View Full Version : I'm Back

09-15-2010, 10:01 AM
been a loooooonnnngggggg time since ive been on the forums, if anyone remebers me i took in a garter with a injured spine, well i nursed him back to health and dropped him off at my buddies land with plenty of fresh water streams and bodies of water with fish, toads and everything else lol.

just wanted to say hi and i should have myself some garters this winter again, i just feel my collection is incomplete without a garter

09-15-2010, 10:59 AM
Welcome back. :)

09-15-2010, 11:57 AM
been a loooooonnnngggggg time since ive been on the forums, if anyone remebers me i took in a garter with a injured spine, well i nursed him back to health and dropped him off at my buddies land with plenty of fresh water streams and bodies of water with fish, toads and everything else lol.

just wanted to say hi and i should have myself some garters this winter again, i just feel my collection is incomplete without a garter

All collections are imcomplete without a garter.;)Nice to see you back.
Nice work on the injured snake.
Thanks for taking the time and putting in the effort for that snake.

09-15-2010, 12:31 PM
I remember you.... Welcome back.