View Full Version : How to make Garters popular
07-30-2010, 08:02 PM
I think that it would be all to our advantage to work on making garters a popular snake with the U.S. snake collecting population.
I believe that the most deficient thing in a garter is its size.
so if those who breed garters aim for size and selectively breed larger traits
then people will like them better because of the bigger more impressive snake.
please add your ideas
07-30-2010, 11:06 PM
I for one hope they don't get popular. Don't take me wrong but to see what has happened to the corn snake and python industry it makes me want garter snakes to stay our little secret.
I don't think they can be bred to be bigger(much). They would need to be more than bigger to become popular. They would need to become everything they are not.
Garter snakes are time intensive. They require and for the most part want attention. They are ever curious about everything.
They won't eat once a week and not be seen until the next feeding.
You are right when you say that their size is against them. Some snake people want big impressive animals.
07-30-2010, 11:11 PM
Who are they supposed to impress with their size?
07-30-2010, 11:13 PM
Garters should stay how they are, people like to play scientist with genetics too much. I like big snakes also, but I think garters are the perfect size, they can slither around in my hair and give me a new hairdo, something boa sized... Well that wouldn't be anywhere near my head. I like being an owner to a not-so-popular snake... It makes me feel unique to have curious, cuddly snakes :P
07-30-2010, 11:26 PM
I actually prefer the smaller size of garters... they seem more generally manageable.
Jeff B
07-31-2010, 01:05 AM
They already make bigger garter snakes they are called water snakes, bull snakes and indigo snakes, want a bigger snake take your pick, but want a small easy to manage and care for and not freak out your neighbors and company then love the garters.
07-31-2010, 01:41 AM
If someone is already not interested in their behaviours, intelligence, and natural beauty, I don't see any benefit in dumbing them down to appeal more to the masses.
They don't need to be made more like other more popular snakes.
I have no problem with someone trying to breed their biggest and healthiest examples, I'd encourage that all day, but to do so with the intention of trying to make them more appealing to the general public imo will fail miserably.
07-31-2010, 02:03 AM
Aside from my reptile room, I keep 3 additional setups in my living room.
When visitors come over, even if they start out afraid of snakes, they seem to be at least reasonably curious about the smallish colorful snakes putting on a show behind the glass.
Garter snake popularity is on the rise, it will progress just fine.
07-31-2010, 05:03 AM
no, I don't think it's necessary
bigger garter - bigger poop
like a cribo
07-31-2010, 06:45 AM
Breed for nice color and even better temperament.
I think one of the best 'selling' point of garters is everyone knows they are harmless, and many people have fond memories of catching garters as kids. Many snake shy people will accept a garter as a pet when a larger or more exotic snake is simply out of the question.
As for problems, the confusing patchwork of state laws is a definite drawback, but I don't believe there is an easy solution for that- I think most of us feel wild garters need protection if only to keep them from becoming cheap food for other pets.
07-31-2010, 07:34 AM
Who are they supposed to impress with their size?
Um, I guess other guys with inadequacy issues????
I agree with all the posts after the original. Just wanted to put my vote in there.
07-31-2010, 01:51 PM
I doubt that Garter Snakes will ever enjoy the widespread popularity of certain other groups, because of their need for frequent attention, their lack of 'shock factor' and their relatively low monetary value.
I quite like that we are the enlightened few who appreciate Thamnophis just as they are..... who needs a creamsicle concinnus?!!
07-31-2010, 05:29 PM
I for one hope they don't get popular. Don't take me wrong but to see what has happened to the corn snake and python industry it makes me want garter snakes to stay our little secret.
I don't think they can be bred to be bigger(much). They would need to be more than bigger to become popular. They would need to become everything they are not.
Garter snakes are time intensive. They require and for the most part want attention. They are ever curious about everything.
They won't eat once a week and not be seen until the next feeding.
You are right when you say that their size is against them. Some snake people want big impressive animals.
I agree 100%, because next thing you know garter snakes will all become endangered and then we won't be able to enjoy them.
07-31-2010, 06:39 PM
Breed for nice color and even better temperament.
I think one of the best 'selling' point of garters is everyone knows they are harmless, and many people have fond memories of catching garters as kids. Many snake shy people will accept a garter as a pet when a larger or more exotic snake is simply out of the question.
As for problems, the confusing patchwork of state laws is a definite drawback, but I don't believe there is an easy solution for that- I think most of us feel wild garters need protection if only to keep them from becoming cheap food for other pets.
My mom is actually terrified of garter snakes. When I first caught Snakey, she screamed at the top of her lungs. She didnt even want to see him because she thought he was a gross,slimy, ugly garter snake. She has warmed up to mine now, of course. But she will not touch them unless they dont even have .01% chance of biting her :p The only time she touched a garter is when she ran over one with the lawn mower and when I was holdin runt. He's tiny and has no teeth so he cant bite. The reason she hated garters was because she picked up a gravid female by the tail and it bit her. She's also been scared of Snakey because when I caught him he was half starved and he latched onto my hand and wouldnt let go. I'm slightly allergic to their saliva and my hand swelled up bad from it ;) To my mom garters aren't harmless because one made her bleed, and one made my hand swell, but still...
07-31-2010, 07:24 PM
He's tiny and has no teeth so he cant bite.
They are born with a full set of teeth. Complete in every way just little.:)
07-31-2010, 07:37 PM
They are born with a full set of teeth. Complete in every way just little.:)
Then they're too small for me to feel :P He nipped me when I caught him, it tickled more than anything haha. My boyfriend made a joke about him gumming me to death, but I guess that would be invalid ;)
07-31-2010, 07:40 PM
Then they're too small for me to feel :P He nipped me when I caught him, it tickled more than anything haha. My boyfriend made a joke about him gumming me to death, but I guess that would be invalid ;)
Little earthworms, guppies and other prey can feel the needle teeth.:D
07-31-2010, 07:52 PM
Oh I can imagine they would! The night crawlers I feed Runt probably prefer the needle teeth better than the razor used to cut them up ;)
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