View Full Version : Has anyone had problems with don
06-25-2010, 02:55 PM
I originally orde an iowa albino from don it got to me dead so i told him and he sent me another along with a het and they got to me dead has anyone else had this problem?
06-25-2010, 03:25 PM
Shipping is always a gamble during these hot days. I'm sure Don took all the precaution he could have taken.
I too have had snakes arrive dead from other people. It's the one part of this addiction I fear. Shipping and receiving.
It's always a sad time. Poor little scrubs.
06-25-2010, 03:28 PM
yeah it made me cry ill have to postpone the shipping to when its cooler out
06-25-2010, 03:57 PM
Sorry to hear your snakes arrived dead. I would be very sad if that happened to me... But I have not experienced that yet.
06-25-2010, 04:00 PM
Sorry to hear your snakes arrived dead. I would be very sad if that happened to me... But I have not experienced that yet.
I hope you can always say that.:)
06-25-2010, 06:13 PM
that sucks
I've never had a snake arrive dead, neither from Don nor from anyone else - been lucky that way I guess
06-25-2010, 07:22 PM
Don is a great guy and reputable. Respected by his peers.
06-25-2010, 07:33 PM
Don is a great guy and reputable. Respected by his
thats what i had heard i dont have a problem with him i just guess ive had really bad luck
06-25-2010, 07:35 PM
were there any chill / ice packs in the box??
Were they shipped priority overnight with early AM delivery?
06-25-2010, 07:40 PM
they were shipped priority but i dont think it was am delivery and the ice pack that was in the box leaked everywhere.
06-25-2010, 07:58 PM
I just got back and read this....I am very sorry. I sent you a pm. I did ship overnight and use a cold pack...not sure what happened. the other pair I shipped arrived fine. I will wait for a cooler period to replace them :(
06-25-2010, 08:33 PM
thanks don i have no idea why this keeps on happening but all the baby are getting a proper burial by my kid brother!
06-25-2010, 09:06 PM
I know its a sad time for you Beth, but Don sent me 1.1 Nebraska albinos today... both look great and are doing well. Its was a HOT day for sure but the cool packs did the job.
06-25-2010, 10:12 PM
Don delivered to me a beautiful little T.radix and he is in full health and a real wiggle worm. I'm sure it was the unfortunate heat and certainly not anything Don could have done differently. Sorry for your loss.:(
06-25-2010, 10:20 PM
I see a lot of people who are NOT breeders get all paranoid about shipping garters in the winter. It is far safer for a garter to get cold, even close to freezing for a day than it is for one to get over 100 degrees for even a minute and that's a fact.
I got Amy from Don and it was January and quite cold. She arrived safely. Your problem could be the heat, but it could also be really bad handling somewhere along the route, such as direct sun, unpressurized cargo plane, etc. I'd be willing to bet that the package sat in sun and heat for several hours in your town, before actual delivery to your house, and it only takes 5 minutes for a baby garter to die from heat.
If one of his cold/heat packs leaked, I would suspect unpressurized cargo. Even though the carrier uses pressurized planes, sometimes they contract out and the contractor does not.
06-25-2010, 10:30 PM
thanks everyone....been very depressing for me....I feel bad when this happens.... had been a good day up until I got the message...was delivering another garter to Jeff (Hollis_Steed) and gathering a couple more wanderings for an upcoming animal planet (will post about that later :D) film when I got a call from Steve... kinda put a damper on my day.
Beth, the last pm you sent didn't have a message, just all the quotes from the messages before.
06-25-2010, 10:40 PM
Sorry to hear this Don. Especially when certain morphs/sexes are in such short supply.
Has it been hot where you are? the recipient's location?
I will definitely have to consider the weather from my house, to yours, and everything in between before shipping your snakes to you. This is scary. I don't want your snakes arriving dead either. It's not so much the human disappointment as it is, the loss of great snakes. I hope this all works out and there are no more dead arrivals.
06-26-2010, 06:48 AM
I got immediately defensive when I saw the name of this thread... despite my sporadic appearances I guess I feel protective of my more regular fellow forumers. :p Maybe it's an idea to change the title as this really isn't about a problem with Don but from the sounds of things down to the hot weather and possibly bad handling by the shipping company?
So sorry, you had such a shock when the little ones arrived! So sad!
