View Full Version : Eastern Blackneck Female
Jeff B
03-17-2011, 10:53 AM
Just picked this girl up today, I think she is quite lovely. Hoping that I might be able to find a boyfriend for her.
I have been trying to aquire this species for a couple years, have come close to buying a few times, but just wanted the right specimen, she is dog tame, I love this girl.
03-17-2011, 11:04 AM
looks nice! good luck with the black neck project youv got an excellent start!
03-17-2011, 11:54 AM
Beautiful girl. Congrats.
03-17-2011, 01:50 PM
That is a nice looking snake jeff.
03-17-2011, 01:56 PM
She's pretty.
03-17-2011, 04:56 PM
Great looking snake Jeff!!!
03-17-2011, 05:44 PM
Very nice, Jeff!
03-17-2011, 06:35 PM
Absolutely beautiful girl you have there!
03-17-2011, 08:24 PM
I sold that snake to Craig :)
Jeff B
03-17-2011, 08:29 PM
Really? He said he bought it from Shannon Brown, I thought your last name was Culp? or was Brown your maiden name? Somebody is confused? Likely me, lol
Why did you sell her?
03-17-2011, 09:03 PM
He bought it from me... I know he did, because I was in contact with him for 6 months plus about selling him blackneck babies when they arrived! He probably just has my name mixed up with someone else's. I actually messaged him and was considering buying her back, and he was delighted, but I decided I'd rather not spend the money.... so I backed out and that's why you have her! I ended up with this extra female and since I had blacknecks coming out my ears and I knew how badly he wanted one, I offered her to him and of course, he bought her! I sold her just because I had enough blacknecks at the time, I didn't know her age but I knew she was wild caught, and I preferred the ones with the neon orange stripe to her. She's still a lovely snake though! Big and fat.
Jeff B
03-17-2011, 09:45 PM
Oh OK. Did you ever try to breed her?
03-17-2011, 10:01 PM
Nope! I just had her for a while as a pet, and petted her, and loved her and gave her little snake kisses. lol!
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