View Full Version : Welcome ringo! (querstions)

09-03-2010, 11:30 PM
this is my new baby ringo!! <3


hello, i just got this baby garter and i have a few questions :) i was wondering how old it is, and if i can tell the gender. thanks sooo much!! and how small of worms to they have to be? and fish etc, how many times to i have to feed him and how much, ect, thanks!!

09-03-2010, 11:47 PM
Welcome! Ringo looks to be maybe a couple weeks old maybe. We would have to see some shots of its tail end to be able to see whether its a girl or boy. The worms shouldn't be much bigger than its head, that's what I've been told. That's also how I feed runt. I feed my baby runt every 3 days and he only eats probably 5 pieces on average. I leave a little dish in his enclosure so he can eat more if he's still hungry. A more experienced member will be able to tell you more :)

09-03-2010, 11:55 PM
thanks a bunch! ill get more pictures for you for sure :D

09-04-2010, 01:03 AM
If you stay regular on the forum you'll come to realize that I swoon over baby snake pictures :D I'd love to see more of this little one. Do you know what kind of garter it is? I cant really tell from the picture, there's so many kinds of garters!

09-04-2010, 01:37 AM
Welcome to the forum! Ringo is such a cute baby. I need a better close up picture and it's hard to determine exact age unless you have knowledge of its birth. Your little one could be a few weeks to a few months old from what I can see. As for feeding, Chantel is right. Cut up worms into little pieces and you should be fine. You could also mix in some salmon (from the fish dept at your supermarket) If your baby is reluctant to eat for you, the Steve (Guidofatherof5) will always recommend the guppies, which do work wonders!

Good luck!

09-04-2010, 11:02 AM
If you stay regular on the forum you'll come to realize that I swoon over baby snake pictures :D I'd love to see more of this little one. Do you know what kind of garter it is? I cant really tell from the picture, there's so many kinds of garters!

haha! there are alot?? oh boy!! haha ill have to get lots of new photos so you guys can tell haha :D the reason we got him is cause his mama was hit by a car and a robin was trying to eat her so we pulled over and was going to barry her... and just as we got out of the car the robin droped little baby and flew away!! and hes so sweet! hasnt tryed to bite me or anything! and he crawls all over me and rapps around my fingure etc. but im scared that since hes a wild one he wont eat.. im really nervous about that...

09-04-2010, 12:09 PM
He will eat..

Feeder guppies or small earthworms.

Great rescue BTW!

09-04-2010, 01:13 PM
Welcome! and a very nice snake worms should do the trick:). I think that snake is probably and eastern (thamnophis sirtalis sirtalis) but cant tell for sure...

09-04-2010, 02:10 PM
eastern? ok :)))

09-04-2010, 02:21 PM
Sometimes it takes them a while to eat. My little Runt didn't eat for 3 weeks before he accepted some worms. Sometimes if you're trying to get them to eat it's best to leave them in their enclosure for a few days and then offer some cut up night crawlers or earthworms or guppies in a small dish and then leave him alone :)

haha! there are alot?? oh boy!! haha ill have to get lots of new photos so you guys can tell haha :D the reason we got him is cause his mama was hit by a car and a robin was trying to eat her so we pulled over and was going to barry her... and just as we got out of the car the robin droped little baby and flew away!! and hes so sweet! hasnt tryed to bite me or anything! and he crawls all over me and rapps around my fingure etc. but im scared that since hes a wild one he wont eat.. im really nervous about that...

09-04-2010, 03:51 PM
Sometimes it takes them a while to eat. My little Runt didn't eat for 3 weeks before he accepted some worms. Sometimes if you're trying to get them to eat it's best to leave them in their enclosure for a few days and then offer some cut up night crawlers or earthworms or guppies in a small dish and then leave him alone :)

do they have to be dead or alive? and what should i buy first? should i buy some now? or in a bit? he lets me hold him! and all that and is soo sweet, i will get beter pictures to you as well :)

09-04-2010, 05:42 PM
Worms should be alive. You can get them at Walmart in the fishing section. Get the canadian night crawlers. Never offer your snake red wigglers. You can cut up the night crawlers into baby bite-sized pieces. You may try worms now. Being a WC (wild caught) it could have already been some time since he has eaten. Your baby may also appreciate the guppies as well.

09-04-2010, 08:40 PM
Even if he lets you hold him it could still be pretty nervous. The worms should be alive, but cut into very small pieces. I'd by them as soon as possible, just so you can have a stock o them ready for when he's hungry. Even if it has been some time since he ate I'd, personally, leave him alone for a couple days just to let him settle in and get used to being captive for a little while. If it doesn't eat worms it could be that he's too nervous to eat, or perhaps it would like different food. As Le Ann said, it might like guppies :) Some snakes need to have the stimulation of moving food to be able to eat, I see this being the case mostly with older wild caught snakes who've caught quite a few meals.

