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05-10-2011, 06:30 PM
You probably noticed that Scott has his first litter of snakes. And if you'll also notice, I live in Raleigh. Convenient right? Been waiting all year. Im buying a 10gal tank off Craigslist tomorrow hopefully, so as soon as he's ready (has to feed them numerous times first) he's gonna drive on over here (his idea, i would've just driven there) and I'll pick out the one I want. Probably one of the Anerythristics.
However, I've never kept a baby snake. Just a self-caught red-sided, and he was about 3 when I found him. (still is)
So... Anything I should know? Basically i could use a baby-snake-care-sheet. How much do I feed him compared to adults? You gotta cut the worms really small, But do you still feed the whole worm? Do i feed 'em more frequently?

05-10-2011, 06:48 PM
Can you go worm hunting and find baby worms? I have lots here and they are just the right size for baby garters. If not, cut your worm pieces up small.

05-10-2011, 06:57 PM
I have lots of small-ish earthworms, not babies, but not nightcrawlers either. Will those work?

When I cut them up, do I still give him the whole worm only cut? (this is assuming its a nightcrawler)

05-10-2011, 07:03 PM
I would give him the whole worm (cut-up) worst case, he won't eat it all.

05-10-2011, 07:05 PM
Ok gotcha.

How often do I feed him?

05-10-2011, 07:13 PM
I feed my babies ever few days. Don't feed them a lot at once, their muscles aren't strong enough to get a lot of large pieces of food down.

My babies get about 4-5 pieces (cut up pinky) every 2-4 days. If I give them a piece slightly larger than the ones I normally feed, they have a hard time getting it down. At first I'd feed him probably 2-3 small worm pieces every other day... just a little bit smaller than their head. Don't worry about making a bulge in their belly.

05-11-2011, 07:40 AM
If Your plan is to get it on pinkies asap I would pu tiny peices of worms or little guppies mixed in with pinky parts(legs n tails)every 3 days. There not going to eat to much at that little size no matter how big you make the serving

05-11-2011, 09:21 AM
Chopped up pinkies and trout.




05-11-2011, 10:13 AM
First, I'm NOT worried about the getting him on pinkies.

So I got the worms covered, thanks.

Can they handle an entire guppie? Or would I have to cut them too?
If They can't I'll just get fillet. Like Wayne up there.

05-11-2011, 01:21 PM
If you get the really small feeder guppies from petstores he should be fine with them (like the ones that are around thumbnail size).

05-11-2011, 01:24 PM
Small guppies drive baby snakes crazy. Bought some last night and they are gone this morning.
Snakes are happy.

05-11-2011, 01:38 PM
First, I'm NOT worried about the getting him on pinkies..

I see the fastest growth spurts occur as soon as they take pinkies.

05-11-2011, 02:17 PM
I see that too, Wayne. My new babies are about 3 months old, and are outgrowing my 10 month old babies, who used to eat only worms.

05-11-2011, 02:22 PM
Raising Baby Garter Snakes: Some Personal Observations - gartersnake.info (http://www.gartersnake.info/articles/raising_baby_ga.php)

The Seven Rules of Raising Baby Garter Snakes - gartersnake.info (http://www.gartersnake.info/articles/the_seven_rules.php)

I see the fastest growth spurts occur as soon as they take pinkies.

Ditto. This is not to say they should always eat just pinkies. I think it's a good idea to mix it up a bit and give them worms and safe fish too or other foods with high water content. Rodents only make up 1/3 to 1/2 of the diet of my snakes, but I tend to feed them often. If I give them a good stuffing of rodents, I will usually not feed them as often. Rodents are dense nutrition and take longer to digest. Worms and fish tend to go straight through them fast.

