View Full Version : Idea for a summer project

05-18-2011, 11:05 PM
Well hello guys. Haven't been on here in awhile. Been pretty busy. I came up with an idea the other day and want to get your guys input on it. I have noticed a very wide variety of snakes, garters and non garters, in my area. I was thinking about going out herping and doing a study of which snakes I find in certain areas around my neck of the woods. No intention of keeping the snakes. Just a study to see what I have in my area. What do you guys think about that? I have been doing research and I found roughly 15 species of non venomous snakes in Colorado. And 4 of the venomous ones which I will log from a respectable distance if I find them ;). I will take photos and log what I find in a journal. I will also put sites on a map of what was where. Let me know what you guys think. I could use some input. I'm going to say right now that I am fairly new to a project like this and could really use some expert advice. Thanks :)

05-18-2011, 11:07 PM
It is taboo on sites like this to too specifically pinpoint the location where animals are found.

05-18-2011, 11:10 PM
Well the exact details I feel would be a little dry for conversation on here. I'm more curious that anything. Mostly I would post photos and stories about what I find. If you guys see a certain little guy or gal you like I could put in a little more detail.

05-19-2011, 02:19 AM
Thank you very much for sharing. Some of us get no further than this foum to some of these experiences and it is always amazing to experience them thru the eyes of a forum member. Again, thank you!
Le Ann

““Do not tell fish stories where the people know you; but particularly, don't tell them where they know the fish.” Mark Twain.

i have pasted Le Ann's reply to an earlier thread about herping as she speaks for a number of us on the site and no one can say it any better.
go for it, there are a lot of us just waiting to read of your experiences

05-19-2011, 04:19 AM
Thanks for the support! I'm very excited to get started. Weather is an issue right now. And I am ironing out every detail for this little study. I want to be thorough. Hopefully soon I have some photos and stories for you guys.

05-19-2011, 05:41 PM
Be careful if you see one of these:


05-19-2011, 08:37 PM
Sounds like a nice idea. I look forward to seeing the pictures of what you find :)