View Full Version : Anything I should know before buying a snake?

01-07-2011, 02:48 PM
I have one male red sided garter housed in a 20 gallon. I'm planning on buying a second garter from Scott Felzer when he's in stock (he says early 2011). I live close buy so shipping won't be a problem. I want to be sure I know everything I need to know about buying one. It will be another male.
Anything I should know putting him in the same tank? Anything I should watch for? Anything I should look for when picking one? etc. etc. I do know alot of what to look for, but anything will help.

Also is there any species that I shouldn't keep with a red sided? I know the whole 'wanderings are cannibalistic' thing and I'm staying away from them.
If they originate from completly different states, like Illinois and Texas will that matter?
It will probally be a month or two, but whatever.

01-07-2011, 03:03 PM
Quarantine, at least 2-3 months.

Don't mix snakes if there's a significant size difference.

Avoid any snakes with aberrant behavior or deformities.

Extreme purists wouldn't mix localities, but that's up to you to decide.

Most other snakes should be okay, but some of the species from Mexico and the southwestern US have been known to eat other snakes.

The coloration changes as they grow and it's hard to predict how a newborn will look a year later.

01-07-2011, 03:29 PM
Quarantine...Can you expand on that?

01-07-2011, 03:54 PM
Life by itself. In most cases another room. An observation time. Watching for any signs of illness(internal or external) or problems like parasites(for this reason in another room).
It's a must to insure the health of the rest of your collection. Failure to have a quarantine period could mean the infection/death of an entire collection.

Hope you don't mind I jumped in Stefan.;)

01-07-2011, 04:00 PM
I dont have another terrarium... is it that necessary?

01-07-2011, 04:11 PM
I would get another aquarium. Depending on the size of your snake, if a baby, you could get away with a 10 gallon for around $10.00. If you shop Craig's List or a tag sale, you could do better than that.

Good luck & can't wait to see pictures when you get him/her.

01-07-2011, 04:50 PM
Quarantine...Can you expand on that?
Kept alone in a "sterile" enclosure, typically a tub. The simpler the better Paper towels or newspaper as substrate. Preferably in another room. As a rule, nothing that comes in contact with the quarantine setup should be used in other enclosures during that time, without first being properly sterilized. That includes plastic plants, bowls, hides and tongs.

People always wonder if it's necessary, but only until some disease wipes out their collection.