View Full Version : Do they make garter snake traps?

11-20-2010, 02:36 PM
I've been looking for a eastern garter to put in with my red-sided garter for two months now but cant find any garters(I herp for snakes all the time) just a bunch of ringnecks and rat snakes. Both would be wild-caught: red sided from IL(was on vacation when I found him), eastern would be from NC. I'm wondering is there some sort of trap, harmless of course, that I could put in the woods near my house?

Also can they live together?

11-20-2010, 02:48 PM
Same sex, same size can live together as a rule.

11-20-2010, 02:53 PM
Why not just buy one?

11-20-2010, 02:55 PM
Why not get a CB snake??

any trap that could catch a snake in the wild would really stress the animal, as well it could injure itself attempting to escape.

11-20-2010, 03:00 PM
Trap was just an idea. I'm gonna buy one if I dont find one soon, but they are kinda expensive for me right now.

11-20-2010, 03:06 PM
Trap was just an idea. I'm gonna buy one if I dont find one soon, but they are kinda expensive for me right now.

that statement worries me, what if you need to see a vet, is that going to be out of reach??

I'm not trying to be a pest or anything, but if your snake falls ill, it can run hundreds of dollars to see a vet and get meds or have a surgery.

11-20-2010, 03:10 PM
I'm not that bad off, man I'd just rather catch a healthy one.

11-20-2010, 03:43 PM
Wild ones aren't necessarily healthy.

11-20-2010, 04:06 PM
I'll keep what I want to keep. My red-sided garter is wild caught and he's doing fine.
But I agree with you that it's better to buy one, and i'm probaly gonna end up doing that.

11-20-2010, 04:29 PM
If you want a snake, buy one. It's a lot less of a risk. There's no way you can tell for sure that the snake you catch is healthy. It could look healthy but have serious problems that you cant see. Buying a CB would be a lot easier and has a lot less risk. They don't cost that much. I'm sure you can find someone selling them for cheap sometime in the spring or summer.

11-20-2010, 04:36 PM
I'll keep what I want to keep. My red-sided garter is wild caught and he's doing fine.
But I agree with you that it's better to buy one, and i'm probaly gonna end up doing that.

I think that's a good decision.;)

11-20-2010, 04:59 PM
My concerns with a trap would be larger snakes coming in and eating the ones you want. If I was going to try and trap a garter I would use a large PVC pipe, maybe 4 inch wide and 2-3 feet long. Put a cap on one end and then put a cap on the other with a hole drilled in it. Then I would use one of those hand warmers you find for fishing and hunting as a heat source to attract them.

I would buy them if I could find them localy and if the price was right. So far I can't find them anywhere near me. Someday I hope to have corn snakes but I am learning with garters first, not because they are free or "expendable" but because they are easier than corn snakes from what I have read.

11-20-2010, 05:36 PM
because they are easier than corn snakes from what I have read.
As a Finnish person might express it, starting with garters and graduating to corns, is like climbing a tree arse first. Corn snakes are the simplest, most basic snake a person could possibly start with, regarding everything from the setup, to the diet, to handling and the amount of literature available. One thing is damn sure, if you can take care of a garter, you can take care of a corn snake.

There's simply more things to possibly screw up with garters and natricines in general, than there are with corn snakes.

11-20-2010, 06:13 PM
There's simply more things to possibly screw up with garters and natricines in general, than there are with corn snakes.

Salutations to that statement.

One simple little thing and your looking at belly up snakes in a tank.

11-20-2010, 06:22 PM
When I was at the Mars reptile show a couple of months back, I ran into a guy that had a NICE selection of big, fat, healthy looking garters in various colors. He had an anery that I was drooling over. ( I didn't know they got that dark blueish purple! ) Anyway, his name was Dave Jiannotti and his e-mail is ajandtc@yahoo.com. He also had some nice bull snakes in wild colors.

Hope this helps.


11-20-2010, 09:23 PM
Hmm, guess I found junk information online about Corn Snakes. Glad I said something.

Maybe it would help all of us looking to get more garter snakes if there was a list of places to get them. I know I could use one that isn't 3 states away and doesn't cost $100 to ship.

11-20-2010, 09:44 PM
I have never paid 100 bucks for shipping ever.

depending on what you are looking for, you can have a garter snake that is born in captivity in your hands for under $100 total, snake + shipping.

Now if you want to get a rare morph, it will take some money to get.

One way to cut down on the shipping is to get more than one snake.

The shipping charge is the same for 1 snake in a deli cup as it is for six snakes in a deli cup.

Or easier yet, just go to a reptile show and buy direct at a table.

11-20-2010, 10:10 PM
When I was at the Mars reptile show a couple of months back, I ran into a guy that had a NICE selection of big, fat, healthy looking garters in various colors. He had an anery that I was drooling over. ( I didn't know they got that dark blueish purple! ) Anyway, his name was Dave Jiannotti and his e-mail is ajandtc@yahoo.com. He also had some nice bull snakes in wild colors.

Hope this helps.


fun fact of the day! That was anthony jianotti's anery plains girl. I bought out the rest of his collection... I have her now! She's very velvety! I also ended up with his melanistics... his atratus, his poss het snow easterns, het nebraska snow's and het red iowa's! I do not think he has any garters now... as he told me these were all of them!:eek:

11-20-2010, 11:08 PM
I was being sarcastic. Point is I want to see a snake I am going to get and take care of.

No lists of reptile breeders on this site?

11-21-2010, 07:44 AM
Here's a link to breeders and others that have posted snakes for sale/trade or adoption. There is also a tab for wanted snakes. It may be good for you to post there.
Classified Section - Garter Snake Forum (http://www.thamnophis.com/forum/classified-section/)

11-21-2010, 08:19 AM
Thanks for the answeres. My parents dont give me that much allowence, I spent all my money on caging, and would like second snake. End of story. But that dosnt mean I wont buy one.

11-27-2010, 02:22 PM
Do you live in a fair sized city? I get all my caging through craigslist, watching for slide-lock tanks especially. I never pay more than $1 per gallon. Paid even less than that(in trade) for my 55 gallon long.

Although I can't ship right at the moment due to very cold weather in Salt Lake (plane transfer point between myself and the rest of the country) I might be inclined to part with a few very nice concinnus if you pay only shipping. Around $30 in most cases. I still have a few 2010 babies left and a pair of hypoery's that are about a year old. Nobody is jumping on these.

Some people just can't afford to pay for snakes but are deserving. "Ruby" was just a baby when I gave her to Snakeknot. I didn't charge for the snake.

As you can see, she's grown quite a bit over the summer. Nice job Devon!

In the interest of staying on topic, Ive said it before, the best snake "trap" is to place some pieces of plywood or tin in an area where garters are likely to be.