06-26-2010, 07:35 AM
So sorry to hear about your recent shipping losses! I recently asked Don for advice on shipping for my first time and took his advice to the letter and safely shipped my baby from Connecticut to the state of Washington the beginning of this week. Temps here were warm-humid. I spoke with the guy sending the package out for me and told him it was a live reptile. Turns out he ships and receives frogs and lizards, so extra precaution was taken on my end of things! I-heart-sneakie-snakes (Crystal) was expecting the baby next morning and she was delivered first thing.
As Richard stated, it most likely was poor handling by the carrier in excessive temps. Both Crystal and I did not sleep that night, worrying about the baby arriving safely.
06-26-2010, 12:02 PM
I recently asked Don for advice on shipping for my first time and took his advice to the letter and safely shipped my baby from Connecticut to the state of Washington the beginning of this week.
I too took what Don told me (and by his example) and safely shipped from Washington State, all the way to Shannon in PA. But that was before the hot weather had arrived anywhere. It was still cool.
06-26-2010, 02:05 PM
This is the very reason I like to have the package left at the distribution center for me to pick up. I have had bad experiences with shipping to my door but I found that if I have it left for pick up at the center, all goes a lot smoother. Those trucks get hot! My buddy is a driver and he said a lot of them don't have AC at all let alone in the back with the cargo, so unless you are first on the delivery list, it could be awhile which means an increased chance of trouble.
As others have mentioned, it only takes minutes of high temps to get to garters in general but especially the little guys.
06-26-2010, 06:27 PM
I thank everybody for there advice and i thank don for being such an understanding and trustworthy breeder
06-27-2010, 05:37 AM
OMG! Don't tell me this guys! I just ordered a snake from Florida, the first time I've ever done this! It's been sweltering here lately. Now I'm worried!
06-27-2010, 07:24 AM
OMG! Don't tell me this guys! I just ordered a snake from Florida, the first time I've ever done this! It's been sweltering here lately. Now I'm worried!
Being worried is normal. Hang in there.
Turning that box over to strangers is a hard thing to do.
Waiting for a box is equally as difficult.
06-27-2010, 09:15 AM
This is the very reason I like to have the package left at the distribution center for me to pick up. I have had bad experiences with shipping to my door but I found that if I have it left for pick up at the center, all goes a lot smoother. Those trucks get hot! My buddy is a driver and he said a lot of them don't have AC at all let alone in the back with the cargo, so unless you are first on the delivery list, it could be awhile which means an increased chance of trouble.
As others have mentioned, it only takes minutes of high temps to get to garters in general but especially the little guys.
I insist on AM delivery and always make sure I'm home and waiting at the door because of this, even if it costs me more.
If shipped UPS, even if it's overnight, I'm last on the delivery list and don't get my package until 7pm.
If shipped USPS, my delivery guy is very, very lazy. He won't get out of his car (he's about 400lbs, delivers without a shirt on in the summer months) for any reason. If your package won't fit in your mailbox, he leaves it at the post office.
I have seen the way delivery people treat packages, and it makes me very nervous. I watched one push a 19" CRT monitor (yeah, this was ages ago) out of the back of the truck and onto the ground. *Thunk*. I watched one walk right up to me, and drop my package from chest height, then walk away. It was a $68 bottle of scotch. I actually got that guy fired.
06-27-2010, 09:42 AM
I'm getting it shipped UPS and the guy that delivers to my house also delivers to my work. He's a real sweetie and about to retire. I better have a talk with Lou!
06-27-2010, 10:25 AM
Since overnight delivery requires that I drop off the package at a certain (air conditioned) location near my house and it gets delivered to the airport within a couple of hours, I'd say if there's going to be a problem, it's going to happen on that last leg of the trip if it's not held for pickup. Before dropping it off, I always check the website. Certain times for drop off won't get it there in the A.M. I always make sure it will be delivered to it's final destination in the A.M. If certain addresses can't get a.m. delivery, then have it held for pickup is a good idea when it's hot.
I'm lucky I guess when it comes to receiving. I live 2 miles from the airport (PDX) and only one mile from the distribution center. Amount of time spent on the truck to my house is minimal. When I get a package from UPS or USPS they always bring it to my door with care, set it down, and ring the doorbell. The porch is in the shade always.
Since this happened to you twice, the problem is likely the last part of the trip.
