View Full Version : Baby escaped and cat got to it
09-18-2010, 02:26 AM
Okay so obviously my container wasn't escape proof and my week and a half old T. s. sirtalis escaped. The cat was in the room. I was out and I opened the door to the room (Extremely mad at the person that locked the cat in the room!!) and the cat ran out. Then I saw the baby on the wooden floor. Without any traction it couldn't get away so we were able to get it into a container. It did have a bit of blood and I am insanely worried. I soaked it in some clean water for a bit (not sure if that was a good idea, the point was to clean it). Now it is in a snapware container (with some little holes). There is a water bowl and a thick layer of paper towels. I don't know what to do for it. There is absolutely no vet I can go to until Monday and even then the snake is as long as my hand and thinner than a pencil. It moves around fine or so it seems. When left alone it just lays there but when we picked it up from the floor and from the water it was just as actively trying to get away from us as ever. We have it on a heat mat and the temp in the container is about 82-85 degrees but the water side isn't on the mat and I don't know what temp it is at. I read studies that garter snakes heal faster when kept at the hotter end of their tolerable temp range. When it is resting it seems to try to have its tail up against something. I am so distressed, I just want to know if there is anything I could possibly do to help it. I am trying to leave it alone as much as possible so that I don't stress it any more. It has only eaten once since it was born, a live feeder guppy about 3 days ago. It had a guppy in the original container it escaped from so I'm guessing it isn't hungry.
09-18-2010, 06:34 AM
It will be stressed. Just keep the little one clean and quiet until you can get it seen by a vet. Fingers crossed. Don't elevate the temp too much. treat 85 as a maximum to err on the side of caution. Too much heat can be a killer.
09-18-2010, 06:47 AM
Sorry to hear about the baby! Watch the heat, with babies it can kill them rather quickly if it gets too hot. Keeping fingers crossed.
09-18-2010, 06:48 AM
I'm a relative newcomer here too, but from what I have read, you seem to be doing the right things. You didn't describe the snakes injuries other than there was some blood- could you examine it for puncture wounds? If you find injuries, there are posts in this forum describing treating wounds with triple antibiotic ointment (Neosporin) and soaks in silvidine (sp?) solution if infection was found. Keeping your patient a bit warmer than usual to boost its immune *has* been recommended, but I'm not sure about the optimal temperature range. Watch for swelling and infection- This is where I think you might consider getting a vet involved, if it gets infected. I'm soooo sorry your baby got into trouble! Be glad the cat wasn't a better hunter. Garters are pretty tough, and posters here have described snakes healing up from some amazingly bad injuries. (Broken spine, exposed ribs, big patches of skin missing.) Iid say if the internal damages aren't too bad, and you can avoid infection, he's got a fighting chance.
09-18-2010, 07:00 AM
Betadine swabbing the skin is probably not a bad idea but usually just keeping the snake clean and comfortable is enough. If there are no internal injuries he'll probably be fine. Usually in a case like this it's just a few minor puncture wounds if the cat didn't go at it for hours.
09-18-2010, 07:12 AM
It sounds like you've been given some sound advice.
Rest is very important.
I hope the cat has been............ talked to:D
It sounds like the snake may have come out fairly good from this ordeal. Many times they don't when it comes to cats.
Keep us posted on its progress.
09-18-2010, 09:05 AM
Just a random idea, place things around the outside of any enclosure that you aren't sure is totally snake proof, that way theres a place to hide if they do escape. A mat would work well assuming you leave wrinkles in it.
09-18-2010, 09:59 AM
Just a random idea, place things around the outside of any enclosure that you aren't sure is totally snake proof, that way theres a place to hide if they do escape. A mat would work well assuming you leave wrinkles in it.
Good advice. Just in case they do get out.
09-18-2010, 10:19 AM
Well he is still alive. Which gives me a lot of hope because if he had severe internal injuries he probably would have died over night. I am watching the temp, the heat pad actually turned itself off over the night and it was 75 in there this morning. I don't know how long the cat was messing with it. It looks like she picked it up with her mouth and a tooth punctured the snake a little less that 3/4 down its body. I can't tell if it goes all the way through, it seems more like a slice about 1/3 the width of the body deep. It looks like it has some little scratches where the scales are upturned and the tail has two kinks in it. Yesterday it looked like it had some kind of dent where the other tooth bit down on it but this morning the dent it gone. The snake does have places to hide if it gets out but I have a feeling the cat saw it escaping and got it from there. I feel like I might do more harm that good if I try to put ointment on. The snake thrashes around a lot when it gets picked up. Would I even want to put ointment on a deep puncture wound? The ointment tub warns against using it on deep puncture wounds and says to ask a doctor. (off brand neosporin).
The closest vet to me is a hour away (not in traffic) and I don't have a license (due to fainting spells). My husband might not get off work in time to go before they close. The earliest he could get off is at 5 and the vet closes at 7. That is traffic time and it could easily take two hours to get there. I could try to bus it but they would kick me off if they realized I had an animal with me. I would have to make three transfers and it would probably be a really rough ride for the little guy. I don't know what day my husband has off this week, hopefully it is Monday or he could switch for Monday.
Thank you everyone for your advise and compassion.
09-18-2010, 10:34 AM
As said, some antibiotic ointment, silver sulfadiazine cream, betadine. These will all help with possible infections.
Thanks for your compassion for your snake.
Best of luck. Prayers being sent your way.;)
09-18-2010, 11:30 AM
The type of triple antibiotic ointment I have is the one that includes painkiller (pramoxine) would this be okay or should I try to buy the one without the painkiller?