09-04-2010, 09:33 PM
Where are you ringo? That would help to narrow down what species of garter snake you have there. I know that in Western WA and OR, I often see robins eating baby Thamnophis ordinoides (Northwestern Garter snake)

Most garter snakes will eat night crawlers (sold as bait) and recognize their food by the smell. Obviously, if you chop worms up into bite-sized pieces, they will no longer be alive or moving but most garter snakes will eat it anyway.

That snake looks to be a month old or younger. Garter snakes do not receive protection or guidance from "mom". As soon as they are born, they are on their own and they disperse. Could just be a coincidence that a robin snatched up a nearby baby garter when you happen to be there. It's not likely that the snake which was run over, is "mom" since there are probably a lot of adult and baby snakes in the area.;)

09-04-2010, 09:53 PM
Where are you ringo? That would help to narrow down what species of garter snake you have there. I know that in Western WA and OR, I often see robins eating baby Thamnophis ordinoides (Northwestern Garter snake)

Most garter snakes will eat night crawlers (sold as bait) and recognize their food by the smell. Obviously, if you chop worms up into bite-sized pieces, they will no longer be alive or moving but most garter snakes will eat it anyway.

That snake looks to be a month old or younger. Garter snakes do not receive protection or guidance from "mom". As soon as they are born, they are on their own and they disperse. Could just be a coincidence that a robin snatched up a nearby baby garter when you happen to be there. It's not likely that the snake which was run over, is "mom" since there are probably a lot of adult and baby snakes in the area.;)

oh haha, how do i get him to tolarate me and be a good snake like a corn snake? i would like to be able to continue holding him with him being calm about it :( i live in skagit county, northern washington :D hes such a sweet heart! he wraps around my fingure.. i hope he eats and begins to like me hah:p

09-04-2010, 10:08 PM
Well, I can't say for sure unless we get bigger and better pictures but it's likely a northwestern garter snake. He could be wrapping around you for warmth. 80-85 degrees during the day is comfortable for them so if you're not providing heat, that could be why he's clinging to your warm hand.

Baby northwesterns will usually readily take worms, and some will take bits of fish or f/t pinky mice. Don't forget to provide some moist and dry places to hide and a very shallow, wide water dish such as a cottage cheese or margarine container lid. It will dry out fast so keep it filled. A good misting once a day doesn't hurt. Baby garters dehydrate fast. Keeping piles of moist moss to hide under helps too.

09-04-2010, 10:17 PM
Well, I can't say for sure unless we get bigger and better pictures but it's likely a northwestern garter snake. He could be wrapping around you for warmth. 80-85 degrees during the day is comfortable for them so if you're not providing heat, that could be why he's clinging to your warm hand.

Baby northwesterns will usually readily take worms, and some will take bits of fish or f/t pinky mice. Don't forget to provide some moist and dry places to hide and a very shallow, wide water dish such as a cottage cheese or margarine container lid. It will dry out fast so keep it filled. A good misting once a day doesn't hurt. Baby garters dehydrate fast. Keeping piles of moist moss to hide under helps too.

thanks so much :) do you have any tips to "bond" with him or her? and how does the tail sexing work?

09-04-2010, 10:48 PM
It could also be a wandering garter snake I believe they're called. But my experience with those is that they have a bad temperament. They also tend to be a lighter colour based off what I've seen, so it probably would be Northwestern garter snake. I have 3 of those myself! :) Great snakes.

What I do to "bond" with my snakes and get them used to me is keep my hand in their enclosure for a while and let them slither on me and learn that I'm not going to hurt them. After a while of feeding them they come to know you as a source of food and they'll trust you more. With my older snakes I let them have a warm bath every once in a while and I'll keep my hand in the drier part of the bath. They'll stop swimming around and coil up in my hands when they're done. With Runt he's skittish so I leave him alone unless I'm cleaning his tank or feeding him. I hold him sometimes too. Another thing I do with all my snakes is taking them out individually and letting them slither on my bed while I'm laying down. They seem to enjoy it a lot since they can hide in my blankets and explore. Mama normally stays around me while Snakey and Runt like to explore in my blankets.

Tail sexing works by looking at their tails past the cloaca (where they go poop pretty much). Males have longer tails and they don't taper immediately after the cloaca. Females have shorter tails and it tapers after the cloaca. I'm not sure how to do the link thing but here's a good topic that explains how to sex snakes visually.


09-04-2010, 11:35 PM
It could also be a wandering garter snake I believe they're called. But my experience with those is that they have a bad temperament.
Bunk! Bunk, I say! :D

I've never seen one with a bad temper. The one thing that might get you bit, is trying to interact with them when they've gotten into their heads that there's food around.

09-04-2010, 11:37 PM
It could also be a wandering garter snake I believe they're called. But my experience with those is that they have a bad temperament. They also tend to be a lighter colour based off what I've seen, so it probably would be Northwestern garter snake. I have 3 of those myself! :) Great snakes.

