View Full Version : A Funny Thing Happened
12-01-2010, 01:00 AM
How about a thread for some of those things we see our snakes do that crack us up. I'll get it started.
Tonight I was having some trouble getting to sleep so I went to the big snake room and got on the forum. Many of my adults came out to see what was going on and to beg for some food. I grabbed a few worms and the big girls polished them off in record time.
I then returned to the forum but kept an eye on the girls. They were out cruising around in the hopes I would give them more worms. It was then I noticed LG(she's the one that just had babies) going into the cold hide. I opened the enclosure and started scratching her sides. Her head was in the hide and she had no idea what was going on. She came out of the other end and swung around to see who was touching her. She was mad and wanted to kick somebodies butt. Then she turned to me and just glared. I busted out laughing which seemed to irritate her. She took off in a shot and went to the warm hide.
This was just what I needed at the end of the day. I think I can go get some sleep now. Thanks LG.
12-01-2010, 10:33 AM
:Doh wow i gotta wait till i get home to answer to this...i got some pics to upload:D
12-01-2010, 02:34 PM
The two normal easterns that live over my TV on top of the entertainment stand will follow fingers dragged along the glass.
They both have a strict "hands off policy" however they will interact with you all day and half the night as long as you never actually touch either of them.
As soon as contact is made, they freak out and act like a wild caught getting picked up for it's first time.
set either one down and wait a minute, they zip right over and start investigating again.
12-01-2010, 03:24 PM
Mine's like that too Wayne!
He will also climb up the side of the tank until he's on the tip of his tail, leaning against the wall, stay like that for a while, then fall over into his water bowl. He acts almost embarrassed.:D
He'll also strike at the fish in the reflection...and loves my doorknob:rolleyes:
12-01-2010, 04:20 PM
I think I'm going to like this thread.
Seeing the happiness and joy that they bring us is one of the most important reasons I keep them. They really do make us feel better. For some, in an evil way.:D
12-01-2010, 09:19 PM
About an hour ago I was sitting next to my babies tank watching them and waiting for my painkiller to kick in (sever lower back pain... pain in the behind ;)) and Tiny was in one of the cool sides hides and she came out looking like she meant business. Runt and Snap were cuddling under the lamp on their little "tree", Tiny's favourite spot had been covered by Snap. Tiny opened her mouth and literally charged at Snap and Runt and scared them off of the tree. It was hilarious considering both Runt and Snap are over 5 times the size of Tiny and Snap is usually the big "toughy" of the enclosure. Needless to say, Tiny has been protecting her little spot and darting at Snap when she comes up on the tree :D
12-01-2010, 09:51 PM
My Liophis are like this!!!! Very very curious! But don't touch one! They can make themselves disappear so quickly, you might forget there was even a snake there to begin with.
12-02-2010, 07:41 PM
checker loved attention at school ill post pics (no stressing i only had him out for a little bit at a time the rest of the time he was in my jacket covered cage!) he did crazy things...but made it clear its a once in a while thing....he usually is exploring his cage or escape routes when i wake up....needless to say he was burried under a lot of aspen probably because i didnt see him. :)
12-03-2010, 03:06 AM
One of my more wild female radixes is a girl named "Shade" She got that name because of the gray shading in her face. She has always been jumpy to say the least. Moving her in with some of my other girls has calmed her down immensely.
She still is jumpy and wants to be in charge. The other day she was out, as usual so I opened the enclosure to talk with her. She came right over to me but bolted away as I reached for her. She made a loop around the warm hide and came right back to me. I reached for her again and she took off once more. Around the hide she went and back to me.
I had enough of this game so I turned my attention to one of my other girls, all the time watching Shade out the corner of my eye. While holding and rubbing the other girls back Shade climbed onto my arm and into my hand. I continued to ignore her. Now she was staring me down. I set the other snake down and picked her up.
For the first few moments she sat there like a lady. Then she shot out of my hands and the game was on again.
I had to laugh at the mind game she was playing on me.
She clearly won. She's a smart girl and a leader in that group.
