View Full Version : Pinky success! (And feeding questions)

07-19-2010, 08:25 AM
Abby took a worm scented pinky mouse yesterday!
What a relief- she has been eating worms well, but pooping twice a day- reduced clean up will be very welcome!

This morning she's out hunting again already... How soon should I offer her another pinky?

She is about 12 inches long and weighs 21 grams according to my kitchen scale (1-500 gram capacity) The mouse was small, about the size of my average female hand pinky finger- a little larger than er head, but slightly smaller around than her body.

She's growing visibly already, but doesn't seem to be preparing to shed yet. I don't think it will be long though at the rate she is growing.

07-19-2010, 08:34 AM
If she's hunting, I would offer her another one now. Especially as she's only been eating worms up to now.
Congratulations on the progress!:)

07-19-2010, 09:56 AM
Congratulations on the progress!:)

Yes, ditto from me.

it's going to get a lot easier for you now.

07-19-2010, 10:40 AM
It sounds like you've got her on the right path.
When she tips the scale at 500 grams get a picture.:D

07-19-2010, 03:22 PM
Thanks for the feedback- I'll offer her another pinky tonight when she starts her evening prowl. She definitely has morning and evening activity periods, and I'm trying to time her feedings for when she's out n about.

07-19-2010, 09:18 PM
Offered her another (larger) pinky- she hit it immediately, but let it go when she realized it wasn't *actually* a worm.
Kept teasing her with it, and re-sliming it in the worm dish as it dried out, and after a few half-hearted nips she grabbed it by the nose and gobbled it down.

Such a fussy gal- It had to be seasoned and positioned 'just right'!

07-19-2010, 09:37 PM
Offered her another (larger) pinky- she hit it immediately, but let it go when she realized it wasn't *actually* a worm.
Kept teasing her with it, and re-sliming it in the worm dish as it dried out, and after a few half-hearted nips she grabbed it by the nose and gobbled it down.

Such a fussy gal- It had to be seasoned and positioned 'just right'!

You've got a keeper there. Wait, that's what she's thinking.:D

She's doing a good job training you. Well worth the effort.:)
After awhile longer you won't even have to scent the pinky.
I would say 95% of my snakes take them the first time without scenting. The other 5% need a little help.
Keep up the good work.

10-22-2010, 10:55 AM
Abby took a worm scented pinky mouse yesterday!
What a relief- she has been eating worms well, but pooping twice a day- reduced clean up will be very welcome!

This morning she's out hunting again already... How soon should I offer her another pinky?

She is about 12 inches long and weighs 21 grams according to my kitchen scale (1-500 gram capacity) The mouse was small, about the size of my average female hand pinky finger- a little larger than er head, but slightly smaller around than her body.

She's growing visibly already, but doesn't seem to be preparing to shed yet. I don't think it will be long though at the rate she is growing.

Wow she sounds just like Freud-the Butler!! I just got him to eat a pinkie yesterday that was cut in half because it was way too big for him... I had to scent it about five different times because he is so picky it was ridiculous! What's the best way to scent it so that I only have to do it once? I can't stand worms and my boyfriend is even more disgusted than I am... i want Freud to be as healthy as possible so I'm not going to downgrade back to worms...

10-22-2010, 03:06 PM
Worms are a part of their diet, it's not like feeding pinkies will just automatically make him super healthy. I've always had the understanding that they need a varied diet to be healthy, and for me varied is fish, worms and pinkies. My babies eat fish and worms for the most part, and sometimes pinkie parts and so do my adults, they are as healthy as can be. Pinkies are expensive and for someone like me, feeding just pinkies costs a fortune. They eat a lot more and seem to be more satisfied when they get to have such a varied diet.

10-22-2010, 05:55 PM
It sounds like you've got her on the right path.
When she tips the scale at 500 grams get a picture.:D

Then they can make a scify movie with her in the starring role:D

10-23-2010, 07:15 AM
She's practicing right now for her role as a 'Deadly Jungle snake'.
(She spent the night twisted up in her silk plants like a pretzel.)
She continues to eat well a couple times a week, but she is eating much less than during the warm days of summer.
I'm not sure she is going to want to brumate- the lighting in our living room is pretty irregular. He lights get turned off around sunset, but the table lamps and TV may be enough to disrupt her natural clock. We intend to just follow her lead- the basement refrigerator is holding steady at 45 degrees should the brumation bug strike.