View Full Version : Releasing our snake :(

08-27-2010, 03:30 PM
Last October, my fiance and I took in a little garter snake who seemed to be a bit injured. Since then, he has been thriving... he's shed 5 times and has a very healthy appetite. Since he is doing so much better now, we think it would be in his best interest to release him (although we will miss him terribly).

I just wanted to get people's opinions on the release. We found him on a nice but somewhat urban trail across the street from a factory and there was not a lot of fresh water around. I know people say that snakes should be released where you found them, but does this refer to the exact location or the general area? We would love to put him somewhere we think he'd be happier. There is a fairly dense forest behind our house (about 10 minutes from the other trail... still the same town) that is much larger, not near anything dangerous (roads, lots of people, predators) and has a fresh water stream running through it. He eats slugs and worms from our backyard all the time so we know there'd be plenty of food for him too.

What do you guys think? We just want him to be happy and have the best life he can.

08-27-2010, 10:43 PM
We just want him to be happy and have the best life he can.
In that case, keep him. Right now, he has a guaranteed supply of food, warmth, protection from predators and healthcare. If you release him, that's all taken away from him. It is NOT in his best interest to be released.

08-27-2010, 11:13 PM
Sadly, we aren't able to keep him right now because we are moving to Hong Kong soon. We've had an awesome year with him and it's going to be absolutely heartbreaking to let him go... I was trying to sound positive in my first post because I'm trying to be strong about this, but it's very hard.

Releasing him is the only option (and I know he'll be ok... he's a tough little guy) unless there is anyone on this forum in the Vancouver Island area who wants to take in the best little snake in the world.

08-27-2010, 11:56 PM
Make a post offering your snake free to a good home, I bet someone here will be happy to care for it.

Good luck. ;)

08-28-2010, 12:45 AM
Vancouver you say?

08-28-2010, 07:42 AM
Vancouver you say?

See? I bet he will have another great home soon...:D

08-28-2010, 07:44 AM
I hope someone can adopt your wonderful snake. It's always welcome on the Ranch.;)

08-28-2010, 01:03 PM
i wish i could take it in but parents always say no no and what els was it?...oh ya NO