05-11-2011, 02:37 PM
Raising Baby Garter Snakes: Some Personal Observations - gartersnake.info (http://www.gartersnake.info/articles/raising_baby_ga.php)

The Seven Rules of Raising Baby Garter Snakes - gartersnake.info (http://www.gartersnake.info/articles/the_seven_rules.php)

Ditto. This is not to say they should always eat just pinkies. I think it's a good idea to mix it up a bit and give them worms and safe fish too or other foods with high water content. Rodents only make up 1/3 to 1/2 of the diet of my snakes, but I tend to feed them often. If I give them a good stuffing of rodents, I will usually not feed them as often. Rodents are dense nutrition and take longer to digest. Worms and fish tend to go straight through them fast.

Since we are all in such cheery moods here as of late...

Please explain how mixing it up benefits the snake in any way??

Is it because we don't like the same dinner every night??

Once I get my snakes on mice and rats, I keep them on mice and rats.

They take longer to digest, your own words... so why sacrifice unnecessary time by feeding foods that blow right through the snake, when I can give them all the nutrition they need with mice and use the spare time I have on my hands for other things.

05-11-2011, 02:58 PM
Please explain how mixing it up benefits the snake in any way??

I'm listening. :rolleyes:

Once I get my snakes on mice and rats, I keep them on mice and rats.

If I can get my blk neck on mice this would be great. All they want is fish. Do you think this source "blows right through"? :confused:

05-11-2011, 03:31 PM
Since we are all in such cheery moods here as of late...

Please explain how mixing it up benefits the snake in any way??

Is it because we don't like the same dinner every night??

Once I get my snakes on mice and rats, I keep them on mice and rats.

They take longer to digest, your own words... so why sacrifice unnecessary time by feeding foods that blow right through the snake, when I can give them all the nutrition they need with mice and use the spare time I have on my hands for other things.

Well now that you mention it yeah, my snakes "don't like the same dinner every night" and will often stop feeding on one food but accept another, then back again. If I keep them on the same thing all the time they tire of it and stop eating. Even if your snakes do not do that, one food can have something to offer that the other does not. Then there is the different "flora" that live in and on different foods. I rarely supplement. That's a slippery slope that can throw things out of balance and actually cause deficiencies in spite of them receiving the nutrients. The best solution is a varied diet. At any rate, it's highly unlikely that one could sucussfully argue that the varied diet can possibly hurt in any way. However, It's certainly possible that it can benefit and besides, garters eat a wide variety of things naturally. They are not rodent specialists so who am I to force them to eat just rodents. I especially make sure my babies get plenty of juicy worms and well hydrated fish in addition to their rodents, to help keep them hydrated and help keep things moving along through their digestive system.

You're in luck if they eat fish, Michael. It may take some coaxing but I have found that most fish eaters will eventually take pinkies. Wash them in hot water after thawing and slime them up really good with the scent of their favorite fish. Give them a piece of fish, and when they're worked into a frenzy and all ready to bite again, slip them the scented pink. After they get used to eating these, you can usually back off on the scenting and eliminate that entirely and they will still continue to eat the pinks.

Another trick: Poking holes in the skull and letting a little brain matter ooze out sometimes entices a reluctant snake to take the pink. Or, try making a small incision on the body so that when it thaws, there's a lot of bleeding. Let it "marinate" in the juices, then offer the pink. Sometimes the smell of rodent isn't enough but the smell of blood drives them crazy.

05-11-2011, 03:59 PM
My snakes will refuse food if I don't mix it up for them, usually giving them fish or worms when I have them. My new babies hate worms, but all my other snakes love them. They seem to eat more vigorously when I mix things up, too.

05-11-2011, 05:37 PM
My snake loves fish. LOVES. And worms, but he doesn't like 'em like fish.
I'd like to get 'em on pinkies. But I doubt my snake (the one i already had) would even eat them. It took 2 months to get him to eat WORMS. My problem in the past has been: THEY. ARE. EXPENSIVE. If i did start feeding pinkies it would be occasional. I can't afford to buy pinkies every week. Like i said, I can only get 'em at petsmart and petco, and they are $10 for 6 pinkies. Is that overpriced?

