View Full Version : Thermoelectric mini fridge turned into brumation box

11-07-2010, 01:21 AM
I've got a thermoelectric mini fridge that I'd like to somehow make it so i can use it for brumating. If i could somehow use a inexpensive thermostat to control it being on and off that would be awesome...
The fridge runs all the time, unless unplugged. the warmest it will go is around 7ish degrees Celsius... which i know for certain is to cold. My idea was just a thermostat set at w/e temp is needed for my checkered's controling when the fridge turned on and off... sounds simpler then it might be... but how to set something like that up?
I thought of the Zoo Med Thermostats, but there more for heat and not cold... the lowest i saw they go is around 70 F. So, any ideas as to how to approach this idea... and with the least amount of money spend as possible.

11-07-2010, 09:56 AM
If you can't find a suitable thermostat for control it might be worth impairing the fridge's abillities. Try tampering with the door-seal, etc. But hold out for a better thermostat first.

11-07-2010, 11:40 AM
Do you have a cellar where you live? I would move all my breeders to the cellar for the winter and check the water bowls twice a week. dark and reasonably cool did the trick every year with good breeding activity after the warm up. In fairness, i've never bred a garter so cooler temps might be crucial. I'm looking forward to trying though:D

11-07-2010, 01:23 PM
well... if i was staying at my parents place we have a 'cold room' where it is much cooler, but could also be cooler then 50 F but i couldn't tell you. But I'm not staying at my parents I'm moving about 15-20 min car ride back into the town i grew up in... my parents decided buying a bigger house outside of town in a small village was nicer... and their right... but when i move I loose a vehicle, and then therefore wouldn't be able to check the water bowls.