View Full Version : Housing babies together?

06-03-2011, 11:34 AM
I'd like to buy another baby snake to put in with the one I have.

But I'd like to clear this up first...

I've heard that you have to wash them off after every feeding, CANNOT feed in the cage together, or they'll basically eat each other... however I've seen lots of people (Steve comes to mind) that keep tons of babies together and feed them all in the cage...

Any other things I'd need to know housing two babies together please bring it up. Some people make it seem worry free, and others make it seem really risky.. I just want to make sure I know the basics.

06-03-2011, 11:45 AM
I feed my 5 babies together. If you can really monitor them and make sure they aren't trying to bite the other's food, it can be fairly easy to do. Also, if you're really careful not to get food on one of them, like I did yesterday.., they shouldn't smell too much like food, but a quick clean with a warm damp cloth will help a lot if you're worried.

If you're like me, you could also keep their tank near you after feeding time to make sure no ones acting like a starved maniac, and chasing a baby who got washed. Specks has a tendency to try to eat anyone if there is just a hint of food smell in the room.

If you're really suspicious or worried, you can feed them separately and clean them off when they're done. With my 5, I haven't had to do that (yet), but it comes down you your decision.

Make sure there is plenty of space and enough hides in there so that if they want time away from each other, they can have it. I'm sort of a hypocrite when it comes to this, because I have my 5 in a 1 gallon, but we have money problems and blah blah blah.
Some snakes don't like being around others and will refuse to eat, become skittish and stressed out. Others will eat better and calm down more. Each snake is different and feels differently about those sorts of things. Make sure to monitor them when you first put them in there to make sure that no one is getting stressed out. I'd keep an eye on the tank every once in a while for a week or two. If your snake is normally out and about, calm and pretty tame and suddenly becomes withdrawn, hiding a lot and gets more skittish, I'd take the other out.

I had to do this with Snap, she doesn't like being around anyone (though, she's fine with Mama)

Sorry for the long post, that's about as basic as I can make it ;)

06-03-2011, 02:30 PM

I'm not worried about it at all, that's why I asked, otherwise I'd just feed them seperate and not take any chances.

Mine is a pretty skittish and hides all day, but I think that's because he's all alone in a big 10gal... hoping another will fix that.

Thanks, that just about answers my question(s).

06-03-2011, 05:58 PM
Well, he's also a new baby. When mine were born all they wanted to do was hide under their log. I don't blame them. After their first breath, a big giant creep that's about 10,000 times the size of them is picking them out and putting them in a new area. You would be hiding, too ;)

06-04-2011, 12:15 AM
Not a problem. I house all mine separate but several years ago I had a community tank with some little garters. I Just kept a good eye on them around feeding time and even my aggressive eaters calmed down and played nice after a while. I'm not sure if it'll make Your snake any more active but even if it doesn't Your odds of seeing one out moving around will double.
Best of luck

06-04-2011, 05:25 AM
I'm not sure if it'll make Your snake any more active but even if it doesn't Your odds of seeing one out moving around will double.

Exactly. It doubles the odds. I got the flame hoping to make the concinnus more active. Did it? Well...not really, in fact the concinnus was pretty obviously a bit afraid of the smaller flame for the first couple of weeks or so (dashing away quickly if touched).

He got over it and is now out and about a LOT more but I don't think it had anything to do with getting a second, he just seems to go through phases. Now the flame has always been very active and outgoing. With two animals everytime I glance at the tank somebody is busy doing something, with a rare lull in activity early afternoon during naptime (I work from home and their enclosure is next to my desk so I see them all day).

I think the extra stimulation of having another animal in their world is probably good for them as long as like Kibakiba said, they aren't stressed, but with garters living communally in the wild I would bet few would get THAT stressed as long as they have enough room.

So will it help his shyness? May be, may not. Will it be more entertaining for you? Definitely.

06-04-2011, 08:19 AM
Well, then I'll get one. Very soon. I want one not onnly to calm the other down, I just want one!!
