View Full Version : Mikhaila's reptile fund raiser birthday party

04-29-2007, 12:09 PM
hi everyone
proud survivor here and very tired
Mikhaila had a birthday party that started yesterday at 3:00pm and ended this morning at 10:30am. Not all the kids stayed for the sleep-over - just ten. Whatever possessed me to agree to this . . .
Mikhaila let everyone know on the invitations, not to get any gifts; that there would be a donations box toward her next reptile purchase
she did well, and some of it will be donated to the rescue
all the children got to handle reptiles and they got better at it over time
these are going to be my assistants at science day next week
some of the animals I had stashed in safe, hidden quiet places; some I took out of circulation a lot; a couple just came out in small groups when most kids were off someplace else; and my "veteran" snakes were out a lot.
there was also a herp sculpting event - here some of my faves:





I'm kind of fading now
will catch up here later
feels like i've been gone a week

04-29-2007, 12:21 PM
Very cute. I like the turtles in the last photo myself. It seems they are on the march. Glad to hear you "survived" :)


04-29-2007, 12:45 PM
Rhea, which sculpture is yours? Reptile fund raiser...great idea! Belated Happy Birthday Mikhaila.

04-29-2007, 01:03 PM
Priceless. :) Reminds me of my own birthday parties back in the 80's (holy hell, I sound old :D ). I never let anyone touch my pets, though. I still don't.

04-29-2007, 01:26 PM
I didn't do any sculpting
the last photo is Mikhaila's

most of these children have been here before
the setting was very controlled
and in relation to the animals, the kids were very respectful
I've become much better, over time, at stepping in and "helping"
I make it very clear from the beginning, that there is to be no playing with animals
a lot of the handling consisted of holding a snake while watching the movie
I do have some snakes that seem to enjoy just sitting in a warm hand as long as they're not messed with too much

04-29-2007, 02:10 PM
Definitely a great idea!


04-30-2007, 05:38 AM
Must've been a great party and a handsfull for mammy:D

04-30-2007, 09:44 AM
oh boy
I'm still recovering

05-01-2007, 12:19 AM
Very cool idea....wish my parents had been more "reptile" savy when I was a kid. Oh and a belated Happy B-day to Mikhalia!:D

05-01-2007, 04:03 PM
Looking good, Mikhaila. That was a great party, I presume.

05-01-2007, 04:30 PM
I love that goofy orange snake in the first picture....I wish I'd made that!