Thanks for the links, Richard. I had already read them, but thanks:D

05-11-2011, 05:54 PM
$10.00 for 6 pinkies is way over-priced. I was paying $5.00 for 6 pinkies and THAT was over-priced. If you can order on-line, in quantity, then the shipping will be worth it. It will bring the price per pinkie down tremendously. I pad $140.00 (no more) for 700 pinkies about 45 days ago. They will keep in the freezer. Half of that price was shipping. You could go for less but shipping won't change by much. Still, worth looking into.

05-11-2011, 06:13 PM
If you buy them in a large bulk they are a lot cheaper. Without the bulk pack I got (200), I wouldn't have food for my snakes. 200 has lasted me about 2 months with 12 snakes. I still have about 100 left. Most of my snakes eat more than one pinky per feeding. Mama eats 3, it used to be 5 but she as getting fat, snakey eats 1, he's too small to eat any more... Snap and Ember are getting larger than Mama, almost, and eat 2 a week. And, my 5 babies and 2 (almost) yearling eat about 1.5 pinkies between each other, that are cut up.

To keep the snakes healthier, or just to supplement their diet, perhaps you could save 5-10 dollars a month to pay for a bulk pack and shipping. I know it's expensive, but health wise, I find its worth it.

05-11-2011, 06:29 PM
Agreed. You can certainly offset cost by supplementing.

05-11-2011, 07:11 PM
Got these today. (actually about twice as many) Alive this morning, arrived frozen this afternoon. Cost me a grand total of a smile and a handshake. No, actually, I had to bring out some of my garters and show them off, which was a pleasure anyway. Albinos were a big hit. There's a lot people out there (on the internet) that don't think of me as a "people person" but when it comes to face-to-face local people, networking via craigslist and sharing of mutual interests, face to face meetings and such, things happen. Good things. Like tons of free and fresh rodents. Free and/or very cheap "reptile accessories", etc. People just love to talk about their hobby with a real person and show off their collections. Goes both ways really. Everyone benefits. Human and snake alike. Just 4 of these ensured that every snake I have, got a fair share of rodents which will hold them over for days. Lovin' it.


With the rest, I think I'll fix up a pot of Jambalaya.:p

But seriously, even the babies less than one month old chowed on this stuff. (chop while still frozen) Every snake from 6 inches to 3 feet ate rodents today.

05-11-2011, 08:41 PM
I usually feed off several hundred assorted pinks, fuzzies and rat pups per month.

When I order 800 pinks at once from rodent pro, they work out at like 25 cents each.

I breed my own rats, so I have fresh rat pinks all the time for just the cost of grain to feed the rats with.

05-12-2011, 02:57 AM
Yeah, these are rat pinks born a day or so ago. There's a handful of people I found on craigslist that breed their own and are willing to let me have the extras when they overproduce. So, these were considerably less than 25 cents each. They were free.:D Got a bunch more coming Friday.

05-12-2011, 02:02 PM
Lucky you.
I'll look into pinkies thanks

05-12-2011, 06:53 PM
GOT THE SNAKE!! Baby anerythristic. Pictures tomorrow (quit your whining).

Scott told me where to find guppies!! Very happy, getting concerned feeding minnows.

05-12-2011, 07:51 PM
Congratulations on your recent acquisition.

05-12-2011, 08:06 PM
Congrats on your little scrub. Looking forward to seeing pics.
Good decision on the fish change.;)

05-13-2011, 06:51 AM
I'd been looking for guppies for loooong time, but couldn't find any. Figured Scott would know, and he did. Thanks Scott!!

05-13-2011, 08:03 AM
Lucky you.
I'll look into pinkies thanks

Check out Big Cheese Rodent Factory (http://www.bigcheeserodents.com/) for pinks also.

Great shipping and reasonable in pricing. :)

05-13-2011, 08:53 AM
Will do.

05-13-2011, 11:29 AM
So should I feed him the 2 guppies today out of his water bowl, or in a separate container?? I'm using aspen, and that isn't safe to swallow is it?

05-13-2011, 11:40 AM
You can feed him out of his bowl if you want as long as you watch him eat to make sure he don't ingest any bedding. The only problem is if he will eat in front of you. I would put a couple of guppies in a small delicup with just a tiny drop of water and put the snake in with them and he should eat just fine.

