View Full Version : Bulemic garters?

07-10-2010, 09:47 AM
Abby really pigged out last night (Ate half a dozen shiners with heads the same size as or nearly as large as her head.- I was surprised she continued eating after her second.)

She was very fat afterward, and content to curl up in her hide.
This morning she moved to her warm hide (Rock over an undertank heater.) and next thing I know she had thrown up 5 barely digested fish.)

Is this cause for concern?
The fish were emerald shiners- not A good regular food I know, but guppies were unavailable and I wanted to get *something* in her to tide her over 'till next weeks delivery.

07-10-2010, 09:50 AM
Very well could be over eating. Just too much to hold in. I've had it happen a few times. To my snakes that is:D
I'd hold off for a couple days and feed again.. Just not as much:)

07-10-2010, 10:14 AM
Thanks, I *hoped* her eyes were just bigger than her tummy!

07-10-2010, 10:29 AM
Thanks, I *hoped* her eyes were just bigger than her tummy!

You might feed her like that again and nothing would go wrong. The thing to watch for is when she regurgitates even a small meal on repeated occasions. Then you have something wrong.

Here's a link: Regurgitation - Caresheets (http://www.thamnophis.com/caresheets/index.php?title=Regurgitation)

07-10-2010, 11:25 AM
One of my Infernalis' did that with pinkies. He scarfed down 2, next morning I found a rather gooey looking pink in his enclosure.

A couple days later he ate again, But I only gave him one pinkie that time.

Not much to worry about.

07-10-2010, 01:29 PM
You might feed her like that again and nothing would go wrong. The thing to watch for is when she regurgitates even a small meal on repeated occasions. Then you have something wrong.

Here's a link: Regurgitation - Caresheets (http://www.thamnophis.com/caresheets/index.php?title=Regurgitation)

Thanks for the link- I did a search for 'Throwing up' and didn't find it, but I didn't think to try 'regurgitation'.

It was a huge amount of food for such a small snake. In the future I'll limit her to 2, maybe 3 fish of similar size. (Still working on getting her to accept frozen silversides- I'm hoping shiners will be a step toward getting her to take the frozen fish.)

07-10-2010, 03:16 PM
No big deal, it doesn't mean your snake is sick. It just ate too much. I really do have to "cut them off" sometimes, especially the small ones. Snakes will eat more than they can handle. Next time, you should feed them just enough to notice a slight bulge and then not allow them to eat any more. They will beg and you will think they are still hungry but don't give in!

It also helps if the meal is about the same temperature as the snake.;) It lessens the chance of it coming back up.

07-11-2010, 07:48 PM
I had that happen when I put larger pinks in for my bigger snakes. They were fuzzies and my girls ate them all down ( about 6-8) Next day I found a few of them regurgitated. I have since fed them the fuzzies again, this time without incident. I did make sure they were well room temperature and not the least bit cold. (It being 100+ and all around here)

I would agree that if this happened repeatedly, you would have cause for concern.

07-12-2010, 12:30 AM
Also after a regurge it's a good idea to both wait a bit longer than normal until the next meal, and offer less/smaller food than normal. Their body needs to recover & often it becomes a chronic problem & a potentially fatal cycle if you push it too much too soon.