View Full Version : "Snake Hunting"
04-20-2007, 07:51 PM
My wife and I (o.k. mainly I) decided to go "hunt" for some garters on a river I fish from tme to time. I had seen one there a number of years ago and thought it was the perfect spot. Just two minutes or so from where we parked we saw the first snake. Just a little guy, maybe 6 inces long. Then as we quietly released him I heard a rustle, then a pause. My eyes quickly focused on the most uniqe looking garter we had ever seen...
I have never seen a coloration like this in the wild before...
His belly was a little more fluorescent and the grey was some what rusty...
There was also a fine red "pin stripe" running along each band...
He was a difficult catch, with many failed attempts, but in the end was worth it!!!
04-20-2007, 08:04 PM
I envy you! LOL!
I hope to get out this weekend and do some hiking. I will have the camera along just in case!:D
04-20-2007, 08:28 PM
Nice catch. Their coloration and markings are always a surprise.
Beautiful animal!
04-20-2007, 09:38 PM
Very interesting coloration. It's always impressive to see what diversity they have. The pictures also show the habitat and how close he was found to water. Nice job.
04-20-2007, 09:49 PM
Yes this area is a nice area. I was quite surprised at how fast my husband found a Garter. The baby one was so precious! So tiny. Now my question is, would he have been a new baby from this season, or from last season? I believe I read on here that they are just starting to mate now? But not to sure. I know today was our first warm day! So I'm guessing he's from last year. Which then leads me to my next question, how fast do they grown? Because he was small, smallest garter I've ever seen!!! But so cute lol.
This Garter here in the picture was just amazing in colour. I've never seen a Garter this colour before. I've always seen them dark like Mr. Pink is. So it was interesting to see. We also were able to watch him for a bit and he took a swim! Was really neat.
(this time last year I wouldn't be caught snake hunting hehe)
04-20-2007, 09:56 PM
They grow really fast and might reach as much as 60cm in their first year, but realize that this is a very good growth rate.
04-20-2007, 10:14 PM
So then he must have been a new one. Because he was so small. I might have a pic, let me see...
You can some what see him in this one. He was just so tiny, I don't even know how my husband saw him in the dead bush thing he was in lol. But he did and took a bit to calm him down. But he eventually did. He was just so darn CUTE! :)
That's another thing, when you all go hunting for Garters do you handle them? and if so, how long does it generally take to calm them down before they are comfortable in your hands?
04-21-2007, 07:04 PM
Isnīt it so that juveniles that are born in Canada often start the brumation while they have never eaten, because the summer ends shortly after they are born. If that is true, it probably was a snake from last year?
04-21-2007, 07:15 PM
It sometimes happens with grass snakes and adders here as well, that they don't have time to start feeding before winter comes. But then again, they spend 8-9 months in brumation.
:) Very nice Garters. From the last photo, I would say it is last summers birth.
04-21-2007, 10:28 PM
nice, are you keeping either of them?
the coloring of the first 1 is awsome!
still waiting for the garters in my area to have babies:D
probly just a couple more months down the road too!
04-21-2007, 10:35 PM
No, my wife talked me into not keeping him but i said if i see him or 1 like him again, it's
04-22-2007, 08:22 AM
Isnīt it so that juveniles that are born in Canada often start the brumation while they have never eaten, because the summer ends shortly after they are born. If that is true, it probably was a snake from last year?
That makes more sense. Because this is what I was thinking, since we really only just had 2 nice days so far this year. Our winter was very COLD and I couldn't imagine they already had babies. Unless they have babies while it's still cold?! lol I don't know very much about Garters (that's my husbands job hehe). But none the less he was SO cute! So small. Hopefully now that we're on the look out for them I can see one of this years birth :D
04-22-2007, 08:57 AM
That's another thing, when you all go hunting for Garters do you handle them? and if so, how long does it generally take to calm them down before they are comfortable in your hands?
I catch them in the wild all the time, about a month ago I caught 10 in about 1 hour. Only one acted wild and offered to bite, the rest were so docile you'd think they'd been pets! Another remark, they were all male except 1, and she was the cranky 1. She calmed down after about 15 minutes.
04-22-2007, 09:20 AM
I honestly don't know how you resisted the temptation to bring that first snake home! It's a beauty. No amount of persuasion would have deterred me from keeping that little gem!
04-22-2007, 06:42 PM
Well we had another successful snake hunt.One baby and one very "fat" garter got away.But the third one didn't fool
he's trying to give me the slip.
this is what I think is a den area...
and this is the one that DID'NT get away.Just waiting for the perfect one to come home with us ;)
04-23-2007, 01:24 AM
Nice catches!
04-23-2007, 11:15 AM
Boy Marc,
Those pictures show why you normally hear them before you see them ;). Looks like a fun area to explore, though.
04-23-2007, 04:14 PM
Excellent habitat pics Marc & Marie.
04-23-2007, 06:20 PM
I agree on the habitatpics.
There should be a law that when you photograph a gartersnake in the wild you also have to make at least 5 pictures of the surroundings.
One of the actual spot where you found the snake.
The other four, standing on the spot where you found the snake, in east, west, north and south direction.
The law should also include the obligation to publish them (or mail them to me ;) ).
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