there. Im wondering what has happened in the past weeks. Any ideas? I can't think of any explanation.

06-18-2011, 06:02 PM

Stefan's signature says it all.

Natura non contristatur, nature is not saddened, That is, the natural world is not sentimental or compassionate.

06-18-2011, 09:45 PM
If you continue to find a lot of dead snakes around, I'd wonder if maybe someone in the area was spraying some sort of pesticide. If not, then it's just one of those things that happens.

06-18-2011, 09:49 PM
Or perhaps an outbreak of a disease in the animals that the snakes have been eating. I don't know if that really happens , though.

06-18-2011, 10:01 PM
Yeah I was actually thinking all three of those things. I figured finding two was just chance. The part that worries me is the field I find them in is on this guys property that gave me permission to go out there as long as I am not messing with the snakes, like taking them home. He likes them. But the field is met with a fence that separates his property from the school playground. And the kids in my area are very cruel to animals. I don't know. I just hate seeing the population diminish. I'll talk to the property owner and see if I can do anything to help with keeping that area a little more safe. One of the snakes I found had a huge gash out of its side. Like it was hit with a weed whacker or a stick or something. The other one looked normal. Just eaten a little. I will try to keep you guys posted. Thanks for the help.

06-18-2011, 10:06 PM
Hopefully he can figure something out. It's always nice to find someone who cares about the animals in his yard. Not many people do.

06-18-2011, 11:12 PM
Yeah. He is a very nice person. He has like 6 acres or so. He is a distant relative of a close friend of mine. He said I can go through his field as long as Im respectful. I think I am going to go and speak with him tomorrow morning and see if there is a way I can help out with the area. It is getting pretty dry out there. But he doesn't water. We'll see. I don't want to mess with nature too much. I think I'll ask him if he has put out any pesticides this year.