View Full Version : Coming home sucks!

08-21-2010, 03:43 AM
Hi All!
I have just returned home after 2 1/2 weeks in northern California, and boy am I sad to be home!
My brother met a Cali girl, and we went over to be at their wedding. What a beautiful place to be! Such an overwhelming countryside. Then I come home to grey skies, rain and cramped space. What a downer!

While we were away, my garter had a little adventure. She was in the care of my aunt (they have a corn), and she managed to escape for the first time and hotfoot it into the bathroom. She went under the bath, and it wasn't until my aunt had taken a screwdriver to the panel and dismatled the side, that my cheeky snake appeared inside the bath. Naughty girl!

The only downside to our trip is that I didn't see a single snake! I'm rather sad about that, especially since my husband, father and my brother's new father-in-law saw a rattlesnake out on the road. I think Dad may have gotten some film of it, so that'll be as close as I'll get. :(
However, I didn't want to go about turning over rocks since I have noooo experience, especially if I found something other than a garter!

Right then, I'm off to go shopping to cheer myself up. :D

08-21-2010, 05:17 AM
sounds like your snake missed you! Welcome back!

08-21-2010, 07:25 AM
Glad to hear you're back home safe.

09-01-2010, 02:36 AM
In most parts of Cali this time of year, even in places full of snakes, it can be tough to actually find one. It's quite hot and dry in many places in cali right now. Tough to find snakes sometimes when it's like that. It's even getting tough to find garters in the Northwest (Oregon, Washington) right now. Wrong time of year. Had better luck in late winter when it was still quite cool and yucky outside:eek:

Welcome back and happy shopping!