View Full Version : An overdue update!

10-18-2010, 02:02 AM
Hey everyone! I have been meaning to give a little update on my kids, but I have been lazy and shy haha. Amazing thing is, I come to this site just about everyday to lurk and read everyones posts!

But lets skip that boring talk and get to the good stuff! The snakes!After finding out the true genders of my original pair, they got a rename, and my two newer ones also got names.

My male dekayi is called Scrat, like the sabertooth squirrel from Ice Age (my Scrat loves slugs the way the movie Scrat loved acorns!). Next up is the female dekayi, her name is Big Momma, cus well, she eats more than anyone else, and is my only female! Both of these little dekayi's are going strong, Scrat is still the smallest of the group, and will most likely stay that way but I don't mind, he is the calmest of the group and doesn't mind me picking him up. He seems to prefer eating every two days, instead of everyday as Big Momma does. And speaking of Big Momma, boy does she eat! She eats half of a big ol' worm everyday, and there have been a few times that she comes close to eating a whole one! I don't mind it though, I love to see that she is eating.

Next up is my only (for now) garter, my wee albino checkered has grown a lot in the 5 weeks that I have had him. He has shed twice already! It really is amazing how fast he grows. For the first month I was feeding him small amounts everyday, it was usually worms on the menu, so he would digest it rather fast and would want more the next day. Though the past week or so, I have reduced how often I feed him to every two days, though he doesn't seem to like that. He snaps up food before it touches the feeding bowl! One day it was feeding time for him and Big Momma, and I guess he got pissed that I served Big Momma first (ladies first!) because he made a quick grab for it and wouldn't let go! This was the first time I have had a fight during dinner! Big Momma got pissed, so she got to stay in my hand and get first choice of the worm. Oh, right, his name is Blurr, like the Autobot transformer of old. Reason being he moves really fast and doesn't like to be held. He also makes quick strikes at his food.

The last snake on the check up list is Tarzan, my corn(he likes to climb everything). He has been troublesome the entire 5 weeks that I have had him. The reason? He won't eat. I have tried everything and have had zero results. Nothing I tried worked, scenting, braining, live, frozen, it all failed to entice him. At this point I knew he was most likely starving so I decided to take action. I went and bought two pinkies, and managed to force feed him one. I know it must have been hard on him, but I felt I had no other option left to me but this. From what I saw when I was feeding him, he may not have even known HOW to eat. When I managed to get a piece into his mouth, he would just hold it there, like he didn't know what to do with it, which worries me in itself. And now that I forced him to eat, I am worried that it would have been too much and he will pass on over night. Now I am full of conflict, did I do the right thing? And I feel oh so guilty too.

That's it for my update, though when I wake up I will look for the camera and post a few pics of them all to show off how much some of them have grown.

10-18-2010, 05:13 AM
Thanks for the update.
Sounds like things are coming along nicely.
It looks like you are getting to know your snakes very well.
I hope Tarzan comes out of the difficult time.