View Full Version : Lost and Found!

08-26-2010, 09:05 AM
A few days ago during an enclosure cleaning one of my snakes escaped for the first time ever! I felt like dirt....like I had killed my snake.

I turned the room where it was kept inside out and removed everything in there (including taking apart the heater on the wall) but no luck. I knew if the snake left the room it would be killed as I have 2 cats, so I devised a plan to find it. I took a 6 foot long bamboo/straw beach mat and placed it along a wall in the room and after I left the room I jammed socks into the space under the door to make sure that it could not leave the room if it was still inside. I flipped the mat 3 times a day for the past couple days but I had no luck; this morning I woke early cause I had a dream that I flipped the mat and found my snake...once I was fully awake I again felt bad cause I knew it was just a dream. Regardless I rushed to the snake room and flipped the mat and there she was all curled up and cozy :) Its good to have my girl back.

Maybe this trick may help others that have lost a snake in their home.


08-26-2010, 09:11 AM
You just made my day with that news. It's been a tough morning since I had to return CB to the Vet. for more surgery.
Glad his turned out good. I hope you are going to have a long talk with your snake about following the rules:D
Rule #1. Don't escape!

08-26-2010, 09:13 AM
Actually shes in time out right now lol. Not really, but she is in an enclosure inside another enclosure lol

So how is CB doing?

08-26-2010, 09:35 AM
Actually shes in time out right now lol. Not really, but she is in an enclosure inside another enclosure lol

So how is CB doing?

She herniated some tissue and needs a bit my surgery. My Vet. was very pleased with the way her cloaca was looking just 24 hours after surgery.
I am more of a worry wart. I just hope this will heal and she can have a more normal life.

08-26-2010, 01:28 PM
Good things come to those who wait, getting nervous and stressing yourself will just make matters worse. Im sure all will be well in time :).
Regardless of any outcome you know you did your best; which is a lot more than most would do.

08-26-2010, 03:22 PM
this morning I woke early cause I had a dream that I flipped the mat and found my snake...once I was fully awake I again felt bad cause I knew it was just a dream. Regardless I rushed to the snake room and flipped the mat and there she was all curled up and cozy :) Its good to have my girl back.

My girls seem to do this, be gone for two or four days then crawl to bed with me :eek:

08-27-2010, 07:59 PM
very nice idea