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07-10-2006, 09:33 AM
I know I can probably find this stuff out at any reputable pet store that sells snakes, but it's so much easier to ask from the comfort of my own home. :)

I'm thinking an aquarium is the way to go for housing snakes...what size do you recommend, and for how many snakes? Is it safe to have different ones together or do they prefer to be alone? What do they need in terms of water (a small dish, a little pool?) and how often do they need to be fed?

My daughter thinks a pet snake would be cool. :)

07-13-2006, 11:08 PM
a single garter snake can be housed in a 10 gallon tank comfortably. they need a large enough water dish to soak in to help with shedding. It will need to be cleaned often as they like to defecate in the water dish....=( I use paper towels and newpapers for bedding. Carefresh is good if they are on rodents only. Most food they eat will be moist so bedding will stick to it and they will ingest it....can lead to serious health problems or death. A hide box is good for them to along with a rock to help with shedding. Make sure the lid is secure, they are masters of escapes!!!! I have a care page on my website and Scott Felzer has one on his site too.

07-14-2006, 08:38 AM
For having different snakes together, I'm pretty sure that most snakes get along. I've seen tanks that have as many as four different kinds of snakes in them, but I'm not sure if it was only temporary or not...

07-14-2006, 12:04 PM
I rarely house snakes together unless they are the same species and then only for short periods. I have lost a snake or 2 to food fights...small garters grabbing a worm at each end and eating each other... just keep an eyeon them when feeding if housed together.

07-14-2006, 08:30 PM
I house my snakes together for the time being. I feed them seperately in a seperate aquarium one at a time. I have three hide spots in my aquarium and every time they are in them together no matter what hide spot they choose to hide in. My three snakes seem to be very social for right now.

07-20-2006, 05:53 AM
One of the things that you need to consider with housing is how many snakes you intend to keep. If you are only thinking about 2, one aquarium apiece is easier. However, if you are planning on keeping lots of snakes, housing them together is not a bad idea. Alan Francis has good information on this subject too.
The only thing I would say is pay attention to what just about everyone says that when you house ccollectively, feed separately. This doesn't have to be expensive, as a plastic container that maybe you wouldn't want as primary display can make a great feeding container.

07-20-2006, 08:09 AM
Garters can be a bit social...its not uncommon to find several under a board or rock together.