View Full Version : The snake/reptile bans

03-15-2011, 02:53 PM
well as you all probably know there are a lot of reptile bans either in effect, in the process of approval, or that have failed and at one point in time tried to limit the reptile trade...please list as many bans and restrictions as you can here with as much info as you can....as of now im doing an argumentative paper on it in English 3 AP and i need as many sources (from both sides of the fence(for and against snakes and reptiles)) as i can get.
Bans, Restrictions, City ordinances, anything legislative (like how Texas law says you can keep any indigenous venomous snake w/o a permitt but a San Antonio city ordinance says otherwise.PLEASE INCLUDE FORIEGN REPTILE BANS (please include any forms weather it be restrictions,ordinances,laws,anything! and even if it was revoked, an old ban/ordinance thats no longer in effect, a current one, or one in approval stages) (if you wish to make a statement about reptile bans(make sure your talking about a specific one) in my paper pm me and ill try to get back to you a.s.a.p.)

I believe and hope this thread will serve a bigger purpose on this site even after my english assingment so keep adding stuff here that deals with bans that you are aware of.

03-15-2011, 04:47 PM
Some antis which constantly try to ban our hobby -

Lush handmade cosmetics - Animal Protection Agency (http://www.apa.org.uk/lush/)
Action Tier
The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS)
Born Free Foundation

Jeff B
03-15-2011, 06:43 PM
Kingsnake.com has a Laws section, which show all the different local and state ordinances ect. that you are looking for, but it looks like it is under construction right now. USARK and PJAC would also be a good resource for the info that you need.

03-15-2011, 07:59 PM
It's always been "under construction" and never has what I'm looking for. It doesn't actually list any laws or ordinances for WA, for example. They just provide a link or two and make you go fishing for the info yourself.

03-16-2011, 03:09 AM
here in Britain we dont have any reptile banning laws that i am aware of but what we do have is the dangerous wild animal act 1976 this makes it difficult but not impossible to keep creatures like large carnivores and venomous reptiles
the keeper has to meet a swathe of strict requirements which is made deliberately expensive as a further barrier pursuing such a course

03-16-2011, 07:53 AM
did you know that many of the US one's are covered in our articles section? perhaps we could expand that to include the rest of the world
Reptile Regulations by State - Caresheets (http://www.thamnophis.com/caresheets/index.php?title=Reptile_Regulations_by_State)

03-16-2011, 11:41 AM
No Washington.:rolleyes: I don't even want to start a page and post those laws. They're too depressing and may or may not incriminate me.:p If you saw what the WA Dept. of Agriculture requires for importation of many animals, including garters, to the State, it would make your head spin when you add up what it would cost.