View Full Version : New Baby Pix

05-14-2011, 05:17 PM
Here are a few pix of my new setup and the two new babies (my first garters). These pix are not great (I am challenged when it comes to taking pix, using a 10 year old digital camera probably doesn't help matters any!)

First up the new cage setup. This is actually two cages stacked, the lower one is for the ball python. FYI I had these custom made by a guy in IL, very reasonable price and a super nice guy. Does screen enclosures, all glass, whatever you want. http://www.cagecompany.com/ (http://www.cagecompany.com/)


And here is the little Concinnus I got from ConcinnusMan 2 weeks ago. Very sweet little guy, great eater, I am very pleased with him and the purchase.


Here he is chowing down on some pinky parts...num num...


And eating yet more...


Pix of the little flame male to follow....

05-14-2011, 05:19 PM
And here is the little flame male from Snakeman...very pleased with this little guy too:


Chowing down on fresh dug earthworm and pinky parts...



05-14-2011, 05:22 PM
Pretty darn good photos for an old camera. Might be old, but it's quality. Great photos Sonya! That little flame eastern is going to be quite a looker as he matures, (he already is) you can bet on it.

Beautiful enclosures, beautiful snakes!:D

Just got done checking out that website. Man, those are nice enclosures that will look nice in any home. Very nice!

05-14-2011, 06:22 PM
Both your little scrubs look great.
Glad things are going well.

05-14-2011, 06:34 PM

05-14-2011, 06:49 PM
. Man, those are nice enclosures that will look nice in any home. Very nice!

Yeah they are nice and as I said he keeps the prices reasonable, when I ordered two I paid a lot less than the list price on the site.

The cage floor is over an inch lower than the glass, so when the babies want to look out and see what the "big animals" in the room are doing they have to peep their little heads up. It is always so cute...


05-14-2011, 07:19 PM
Very nice.
They do take great interest in their space.

Mine are very curious about the vacuum when I get it out.
For some strange reason they seem very interested in the refrigerator in the big snake room.
Can't figure that one out.:D

05-14-2011, 07:37 PM
Those are two good additions to any collection. Very nice setup as Well

05-15-2011, 05:43 AM
Very nice.
They do take great interest in their space.

Yes, especially if food is possibly involved! They really are such a joy, the flame male makes me laugh; whenever I offer a tiny earthworm he grabs it and thrashes/twists/battles that worm dramatically as if he is a giant burmese taking on an equally dangerous alligator.

Meanwhile the concinnus is in shed and hiding for the last 3 days. Got concerned last night and put a very wet papertowl in his favorite hide, the tank feels dry and if he is feeling shy he may not want to venture to the water dish (those are homemade hides so I hope they are waterproofed enough). This morning his head peeped out briefly and his eyes are opaque blue. Hope 3-4 days without food won't do any harm.

05-15-2011, 07:54 AM
Hope 3-4 days without food won't do any harm.

He'll be just fine, Mom.:D

Some snakes eat during opaque phase and some don't.
Your snake will know what's best for him during this time.
Relax and have a nice cup of tea.
May I suggest "Earl Gray"

05-15-2011, 09:11 AM
He'll be just fine, Mom.:D

Some snakes eat during opaque phase and some don't.

Yes, the logical part of my brain says he will be just fine! The neurotic part of my brain says they are still tiny fragile babies and if something isn't right it can cause a domino effect...

With good hydration (the wet paper towel in the hide with him) he will likely be just fine. Hopefully he sheds today or tonight, then no doubt he will be ravenous.

05-15-2011, 12:09 PM
If he happens to make an appearance go ahead and offer him food. (Place it close enough for him to smell it) These babies will usually eat even when opaque but are just a little more nervous and shy. Understandable because they can't see a dang thing when their eyes are cloudy.

Opaque phase can last a few days. Then one day, you will see his eyes go clear again, but he still won't look bright. That's when he's about to shed. Could be a day or three after his eyes go clear again, then he'll shed.

05-15-2011, 12:56 PM
If he happens to make an appearance go ahead and offer him food. (Place it close enough for him to smell it).

Yeah I saw him out last night, I scrambled to warm up some pinky parts and caught him as he was headed to the water dish in the corner. When I offered food he promptly raced back to the hide (as if to say "leave me alone woman!") which is why I put the damp paper towel in the hide.

I am sure he will be fine. He won't starve if he is willing to eat, no worries!

05-15-2011, 02:04 PM
Sounds to me like he's acting perfectly normal.;)

05-17-2011, 05:20 AM
FYI just found a perfect shed at the entrance of his favorite hide, all one piece from tail tip to eyecaps so that went well.

Glad to see that because yesterday we had a scare, something I had feared could happen, actually did. While feeding the concinnus who hadn't eaten for 3 days he got overly excited and suddenly raced right out the front of the enclosure!

