Jeff B
07-30-2010, 10:34 AM
This is one of the best erythristic easterns that I produced this year. This male is really starting to color up, should be a smoker as an adult and he is also a 66% pos het for both melanistic and Schuett albino genes.
This is a sibling to the one above except that it is a erythristic albino eastern male, not quite as much red/orange but has a nice variety of oranges, pinks, and purples, this guy is also 66% pos het for melanistic.
This is one of two erythristic flame het albino females that I got from Scott this spring, she is really red and these girls will make great pairings with the male snakes above
This is a sibling to the one above except that it is a erythristic albino eastern male, not quite as much red/orange but has a nice variety of oranges, pinks, and purples, this guy is also 66% pos het for melanistic.
This is one of two erythristic flame het albino females that I got from Scott this spring, she is really red and these girls will make great pairings with the male snakes above