05-13-2011, 11:40 AM
So should I feed him the 2 guppies today out of his water bowl, or in a separate container?? I'm using aspen, and that isn't safe to swallow is it?

I was once told that baby snakes in particular are susceptible to internal punctures from wood slivers.

seems reasonable enough.

Why risk it. almost all my snakes came from Scott and all of them feed in poly boxes just fine.

05-13-2011, 12:39 PM
At the moment I don't have any deli cups or anything related, but I'll find something

Heck, that 2 gallon tank will work right? If I don't use it for guppies...

05-13-2011, 12:48 PM
An empty tank should work just fine.

05-13-2011, 09:21 PM
If you have any old Tupperware you could punch a few holes and that would b perfect. I've gotten alot of snakes from Scott and rest assure they always eat. Let us know if the most popular feeding tricks work for you. There's many more to try but cupping in a cabinet should work Just fine. I would say also to handle him at a minimum until he takes off on eating

05-14-2011, 01:24 AM
dollar store shoeboxes or rubbermaid containers work just fine. Drill holes in actual Tupperware? I don't think so!

05-14-2011, 03:12 AM
Why would anyone worry about air holes on a feed box???

The air requirements of a baby garter will not even come close to anything you need to worry about during a feeding.

You would have to leave the poor thing in a feed box that was sealed with gaskets for days before it would even notice....even longer to suffocate.

For a wee baby, the air holes could provide somewhat of an escape risk.

05-14-2011, 07:48 AM
Got a little solid black plastic container I'm sure will work.

HE didn't eat. At first I put him in the container for 10 minutes with 2 guppies, than after he willingly went into my hand i offered one to him like that, and than in his water bowl. No luck.

Any suggestions??

Let us know if the most popular feeding tricks work for you.

And that is?

05-14-2011, 07:56 AM
Ok. Update!!!!!! Don't worry about putting air holes in your feeding cup/box. My mistake,that could have messed up every thing. Lol

05-14-2011, 07:58 AM
Give him a few hours in the cup

05-14-2011, 08:02 AM
Really?? That seems pretty long... but ok.

05-14-2011, 10:06 AM
He's been in there for about an hour, and still hasn't eaten...

05-14-2011, 11:53 AM
Then he's not frickin' hungry. Every year it's the same thing. My concinnus babies won't take their first meal for 10-14 days and every year I worry but they always eat eventually.(with few exceptions) This year, for the first time, the one I decided to keep from this last litter has been eating every day since day 4. That's quite an early start in my experience. Yolk is quite nourishing and you need to consider that they just got done absorbing what was left over when it was time to be born.

I would wait perhaps two days before trying again.

05-14-2011, 12:56 PM
Yeah, i left him in there for three hours, fish died, i just gave up. I'll give him a few days.

Are there any techniques I should know of for next time? Or should I just keep doing this?

05-14-2011, 01:00 PM
You could talk to him. Give him a lecture about how important it is to start your day with a good breakfast.:rolleyes:

05-14-2011, 01:09 PM
Been there, done that.:rolleyes:

05-14-2011, 01:14 PM
You don't have to let the fish go to waste. If they die, you can always freeze them. I'm sure he'll get to a point later when he'll eat them.

05-14-2011, 01:20 PM
How's the best way to go about freezing them? Just put them in a container and pop 'em in the freezer?

05-14-2011, 01:23 PM
I would put them in a plastic bag so that they are not touching each other and just put them on a shelf in the freezer.

05-14-2011, 01:34 PM
Gotcha thanks.

05-14-2011, 02:41 PM
Can light get into this feed box?

You said it was black.

05-14-2011, 02:45 PM
Can light get into this feed box?

You said it was black.

It's solid black, with a clear lid. I cover it up so that's not a problem.

05-14-2011, 02:48 PM
You got me wrong, you want the light.