He plopped onto the carpet at the feet of my Australian Shepherd; snake baby was a bit stunned, dog had no clue what it was that had dropped and looked up at me as I gasped, fortunately I managed snatched him up before the little guy decided to race under the furniture.

Naturally I started worrying about internal injuries etc... but if he managed to shed perfectly a few hours later he is likely just fine. Will have to figure out a way to keep these little guys from stepping off the "edge of their world".

05-17-2011, 05:45 AM
Glad to hear the shed went well.
Hopefully there were no injuries from the dog.

When I first switched my snakes over to screened front, bottom hinged doors I use a feeding guard on the front.
It's made of two pieces of cardboard which fit on each side of the enclosure. Both pieces together are shorted than the distance across the enclosure so when they are attached they leave an opening in the middle where I feed from.
I don't use them anymore as the snakes have learned where the edge is and very rarely fall out.
They are more interested in coming to me for food.
Spoiled scrubs.:D

05-17-2011, 05:52 AM
I share the same concerns. I've had so many snakes take the plunge from there cage to the floor. Sometimes as high as a 5 foot drop. Each time it happens I'm always in fear that there hurt. Its been going on for me for over 10 years and to date all mine that ever hit the ground have been fine.
I have gotten real good at making that mid flight catch before they hit the ground.
Glad to hear it shedded ok. Tough things

05-17-2011, 06:08 AM
Glad to hear the shed went well.
Hopefully there were no injuries from the dog.

When I first switched my snakes over to screened front, bottom hinged doors I use a feeding guard on the front.

The dog, Dillon, never touched him, he just looked at me and wondered why I gasped when that "odd little object" dropped to the floor. Thank God it wasn't my big alpha male dog (who is usually put away when I feed), that dog probably wouldn't have hurt him but if I drop something at his feet he won't let me have it back until he decides he doesn't want it. Also that dog may have an instinctual fear of snakes.

Good idea about a cardboard guard, I was trying to think of ideas last night. Before I tried to watch and block with my hand but they are so tiny and so darn fast and this time he was so excited about food he was totally unaware of his surroundings! I was just so glad the baby was stunned, he was 5" away from a big cedar chest and if he had dashed under that it would have been tough to find/catch him. That thing is heavy and has the two snake cages on top.

Glad to hear it shedded ok. Tough things

Yeah the perfect shed put my mind at ease, else I would have been fretting for a while. He is out basking now, probably feels like a new snake after the shed.

05-17-2011, 06:11 AM
Sorry, I misunderstood about the dog.;)

05-17-2011, 06:43 AM
Just to clarify, I am in no way saying "my dogs are so sweet they wouldn't hurt a little snake". Heavens no! Just that the baby had a huge dark cave to hide in 5" in front of his face and he would have likely lunged for that while the dogs were still sniffing and deciding if he was alive and worth harrassing.

Reminds me the lady that said "her python recognizes that their new kitten is a pet and won't eat him!" LOL.

05-17-2011, 06:55 AM
Through my experience I found that most dogs are just curious but its the cats you have to watch out for. I had a cat. She made several attempts to get at my snakes but unfortunately I didn't get rid of her until she ate my baby snow plains. I've had snakes bite my dogs for getting to curious but lucky my dogs have never done nothing but sniff

charles parenteau
05-17-2011, 09:59 AM
Very nice vivarium for the snake!

05-17-2011, 10:48 AM
Very nice vivarium for the snake!

Thanks. Even though it is a big cage for such little scrubs they seem to like it with all the places to hide. The flame male in particular, who just settled after getting him last week, is out and about basking or exploring the folliage just about all day long (when he isn't staring out the glass wondering when the next meal will arrive).

The flash washes him out, he is really starting to color up more than the photo shows.


And here are both...though this pic is overly red...


05-17-2011, 10:54 AM
Totally unnecessary but you know what would look great in that enclosure? zoomed Natural cork tile or forest tile back wall. Yeah.


05-17-2011, 12:05 PM
Totally unnecessary but you know what would look great in that enclosure? zoomed Natural cork tile or forest tile back wall. Yeah.


That does look nice! Maybe I can find a "do it yourself" tutorial on that (though by the time supplies are ordered it is never cheaper than just buying it).

05-17-2011, 12:08 PM
Actually, if you buy in bulk, it is always cheaper, you just have extra. It's cheaper per item you make.
I do this with soaps and lotions. I've spent over 300 dollars on it, but have made over 600 dollars worth of soap and lotion.

05-17-2011, 12:22 PM
I love the way it looks, but if you ever got snake mites i bet it would be a pain.

05-17-2011, 12:25 PM
I love the way it looks, but if you ever got snake mites i bet it would be a pain.