What I do to "bond" with my snakes and get them used to me is keep my hand in their enclosure for a while and let them slither on me and learn that I'm not going to hurt them. After a while of feeding them they come to know you as a source of food and they'll trust you more. With my older snakes I let them have a warm bath every once in a while and I'll keep my hand in the drier part of the bath. They'll stop swimming around and coil up in my hands when they're done. With Runt he's skittish so I leave him alone unless I'm cleaning his tank or feeding him. I hold him sometimes too. Another thing I do with all my snakes is taking them out individually and letting them slither on my bed while I'm laying down. They seem to enjoy it a lot since they can hide in my blankets and explore. Mama normally stays around me while Snakey and Runt like to explore in my blankets.

Tail sexing works by looking at their tails past the cloaca (where they go poop pretty much). Males have longer tails and they don't taper immediately after the cloaca. Females have shorter tails and it tapers after the cloaca. I'm not sure how to do the link thing but here's a good topic that explains how to sex snakes visually.


thanks :) that helps alot, i hope he eats. haha

09-04-2010, 11:46 PM
I said in my experience! :p I found a subadult a few years ago. The damn thing bit my leg and kept hissing at me. When I picked it up it bit me 3 times. It never held on when it bit and didn't draw blood, but that thing was really pissy. The baby I found last year was just as mean it was probably less than a month old and it kept biting me no matter what I did. When I offered it food (I was planning on keeping it) it went for my hand instead. It wasn't even interested in the food! It was more calm when I held it, though but if it was in the enclosure it wanted nothing to do with me. Sadly, it found a way out of the enclosure and got away. I don't think I'll ever forget that little one! It was a really cute little guy, even if it was a little devil :D

Bunk! Bunk, I say! :D

I've never seen one with a bad temper. The one thing that might get you bit, is trying to interact with them when they've gotten into their heads that there's food around.

09-04-2010, 11:53 PM
haha! awww how cute :p little devils ;)

09-05-2010, 12:28 AM
Some of them are. My little Runt used to be a little devil. He'd bite and strike at me sometimes. I think he's given up, though, since all it does is make me giggle. He's so tiny and his teeth are so small that they cant hurt me. Mama has been a little devil lately. She's possibly gravid, and she decided to take a vacation today and not eat her food... When I found her she wasn't very happy. She hissed from the time I picked her up all the way to her tank. She struck at me through the glass, too! She's normally she sweetest little snake you'd ever find. She likes neck rubs and she LOVES to sleep on my stomach when I'm laying on my bed, especially when the blanket is over me. Both her and Snakey seem to love having their chins rubbed :D They'll both sit there and enjoy it for a good 5 minutes before slithering around some more. I love garter snakes, they never cease to amuse me.

09-05-2010, 12:41 AM
thats so cool i want my snake to stay on me at all times!!

09-05-2010, 12:55 AM
That's sometimes hard to do ;) I had Mama riding around in my shirt once for about 2 hours and she pooped all over me :mad: She's an adult she she poops probably 20 times more than a little baby snake would!

09-05-2010, 01:02 AM
hahaha!!!! thats to funny! how did she ride in there??

09-05-2010, 01:05 AM
Well, in my bra :p As you can imagine I wasn't too happy about her pooping in there... But that's what I get for allowing her to a couple days after she ate 2 pinkies :rolleyes:

09-05-2010, 01:16 AM
haha!! to funny! yeah i wouldnt want ringo going in ther either!! lol

09-08-2010, 11:46 AM
Hi, from Oregon, Ringosmama :)

09-08-2010, 03:17 PM
Snake in your bra.. OMG:eek:

A little surprise for your boyfriends? :p

09-08-2010, 03:28 PM
Haha, no. He's 2000 miles away. He doesn't get to see none of that. It's just a nice warm spot where my snakes can spend long amounts of time with me. :p I suppose it would be funny to do that, though.

09-08-2010, 08:20 PM
haha thatd me tooo funyy!!! pop out snake in bra lol

09-08-2010, 10:01 PM
Yep, two things my boyfriend loves in one! ... But I don't think he'd be happy finding a snake in my bra. Don't know why he'd be near my bra in the first place ;)

09-08-2010, 10:15 PM
HAHA!! good one! im gonna use that! beware of bra, snake lies benieth.. haha

09-08-2010, 10:16 PM
visious gaurd snake! haha

09-08-2010, 10:52 PM
Well, none of my snakes are vicious. They're all little sweeties. But a lot of people are scared of snakes ;) the man who delivered my new babies almost screamed when he was told that there were snakes in it and he nearly dropped the box!

09-08-2010, 10:54 PM
oh my!!! nor is ringo!! he wouldnt hurt a fly lol,, i just hope i can ge him to eat...

09-09-2010, 05:20 AM
the man who delivered my new babies almost screamed when he was told that there were snakes in it and he nearly dropped the box!

I would have loved to see that.:D What a wimp.:D

09-09-2010, 11:46 AM
Snake in your bra.. OMG:eek:

A little surprise for your boyfriends? :p
My Wife(Robin) dose that, I'm use to it now :D

09-09-2010, 02:05 PM
The look on his face was priceless. This smiley fits what he did ":eek:" his eye's were literally the size of dinner plates.

I would have loved to see that.:D What a wimp.:D