Garter snakes are diurnal, they don't commonly feed in the dark ;)

05-14-2011, 06:40 PM
Why do people say to put it somewhere dark and leave him alone?? You're saying that I shouldn't make it dark?? Everyone else has said the opposite! You're the first to say that!! But I'll try it. Thanks.

05-14-2011, 06:43 PM
Maybe I should put him in a clear container?

05-14-2011, 06:43 PM
Maybe "dark" was the wrong word. Not dark necessarily but a closed in and "safe" spot like a hide. Wherever the snake doesn't feel exposed and vulnerable. Wherever the snake feels safe and secure.

Placing food right at the opening of your snake's favorite place to hide sometimes will get them to take it, and they'll usually pull it into their hide to eat it. Of course, you have to do this in a way that ensures they won't swallow substrate. Bite sized pieces that they can swallow fast helps keep them from getting substrate on their food.

05-14-2011, 06:44 PM
Except than he'd get aspen on it. I may buy some reptile carpet for that reason.

05-14-2011, 06:45 PM
Oops. sorry, I edited.

05-14-2011, 06:49 PM
so put it in a dish? I'm trying guppies, so... not sure how this will work. I did try putting it in his water bowl which is right in front of his favorite corner (not a hide, but it;s is safe spot), so I'm not think this'll work

05-14-2011, 08:15 PM
Give him until he's 14-18 days old before you worry about feeding him. It will make him hungry enough to eat. Mine didn't eat until the 15th day. My other two babies didn't eat for a month, and a month and a half. They're doing fine, still. What I did for my first baby, who didn't eat for a month and a half, I put him in a container, clear, with some worm, salmon and tilapia... And left him in there for 3 hours, he ate one piece. I continued doing this until he'd start eating more and more often. That method didn't work for my other one month non-feeder. I put some cut up food under his hide, small enough that he couldnt drag it, big enough that it still moved. I also got baby worms and put them in his water dish, he liked those a lot.

But really, give the snake some time. You do not need to worry yourself to death over it. he'll be fine for probably another week.

05-15-2011, 11:46 AM
I'm not worried. I'm content to wait another week.

I'll try some of the stuff you mentioned, but for now I'm sticking with guppies, since they're the easiest for me to acquire.

Didn;t know you could wait a whole month, though, so thanks. Good to know.

05-15-2011, 02:11 PM
So is a black container with a clear lid ok?? Or should I use clear one?

05-15-2011, 03:21 PM
I use these with great success..... about $2 each at wal mart.


05-15-2011, 03:43 PM
I'll get one. So a black one (light still gets in, only at the top) wont work?

05-15-2011, 09:08 PM
I'll get one. So a black one (light still gets in, only at the top) wont work?

Never said it won't work... I just think your odds are a lot better in a box that the snake can see well inside of.

Feeding response is part scent and part motion detection.

I have seen quite a few baby garters go crazy over flopping little fishes, and if the snake cannot see the fish flopping, well..... You get the idea.;)

05-15-2011, 10:51 PM
A month is really pushing it. These two that didn't eat for a month are very small for their age, now, and were getting bony. Two to 3 weeks should be fine, as long as he isn't getting super skinny.

05-16-2011, 10:46 AM
I have seen quite a few baby garters go crazy over flopping little fishes, and if the snake cannot see the fish flopping, well..... You get the idea.;)

Mine don't flop anyway. They just sit there and die. Even with water.
But I hear what you're saying. I'll get something clear. Thanks.

A month is really pushing it. These two that didn't eat for a month are very small for their age, now, and were getting bony. Two to 3 weeks should be fine, as long as he isn't getting super skinny.

he's skinny anyway:D
Thanks, I'm sure he'll eat soon.

05-16-2011, 10:53 AM
"Skinny" or underweight for a snake would be indicated by the backbone protruding a bit and the skin looking loose. This usually becomes apparent in the lower 1/3 first. In severe cases, the skin actually forms folds along the sides. When a snake looses body mass and shrinks, the skin does not. If his skin is a tight fit and there's no sign of a protruding backbone, he's probably not starving to death.

05-16-2011, 10:57 AM
Gotcha. Kinda knew that i was kidding, but thanks.

