View Full Version : Ofiicial Introduction

11-09-2010, 10:18 PM
So it seems my little backyard snake has gotten me totally hooked on snakes, so I may be here to stay - even though I plan on just the one snake. I am convinced I want more but the husband says no way - bummer. As such, I figured a bit of an official intro may be in order, just to give a little bit of info about myself! :)

My name is Jenny, I am 24 and live in northeast Kansas. I am a third year MD/PhD student, having completed my first two years of medical school, passed step one of the boards and am currently in my first year of research. My research involves testing new natural compounds as chemotherapeutic agents on a specific type of leukemia. It is a lot of fun and so far things are looking promising! I hope to have a drug (or two!) in clinical trials soon, which is very exciting.

I have been married for almost two years to the boy I sat next to in freshman biology as a 14-year-old in high school. He asked me to Homecoming that year, and although we have had our off-again-on-again moments, we survived a four year long-distance stretch through undergraduate school (I still claim he ditched me, haha) and are now in the MD/PhD program together. We have two cats that are our babies, Leo and Luna. They are 2.5 year old bengals and think they are people. We kind of agree. I also have two gerbils - they are sisters and used to live together until they declanned and tried to kill each other... now they each live alone.

As for my one snake, I am sure that most of you have seen my post in Husbandry, but he is a red-sided garter rescued from my backyard. After a day of him sitting outside and not moving I took him in and he is doing well (aside from his hunger strike, but we are working on that). I have always liked snakes but never thought I would own one. The feeding kind of grossed me out and my husband was really afraid of them. Silv apparently changed his mind about that, we both agree he is adorably cute.

I think that is all of the important stuff. So.... hello! :D

11-09-2010, 10:21 PM
welcome to the forum! that's awesome, keep up the good work! I have family in southeast Kansas!! love visiting, flatter than heck, but tons of herps!!!

11-09-2010, 10:29 PM
An official welcome.
You will soon join the ranks of Thamnophis keepers that said "it's just 1 more".
Garter snakes are addictive. Their little attitudes are likable and they are so curious about what we do.
I hope Silv makes a complete adjustment to his injury and lives a long life with you and your husband.
Please take care to secure your snake from the cats. Cats are notorious for killing garter snakes and some members have reported injuries caused by cats.

11-09-2010, 10:33 PM
Currently, the cats live in the (large, finished) basement and the snake is upstairs in the living room. We do, however, hope to let the cats upstairs soon, but only when we are home and awake. They are rather insane and have put some nasty holes in what WAS a brand new couch, which is why they are in the basement, heh. We will make sure to keep a close eye on them with Silv's cage when they are upstairs. Thanks for the heads up.

11-09-2010, 10:51 PM
Trust Steve, the "it's just one more" is a serious problem... well, what am I saying. It's not a problem. Maybe I'm a good example of that. I started off with just my male Snakey, who was my baby. I took in 3 others. I didn't think I was going to keep them, but I did. The 3rd one was really sick and I ended up letting nature take it course and putting her outside. Then I bought 2 concinnus from Richard, they were too cute to resist. I got Tiny and wanted to help him since he seemed to have a problem and was pretty skinny. About a month and a half after Tiny, I got Squirt. I love my little northwesterns and concinnus. :D

11-10-2010, 12:11 AM
Welcome aboard!

11-10-2010, 12:16 AM
Welcome aboard.

11-10-2010, 08:14 AM
You need to take hubby dearest to a reptile show near you and find out what kind of snake he MIGHT like. There's a lot of variety in snakes, LOTS of color and, as long as his dislike is not an actual phobia, I think you could persuade him. ( Come to the darkside. We have brownies! )

Welcome aboard! Join the addiction, no I mean obsession, no I REALLY meant to say hobby!:) :) :)


11-10-2010, 02:11 PM
Official greetings are in order :D

count dewclaw
11-10-2010, 09:26 PM
Welcome, welcome! :D

11-13-2010, 05:36 PM
I apologize for the late "Welcome". I too started with just one snake, "Stewie". Then my husband found another, a baby. Then the baby died after about 6 weeks. I was so upset. Stewie and "Baby snake" always snuggled together. I think the baby adopted Stewie, because she really was just a baby, all by herself when she was found. It was the end of May and she was probably a newborn. My daughter found another and my son found a Dekayi. Now we have 3. My original snake, "Stewie" had 11 babies of her own and I adopted 2 more. That is where you are headed. Not a bad thing, as Steve would say, a very good thing! Good luck!

11-13-2010, 10:08 PM
I started out with one snake, then got another 2, then pickup a corn, then another corn and then another back in september. for now I plan to keep it at that, other then my trio of checkereds who will mate, and my pair of Corns who will breed in a couple years... unfortunatly I don't plan on adding anything for a bit, I got's a baby boy on the way :)

11-13-2010, 10:32 PM
I got's a baby boy on the way :)

Congrats on the soon due boy.