12-03-2010, 01:46 PM
"clever girl" -(dead) hunter jurassic park
12-03-2010, 06:19 PM
Ah, the head games we play with the men...
12-04-2010, 08:17 AM
Ah, the head games we play with the men...
"Yuor your cold as ice"
12-06-2010, 12:53 AM
"clever girl" -(dead) hunter jurassic park
Being a reptile enthusiast, I loved that scene. And being a hunter, even as he knew he was now just a "pinky snack" he still admired them for what they are. :D
We as humans can for the most part, can only be honored to become food for the animals we admire in fantasy. If that scene was actually real life, I really wouldn't mind going that way.:p
Beats the heck out of going like most Americans or even dying in your sleep if you ask me.
@ Le Ann: I guess I'm one of those rare guys that doesn't play female's head games. They just don't work on me. I am "whipped" proof. I guess that's why I've never been married, probably never will, and am not in any "serious" relationship. I can spot that head games ship before it even crosses the horizon and then I'm gone before I can smell the ship. Not to say that I don't have very nice physical relationships with very good friends but.. well maybe I've said too much.
I have a feeling that robert is ripe and ready for the pressing. First female that comes along will mash him and turn him into wine in no time.:p
12-06-2010, 01:51 AM
I´ve tried to catch it in a snap shot since this post started, but she allways ended before I was able to prepare my camera.
So I have to tell about that funny behavior:
The furnishing in all my enclosures is very similar:
There are kork oak pieces to climb closed to the back wall a bathing bowl in front of it, and some free space for creeping games and to put the feeding dish eacvh few days.
Garters are snoopy, that is well known, but one of my dersided females is so curious about the space above the ceeling of her enclosure.
She frequently climbs up her kork oak and streches her heat up to the lid, while she seems to recognize more and more ´really interesting details, she´s moving her head back and forth ( mainly back) untill she´s streching her vent to the ceeling and freeze horizontally like an equilibrist :cool:
12-06-2010, 02:07 AM
I can see that through my mind's eye Udo. Another way to say that is I can imagine that happening. Garter snakes are very inquisitive ("snoopy"). Some are more inquisitive than others. I really love the extremely inquisitive (snoopy) snakes. They are always a good source of entertainment especially when they do not know that you are watching them. The snoopy snakes are the first snakes out of their hides and inspecting every millimeter of their enclosure when you change or rearrange anything in their home.
Sometimes I am not even finished, and they are already out and inspecting, and even getting in the way. It's so funny to see them do that.:D
12-06-2010, 03:22 AM
Snakey is like that... Today we were rearranging the sticks and hides in the tank after cleaning it and we put them in and any time my mom tried putting a stick in, Snakey would just pop up right where she wanted it and kept trying to slither up her hand. It made her a bit uneasy, she's still a bit scared of them and thinks they're "striking" at her when they try to slither onto her hand.
03-07-2011, 03:30 PM
My man "Midnite" has been housed with some ladies for about a week. His work was done so I removed him and put him back in the male enclosure.
Apparently he's been spending so much time with the ladies he smells like one.
A day later the boys were still chasing him around so I gave him a bath with a little Dawn and water.
Back into the enclosure and he's a new man or at least smells like one.:D
03-07-2011, 03:50 PM
Haha, poor guy, maybe he needs a nametag that says "I am a man!!!" :D
03-08-2011, 01:08 PM
oh man you guys wont believe what checker di yesterday...oh before i tell yall the story REMEMBER that garter snakes like to wipe off their face on whatever they can after eating....
i decided to buy checker a "fuzzy" to eat and he took the head a few days ago very well....well i fed him the lower segment (saving the middle for last) and thawed it out...i decided to feed him in the cup that i put all the gorey food in. well of course he started with the TAIL and was about to push all the guts out so i placed my hand on the cup(which is on the floor as well as a small index card like object (subscrition notice to be exact) was on the opened side of the cup so he would poop on that instead of carpet (if he did poop)) to keep it still and he pushed the side all the guts would spew out from against the side of the cup. well he couldnt stop the (big white smelly organ) from getting all over the left side of his face...from inside the cup i saw him try to smear the gore all over the cup, but it was to smooth and it wouldnt come he turned and stared at me as if he were sayng "haha guess what im gonna do?" and the moment i relized what he was doing he bolted out and longer story made a hair shorter he went on the carpet and the edge of his tank smearing gore EVERYWHERE! i put him back in his cage and he kept rubbin stuff off in there! i had to spot remove the scene. i took him out this morning and he still had whit stuff one the right side of his face so ill wash him when i get home. but he ALWAYS KNOWS HOW TO MAKE THE UGLIEST MESSES ON THE CARPET OR MY BED SPREAD!