05-16-2011, 12:52 PM
Here's what I've been using (black one) and what I'm gonna start using (forgot 'bout this)


05-16-2011, 01:32 PM
Yes, the clear one placed on that white paper provides good contrast so the snakes will see flopping fish better. I might ask why you decided to buy a baby that hasn't taken any meals yet. Most breeders don't sell them until they are eating consistently. I know I don't. There's nearly always a few that never do eat or they eat poorly and eventually perish. I'd hate for someone to pay money and end up with one of those.

05-16-2011, 02:48 PM
I might ask why you decided to buy a baby that hasn't taken any meals yet. Most breeders don't sell them until they are eating consistently. I know I don't. There's nearly always a few that never do eat or they eat poorly and eventually perish. I'd hate for someone to pay money and end up with one of those.

28% dicount.:p Kidding. Although it is true, that's not why.
I got it because:

1. I didn't want to wait one and a half months. That's how long it would take before they were ready.

2. I didn't know how hard it was and thought I'd feed him myself. If that was a mistake, I'll hate myself, but...

3. 28% discount. (kidding again. I would gladly have paid the money)

05-16-2011, 02:57 PM
I hear you. I figured it was something like that. I still think he's not eating because he's just not ready yet. I rarely get baby concinnus' to eat until they are 10-14 days old. I don't really start to worry until they are a month old or showing signs of weakening/weight loss. Just keep trying. One of these days he's going to surprise you, then turn into an eating machine overnight.

I usually get them to take their first meal by placing chopped night crawlers (I count the pieces so I know if they got eaten) and the snakes into a plastic shoebox and giving them a few hours of privacy.

05-16-2011, 03:06 PM
Right, I'm not worried yet. He seems like he'll catch on.

It has been 9 days FYI

05-16-2011, 03:08 PM
Oh good. It's still early.

05-16-2011, 03:09 PM
Yup. Not worried yet.

05-17-2011, 05:55 PM
This is what I do. 8 guppies. I know it's kinda big but it's all I got.


05-17-2011, 06:23 PM

05-18-2011, 02:47 PM

05-18-2011, 03:38 PM
Most breeders don't sell them until they are eating consistently. I know I don't. There's nearly always a few that never do eat or they eat poorly and eventually perish. I'd hate for someone to pay money and end up with one of those.

You say the things that other people think but don't dare say!

On the off chance the scrub does not eat it will be a hard guess as to whether a more experienced keeper could have gotten him to eat, or if he would have done better with his siblings and started eating as a result, or if he was born that way and it was destined to happen no matter what.

Selling off the baby as a singleton at such a young age seems like an unnecessary risk imo, if that were a very valuable and rare morph would the little guy have been sold/sent off at 6 days? I don't mean to start a war as I know that breeder is quite popular, but still.

05-18-2011, 03:48 PM
You say the things that other people think but don't dare say!

On the off chance the scrub does not eat it will be a hard guess as to whether a more experienced keeper could have gotten him to eat, or if he would have done better with his siblings and starting eating as a result, or if he was born that way and it was destined to happen no matter what.

Selling off the baby as a singleton at such a young age surely sounds like an unnecessary risk imo. I don't mean to start a war as I know that breeder is quite popular, but still.

I had no idea it was as hard as it is. I figured:

"hey, I get him 4 weeks earlier, and I can just raise him myself. Cool. Plus there's a 28% discount. I can just feed him myself. No biggie".

I was wrong, and sorta regret it, but I think I can get him eating. Any ADVICE, rather than telling me he's not gonna make it, and I was an idiot to buy the snake, would be much appreciated.

I realize my (possible) mistake, and don't need people pointing it out.

No offense, and I'm not directing that at anyone.

05-18-2011, 03:52 PM
I had no idea it was as hard as it is. I figured:

"hey, I get him 4 weeks earlier, and I can just raise him myself. Cool. Plus there's a 28% discount. I can just feed him myself. No biggie".

