View Full Version : habits of territory and range

07-08-2010, 10:16 PM
Can anyone tell me if a gopher snake has a range that it usually stays within or if it just wanders indiscriminently (sp)? If I see a gopher snake crossing the road is it highly likely he lives in the area and I will see him again, or is it most likely a stroke of luck that I saw him at all and most likely won't see him again??

07-08-2010, 11:08 PM
They tend to stick to the general area once they're into their summer foraging areas. The info I found says Utah should be looking at about a 1-3 ha range with summer hunting areas less than 200m.

(page 3 & 4 here: http://www.env.gov.bc.ca/wld/frpa/iwms/documents/Reptiles/r_greatbasingophersnake.pdf )

07-09-2010, 07:16 AM
ok, good information. Now...what the heck is a ha???

07-09-2010, 07:50 AM
stands for hectare...but I don't know big a hectare is.....

07-09-2010, 07:55 AM
A hectare is a 10,000 square meters , or 107,637 square feet.
An acre is approximately 4,840 square yards or 43,560 square fee and is used in most English-speaking countries.
If you work out the calculations, you will find that there are 2.471 acres in 1 hectare.

A hectare is 1 square hectometer or, 10 000 square meters or, 100 meters, squared
1 hectare = 10 000 m2

From; WikiAnswers - What is a hectare (http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_is_a_hectare)

07-09-2010, 08:11 AM
so bottom line seems to be that this particular snake is most likely living within a 6 to 10 acre area...???
that being said I can assume that there is a good possibility that I may see this snake again.
That's what I'm looking for! Thanks for helping out with this. now I know!:D

07-09-2010, 09:59 AM
Oh sorry yes, hectare. The funny thing is I thought the "meters" might be more of a problem with the translation.

The 1-3 hectares is what you can expect as an average distance from their winter hibernaculum to the summer foraging/hunting grounds.
Now that they're in the summer areas you are likely to find it living within a 200m range (218 yards).. So basically it should likely be living within a couple of football fields of where you saw it.

07-09-2010, 12:41 PM
Great! thanks. I'll be going "herping" this evening! wish me luck!

07-09-2010, 01:46 PM
I've always found that snakes are generally pretty sedentary, and will return repeatedly to the same 'favourite spot'.

07-09-2010, 01:54 PM
I've always found that snakes are generally pretty sedentary, and will return repeatedly to the same 'favourite spot'.
Now I just have to search several acres for that "favorite spot"! I guess that's why is called "hunting" and not "finding":D

07-09-2010, 08:18 PM
OK, next question. This area is flat, no trees, no out buildings, no rock piles, just grassy planes. Is it feasible to think that gopher snakes in this area could be spending the day underground? there are lots and lots of what appear to be mouse holes, or gopher holes. Would it make sense to think they spend their hot days underground and come out in the night?? Would early morning be a good time to hunt for them? I've gone out the last two evenings and haven't seen anything. Thanks for any suggestions.

07-09-2010, 09:52 PM
Gophers are the most widely spread snake in the state (not most common though, that title belongs to vagrans), the only area they are not found is Antelope Island, so they will go anywhere that is available to get out of the heat/cold. I have found gophers at almost every hour of the day but I have been most successful in the early hours of the day from dawn to about noon.

They are also the most common snake that I see while road cruising but that is just me I do not know for others.


07-10-2010, 08:09 AM
thanks. I've actually been out road cruising this morning. nothing. thanks for the suggestions though. I'll keep trying. I'm actually looking for one particular snake so my odds are probably good to see something, but perhaps not the exact one I'm looking for.

07-25-2010, 04:19 PM
I'd say you're very likely to see him again, especially on or near the road at night warming himself on the pavement. Unfortunately, they get run over a lot when they do that. Any place rich with rodents (or things rodents can eat) or other small mammals or lizards is a good place to find him hanging out early in the morning before it gets hot. If your snake was out looking for a meal, and was successful, you can expect him to stay hidden until he gets hungry again.

07-25-2010, 04:46 PM
It's been two weeks now and I'm still looking for him! One of these day....!