03-26-2011, 04:44 PM
Here's one for ya.
Today, I was feeding my Red Sided Garter(T.s. parietalis) enclosure.
The only male in there is my albino which I acquired last Fall. He had his head hanging over a small branch. There was a large piece of bark laying on top of that branch. He had worked his head through a small gap between the two items.
I was handing out worm chunks so I offered him one. He eagerly took it and swallowed it down before one of his lady friends could steal it. With them headed his way he must have figured it was time to beat a hasty retreat under the piece of bark(his favorite place to be).
The only problem was that he could fit back through the opening he had stuck his head through. The food had made him too big. He went into a panic and thrashed around until I lifted the bark which allowed him to hide.
This situation reminds me of the monkeys that stick their hand through and opening to retrieve food but can't get their hand out unless they drop the food.
Funny little parietalis.
This one just happened.
I was feeding Onespot(just had babies 2 days ago) She is very hungry. She had just gotten into a fight with another female and lost part of her worm. While I had my attention turned to another snake I saw her head to the front of the enclosure. My dog(Lucy) was sitting watch for escape attempts. Onestop saw her and reached out, biting her right on the nose. They both took off in opposite direction.
Good Onespot, good Onespot:D
03-26-2011, 05:13 PM
That's hilarious. I've seen all of my albinos do that when they use this certain hide I have for them. They poke their heads out through a hole, grab the food, then try to retreat backwards into the hole again, but they can't. It's pretty funny how they get frustrated trying.
03-26-2011, 05:19 PM
Runt tried biting my nephew once when he was sitting with me, he wasn't moving or anything but she struck at him, he didn't notice but she got freaked out and started thrashing around. Maybe she was like "Darn it! That was a perfect way to scare the kid and he didn't even notice! Maybe this will work *throws out some awesome rave moves*" :D
04-07-2011, 04:49 PM
Today, I was feeding many of my snakes. I was in one of the female enclosures feeding a few of my ladies.
I had just handed a big night crawler to Darkgirl (mother of the B/W babies) when I saw 2 other big girls heading to challenge her for the food. It was like they were racing side by side. They where within inches of grabbing the worm when I intervened.
I grabbed them at mid-body and started pulling them back away from the food.
They looked like attack dogs at the end of a chain. Both were biting at the worm as if they where about to get it. I cracked up watching them.
A few seconds later Darkgirl swallowed her worm and all was well again.
05-08-2011, 09:58 AM
haha i put checker's food in the feeding cup and put it on the carpet side of his cage... he went all around it like "wheres the hole?" then he went right up to the glass and started looking at me than kinda climbed up the glass a little like he was trying to get my attention,then when i moved a little he darted back to the cup tried to climb it (and got really close to the hole) then fell again. finally when he looked like he had enough i went in to knock over the cup...wrong move...when my hand touched the cup he went into strike mode hittn the cup! then he took the cup down with him and he saw the hole.*bam* he darted inside the hole and tore the 2/3rds of a pinky to shreds. (or atleast i think he did...i saw the cup shaking and all that was left was a little bloody water)then popped out looked at me, yawned , then proceeded to hide behind the waterfall. once i took the cup out i noticed he was staring contently at me as if saying "pleasssse ssssir can i have sssome more?" or "thanksssssss" (i couldnt tell which)
05-08-2011, 10:55 AM
Haha, poor guy, maybe he needs a nametag that says "I am a man!!!" :D
I AM A MAN!! *PUNCH!!* (
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