View Full Version : Substrate question

12-16-2010, 04:35 PM
My young garter is still pretty small right now (approx 8-10 inches??). Right now I have him on paper towels, but I'm thinking about switching his substrate soon. One idea I had was to use "Carefresh" recycled newspaper bedding. Does anybody use this?

Also, I use aspen for my corn snake, so that's a possibility. Any other suggestions are welcome as well.

Thanks! :cool:

12-16-2010, 05:10 PM
both of those would be fine.

12-16-2010, 05:14 PM
I concur with Don.;)

12-16-2010, 05:28 PM
I use carefresh. I find it works good for my snakes. They like to burrow in it and it's easy to clean. I can pick out the pieces of poop that they leave and it makes the bedding last longer.

12-16-2010, 06:26 PM
Sounds good. I think I'll try the Carefresh and see if I like it first. If not, I'll switch to aspen. I thought it would be neat to use the white carefresh, rather than gray, so the snake will stand out more. :)

12-16-2010, 08:39 PM
I found a blue generic version of carefresh at Walmart.... it sucked...any pieces that got pulled into the water dish bled out and turned the water blue..... I quit using it real quick. the other would be just fine