View Full Version : Handling Question

07-03-2010, 07:38 PM
So far both my garters are wild caught. Is there any way to make the transition from wild to being handled easier? How long before they stop being frantic and musking me every time I touch them?? ( A good argument for buying only captive raised, older snakes! ) And do I just keep being persistent and insist on handling them frequently to get them over it or is that too stressful to them??

I'm still waiting for my "domestic" snake to arrive to have something to compare it to!


07-03-2010, 08:28 PM
Patients is the key word. They will settle down when they feel comfortable with their new situation. If holding them is still an issue I wouldn't push it. Settle for them crawling through your hand while they're in their enclosure. Let them come to you. Their natural curiosity will bring them out. Offering food by hand is a good way to get them more comfortable with you. Hunger is a great motivator and will win over fear most of the time. I have wild radixes that trust me enough to come out and grab a worm from me but they won't let me hold them.
Some snakes take longer than others and some snakes never loose that startle to humans. Be calm and patient and it should work out.
Keep us posted on your progress.

07-03-2010, 09:08 PM
good way f puutn it steve...iv been tryn to gett checker to act like a fish...knock on the owl 3 times =food for him and for me knock 3 times=his fist comand COME to me!

07-04-2010, 05:05 AM
Patients is the key word.
Patience, actually. :D

07-04-2010, 06:27 AM
Patience, actually. :D

Your are right, sorry.
I guess I lost my patience before I posted.:D

07-25-2010, 03:01 PM
So far both my garters are wild caught. Is there any way to make the transition from wild to being handled easier? How long before they stop being frantic and musking me every time I touch them?? ( A good argument for buying only captive raised, older snakes! ) And do I just keep being persistent and insist on handling them frequently to get them over it or is that too stressful to them??

I'm still waiting for my "domestic" snake to arrive to have something to compare it to!


That is not a valid argument for buying only captive raised older snakes at all. And to be honest, there is no time limit. Captive raised or not, all garters I've ever had either tame down within a month or two, or they never do. I've had CB snakes that remained feisty and wild, and I've had wild-caught that within a week, were as sweet and tame as can be. It really doesn't make any difference if they are wild or not. Generally speaking however, snakes tend to get calmer as they age and gain size, especially females. The male I kept for 18 years was just as feisty and bad tempered when he died, as he was the day I caught him at 6 inches long. The female was as sweet and calm as can be but she was always that way, from about day 7 in captivity. I recently parted with a 20 inch WC male that was very nervous and flighty. He did a complete 180 and was tame as can be, after the day I got him to eat from my fingers.

07-25-2010, 06:19 PM
I recently parted with a 20 inch WC male that was very nervous and flighty. He did a complete 180 and was tame as can be, after the day I got him to eat from my fingers.

And your fingers at times I bet!!!:D

07-25-2010, 07:33 PM
No, he never did. Sometimes my really big girls get excited and latch onto the side of my hand or the ball of my thumb but surprisingly they usually leave the fingers alone (so far)

Nothing I can do except let them chew until they realize their mistake.:rolleyes:

It's funny though, you can see when that moment of realization happens, in their expressions, then they struggle to unhook their teeth! Not as easy as it might seem to be.