I was wrong, and sorta regret it, but I think I can get him eating. Any ADVICE, rather than telling me he's not gonna make it, and I was an idiot to buy the snake, would be much appreciated.

I realize my (possible) mistake, and don't need people pointing it out.

No offense, and I'm not directing that at anyone.

NO ONE is implying this was your error. You bought from a reputable breeder and it is THEIR job to ensure their animals get the best start and also to advise the owners. The breeder makes the call as to when babies are ready to go to their new homes especially with novice owners.

The baby probably will eat, but it may be harder since he is alone. I can't give advice on getting babies to eat, but I would say make the little guy as comfy and secure as possible. Hides, a smaller space if needed, make the little guy feel secure especially since you are combating nature, he probably feels quite insecure being so tiny and on his own.

If worse comes to worse send him back to Scott and tell him to put him in with other babies and GET HIM TO EAT then take him back when he is doing better. Look at the bright side, you did buy from a reputable breeder so they have a real obligation to HELP YOU OUT if you need it, and if that means taking the baby back to get him started on food then I am sure Scott will do it, being a reputable breeder that is concerned about his animals and all.

05-18-2011, 04:03 PM

Aaawww, cause he's a cute baby. Among the guppies:)

05-18-2011, 04:14 PM
NO ONE is implying this was your error. You bought from a reputable breeder and it is THEIR job to ensure their animals get the best start and also to advise the owners. The breeder makes the call as to when babies are ready to go to their new homes especially with novice owners.

The baby probably will eat, but it may be harder since he is alone. I can't give advice on getting babies to eat, but I would say make the little guy as comfy and secure as possible. Hides, a smaller space if needed, make the little guy feel secure especially since you are combating nature, he probably feels quite insecure being so tiny and on his own.

If worse comes to worse send him back to Scott and tell him to put him in with other babies and GET HIM TO EAT then take him back when he is doing better. Look at the bright side, you did buy from a reputable breeder so they have a real obligation to HELP YOU OUT if you need it, and if that means taking the baby back to get him started on food then I am sure Scott will do it, being a reputable breeder that is concerned about his animals and all.

Alone? You mean it would be better if there were more?? Heck if that'll get him eating I'll buy another:rolleyes:

He has lots of hides, and is in a 10gal tank... is that too big? It's not a spacious tank, because of all the hides and objects so, floor-space-wise, it's not huge.

I'm local so I wouldn't have to ship it to him... but I doubt I'll have to do that.
He hasn't gotten any from that litter (or any litter) to eat either...

And FYI, it's only been 11 days... still early...

05-18-2011, 04:17 PM
Aaawww, cause he's a cute baby. Among the guppies:)

OK, that's what I thought. Seemed kind of a weird at the time to comment on that, since I was showing how I feed him, not displaying cute pictures, but yes... he is cute:D

05-18-2011, 04:19 PM
He hasn't gotten any from that litter (or any litter) to eat either...

And FYI, it's only been 11 days... still early...

If he hasn't gotten any from the litter to start eating I wouldn't worry yet. If the others start eating and yours is still holding out too long THEN start to worry! A singleton is at more of a disadvantage, monkey see monkey do etc...

You have a local expert to help you out if need be, you are not alone so don't panic and do not blame yourself. I will say I believe they do better in pairs (that is what most experienced people say regarding babies), which is why I got two and I am a novice regarding garters as well (albeit a highly opinionated novice on some topics).

05-18-2011, 04:28 PM
If he hasn't gotten any from the litter to start eating I wouldn't worry yet. If the others start eating and yours is still holding out too long THEN start to worry! A singleton is at more of a disadvantage, monkey see monkey do etc...

I'm not worried for that reason.
So buying another isn't a bad idea....

You have a local expert to help you out if need be, you are not alone so don't panic and do not blame yourself. I will say I believe they do better in pairs (that is what most experienced people say regarding babies), which is why I got two and I am a novice regarding garters as well (albeit a highly opinionated novice on some topics).

I didn't think to buy two, still doubt I will, but seriously, I;m not panicking yet. I'm sure he'll eat in time... hopefully.