09-18-2010, 11:50 AM
The type of triple antibiotic ointment I have is the one that includes painkiller (pramoxine) would this be okay or should I try to buy the one without the painkiller?
I've never seen any with a pain killer in them.
Better safe then sorry. I'd go with the non-pain reliever kind.
09-18-2010, 05:00 PM
I was told that the painkiller type was not harmful to garter snakes, however I read about its effects on other snakes and it had been known to kill them, so I'd be better safe than sorry. Since it's a baby it could be even more susceptible to the painkiller and really harm it.
Personally I wouldn't even risk trying it, even if it didn't really kill another type of snake (as in someone just acting like know it alls). My snakes are my family and I'd never try anything on them that had a small possibility of hurting them in any sense.
09-18-2010, 06:23 PM
Yea they are totally my babies. I went and got the triple antibiotic without pain reliever. My husband held the snake and it held still enough to put it on. We got a really good look all over its body and can't see any big puncture or cuts. Looking into the container before must have caused an optical illusion. It almost looks like a bird with its feathers ruffled. The scales are ruffled. There may be tiny wounds that we just can't see but not we have our hopes up pretty high. We have to leave until tomorrow evening to I put new paper towels, put on the antibiotic ointment and put the container just barely on the heat pad. So that way the ambient air won't get to high but it could huddle in that side if it wants the heat. As others said over heating is more of a concern especially since I won't be here to monitor the temp.
09-18-2010, 06:54 PM
Yea they are totally my babies. I went and got the triple antibiotic without pain reliever. My husband held the snake and it held still enough to put it on. We got a really good look all over its body and can't see any big puncture or cuts. Looking into the container before must have caused an optical illusion. It almost looks like a bird with its feathers ruffled. The scales are ruffled. There may be tiny wounds that we just can't see but not we have our hopes up pretty high. We have to leave until tomorrow evening to I put new paper towels, put on the antibiotic ointment and put the container just barely on the heat pad. So that way the ambient air won't get to high but it could huddle in that side if it wants the heat. As others said over heating is more of a concern especially since I won't be here to monitor the temp.
Make sure the snake has access to water. Dehydration is a big concern for babies.
09-19-2010, 01:12 AM
The water bowl is in the container too.
09-19-2010, 02:43 AM
my female radix came to me with a large hole in her side, it was very deep and it was about ten years ago, long before i could go to the internet for advice, i kept her clean and hydrated and little more than that to be honest, the purpose of this reply is not to give you practical advice[there are people on here much better suited for that than me] but to let you know that our snakes can be a whole lot tougher than we might think,so with the advice you are getting and a little dab of luck the little tyke will hopefully make it through.
09-19-2010, 02:58 AM
not sure if my earlier reply made plain my radix [kenzo] is still with me, she is so placid and friendly having her is a real joy, of all my pets and snakes none have meant more to me than kezo so ones again good luck with the little one
09-19-2010, 02:33 PM
not sure if my earlier reply made plain my radix [kenzo] is still with me, she is so placid and friendly having her is a real joy, of all my pets and snakes none have meant more to me than kezo so ones again good luck with the little one
We'd love to see some more picture of Kenzo.
Fine looking radix.
09-19-2010, 02:38 PM
hope your snake dosnt get hurt or out anymore...maybe keep the tank in a designated non-cat room?
09-19-2010, 02:41 PM
hope your snake dosnt get hurt or out anymore...maybe keep the tank in a designated non-cat room?
A designer non-cat house would be better.:D
09-19-2010, 02:42 PM
A designer non-cat house would be better.:D
ya who needs cats anyways snakes get more and better chicks than cats anyways:D
09-19-2010, 10:34 PM
Well I just got back and the baby still seems to be okay. Alert and moving around. Unfortunately I rent a single room in a house so I don't have any other room I could put the snakes in. My bedroom is my office is my snake room. The cat belongs to the house not to me. And I'm a straight married female so I don't really need to worry about getting chicks with my snakes. I just love snakes.
09-20-2010, 10:49 AM
I'm glad it seems to be doing well so far! Please keep us posted on how things progress.
My thoughts are with you.
09-20-2010, 02:36 PM
Glad to hear your snake is doing okay, hopefully (s)he'll heal up quickly :D
09-21-2010, 02:03 AM
Well about to go to bed and it is still alive. Tomorrow the little guy will be moved and I'll let you know how it goes and if I see any more wounds.
09-28-2010, 01:28 PM
09-29-2010, 01:02 PM
It is still alive. It did end up having a puncture but it seems to be doing okay. I have fed it twice now and it seems to digest fine. Tip of the tail looks like it might fall off and the last 1/4 of the body seems to be paralyzed. I am hoping it is temporary but either way the little Miracle (its new name) seems to want to live through this.
09-29-2010, 01:32 PM
any chance of getting a pic of the part of the body that is paralyzed? It could be a sprain of some sort or even a little break. Is there any discoloration at the area at with the paralysis starts? Slight dark band maybe? Does the paralysis start before or after the vent?
Meals that are easily digested may be a good idea for now as well, worms are the fastest, then fish. Pinkies are better but they take longer to digest, so maybe fish and or worm every other day.
If the little guy is feeding and otherwise acting normal, it should be ok. It seems you are taking great care of him, continue as you are and im sure the lil guy will be fine.
Good luck!
09-30-2010, 03:51 PM
It starts before the vent. I have been giving it worms because it doesn't need to be caught. I offered it a fish yesterday but it hasn't eaten it yet. I don't see any discoloration just what seems like upturned scales and a cut/puncture (not sure which). The little one is so small and shy that it is really hard to tell. I will try my best to get a picture.
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