Not if you use Provent-a-mite.
Simply spray it, let it dry and forgetitaboutit:D

05-18-2011, 08:47 AM
Zoomed Natural cork tile or forest tile back wall. Yeah.

Yeah the Zoo-Med would run $50 for a backpiece and probably close to $100 for the sides.

I have had a piece of styro-foam insulation sitting around waiting for a project! After having checked out some of the cool DIY backgrounds online with little shelves and such I think I might try that. Would only have to buy the paint/grout.

The moss looks good but if it got pooped on it would probably be a hassle to clean. They aren't pooping much yet but when they get older that will change!

05-18-2011, 10:48 AM
That one above is a do it yourself. You buy the cork, (tiles or natural pieces) cut the pieces to fit together, and install. I didn't even know anyone actually sells completed backgrounds of natural cork. The cork definitely isn't cheap though. You can make simulated rock (painted foam) backgrounds though, using the same methods people use to make landscaping and waterfalls. That would probably be cheaper.

zoomed cork - Google Search (http://www.google.com/search?q=zoomed+cork&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a)

How to build a waterfall for a terrarium (http://www.lizard-landscapes.com/how-to-build-a-waterfall.html)

05-18-2011, 12:45 PM
You can make simulated rock (painted foam) backgrounds though, using the same methods people use to make landscaping and waterfalls. That would probably be cheaper.

Yeah I love those foam background and waterfall vids, they also make super cool caves and such out of foam.

This video is one of the better ones (dopey music but the instructions are decent). I wouldn't have to buy/order anything for this if I use glue and eco earth. Wonder if the ecoearth would stay on fairly well? I'm thinking it would be smart to spray paint it brown before glueing the eco-earth to it so if some got wiped away on the shelves it wouldn't show.

These backgrounds would be cool in your tanks too Concincussman, would change the whole look/feel of the glass. With shelves it would allow for more crawling/activity space too.


05-18-2011, 01:54 PM
I have moss sheets already purchased that I was thinking about using to cover the back of my biggest tank. Just so I'm not staring at a white wall behind the glass. Should make the snakes feel more secure too. Just haven't got around to it.

06-13-2011, 04:59 PM
Just bought a new (well new to me) camera, that Coolpix s6000 that Richard was raving about. Richard thanks for the tips, it would have taken me hours to figure out the settings (assuming my attention span lasted that long, which is not likely).

Pix aren't great as I just used it for the first time today, regardless Redsided asked me to post pix of the flame baby as he has one too and being relatively new we both liked to compare (expect more comparison pix from two dorky new people excited about their first flames).

This is his "good side".


His less colorful side:



http://www.grayanimalrescue.org/garters/flame_8.jpgSorry no pix of the Concinnus Richard, he is shedding and in a bad mood.

06-13-2011, 10:38 PM
Those dang concinnus get so pissy when its shedding time! My northwesterns are laid back, but my little conciunnus' are literally trying to pick a fight with my hand if I'm having to clean up their water dish, a large load of poo, or spilled water... Little Snappy would coil up and wave her head back and forth with a bit of a strike until I was well away ;) They are such funny little snakes. You cant not love the concinnus, even if they are pissy and hateful like Snap :D

06-14-2011, 09:40 AM
NIce photos.

That flame is awesome. The unevenness is kinda cool.. different. Glad you got the camera.

06-14-2011, 11:15 AM
Fantastic pics Sonya!! I still struggling to get my first Garters here in England. Had the odd chequered offered but not much else - love that flame!!! Oh yes - try good old Yorkshire tea, I hear they sell it there now!!

06-15-2011, 05:07 PM
Those dang concinnus get so pissy when its shedding time!

They are such funny little snakes. You cant not love the concinnus, even if they are pissy and hateful like Snap :D

Yeah...that pretty much describes him! A week of hiding due to the shed...then he comes out and wants FOOD and nothing else, don't touch him, don't look at him, he just tolerates my presence for food.

Thanks for the kind words RedSided.

RepGuru can't you order from other Euro countries? Or is it super expensive for the shipping? Seems like you would have better luck finding what you want in Germany, Holland, etc...

Here are a couple of pix of the Concinnus that blessed me with his presence for about 5 minutes today. He was not in a photo taking mood and just wanted to gorge after his week long shed fast. They see anything like a camera moving towards them and they head straight for it.



06-15-2011, 05:27 PM
Good looking little scrub.
I'm very pleased with my T. concinnus'. Great snakes.:)

06-15-2011, 09:03 PM
That's how Ember is. If I get the camera he'll come straight for it. One time he even started trying to chew on the glass because he thought it was a mouse... :D He had eaten the day before that.

That is a nice little guy. Very, very cute!
He looks like Ember, with more defined spots.

06-16-2011, 09:01 AM
He's awesome!!