06-27-2010, 10:26 AM
My fed ex driver knows that I receive quite a few snakes, so he rushes to my house and gets them to me by 10:0 am at the latest.
06-27-2010, 10:29 AM
Only 'cause he wants those 'nasty things' off of his truck! LoL. (jk)
06-27-2010, 12:37 PM
The last time I got a reptile delivered (baby turtles), the fat *** mail man pulled the whole "you can pick it up at the post office at 8am tomorrow" thing... except it was a friday (post office is closed on saturdays)! The postmaster herself hand delivered the package half an hour later. Looks like the mail man was so lazy that he didn't even bother to bring the package on his route.
06-28-2010, 02:08 AM
Be sure to update us on your new arrival snakeknot!
06-28-2010, 05:35 AM
Thanks! Is it bad that I've already got the name picked out? Saphira, like on "Eragon".
06-28-2010, 06:44 AM
Thanks! Is it bad that I've already got the name picked out? Saphira, like on "Eragon".
love those books! anyways im naming my nebraska albino im getting Coraline and the het radix im getting Vlad!
06-28-2010, 07:06 AM
I LOVED Coraline and I love vampire stories! I'm trying to get my own vampire story published. Soon you will be naming your snakes after my characters! And no, my vampires don't sparkle! Their victims however........
06-28-2010, 07:26 AM
whats with all the vampire books and movies lol
It seems everyone is trying to get in on the action... even my lil bro (he told me this the last time we spoke). I guess I am just old fashioned and try to come up with my own ideas for stories lol but on the other hand if this wave keeps going why not jump aboard and ride it is a little tempting
Devon, (I used to live in a place called Devon lol...random fact) if your story doesn't get picked up right away maybe just changing from vampires to another fictional character may do the trick. Some times it doesn't take much.
No offense to anyone but I think the only good vampire film/story was the one with Eddie Murphy lol
06-28-2010, 07:56 AM
now that this thread has totally moved away from it's subject, it occurs to me that someone, somewhere, has to have had a problem with Don at some point
just not us
06-28-2010, 09:19 AM
I also want to point out that this is not Fauna Classifieds' BOI.
06-28-2010, 10:35 AM
now that this thread has totally moved away from it's subject, it occurs to me that someone, somewhere, has to have had a problem with Don at some point
just not us
only other issue I have had was a shippers mixup and a trio of hypermel wanderings arrived dead that were going to Shannon. I replaced them. I have been shipping snakes back and forth for years... Scott Felzer can verify this...haven't had any issues.
06-28-2010, 11:26 AM
Then it was bound to happen sooner or later. I'm sure it happens to anyone who ships live animals - eventually.
06-28-2010, 12:06 PM
yah i guess that its pretty nunusual for dead snakes to show up and apearently i just have really bad luck!
06-28-2010, 12:09 PM
If I were you, next time do "hold for pickup", know the scheduled arrival time, and be there. That eliminates that last truck.
06-28-2010, 08:55 PM
only other issue I have had was a shippers mixup and a trio of hypermel wanderings arrived dead that were going to Shannon. I replaced them. I have been shipping snakes back and forth for years... Scott Felzer can verify this...haven't had any issues.
Don - I was thinking much much more broadly, as in teen-age offspring, significant others, co-workers, former classmates and teachers . . .
it's hardly possible to go through life without getting someone irritated now and then
and no, Stefan, this is not the BOI, but if someone asked about Bob, the guy with the "blue garters", I'd express the belief that some of our members had less than positive experiences with him
06-29-2010, 12:06 AM
I just wanted to add my thumbs up for Don, I'd buy from him again without hesitation.
06-29-2010, 07:10 AM
yers i really do think don is a reputable breeder i just got two more snakes from him shipped today! I definetly will order from him again!
06-29-2010, 07:27 AM
perhaps I need to point out that I was being silly, just so everybody is perfectly clear about it now
I've had nothing but good experiences with Don, have heard only positive things about him, and I wish I had the space and funds to have more of his snakes
the web is just not a good place to be silly in certain ways
06-29-2010, 01:12 PM
Got Amy from Don and she arrived safely in a sturdy insulated box with a heat pack back in Dec. I'm very happy with the purchase. Amy is doing fantastic. I am already planning to get a male from Don for Amy so I would definitely do business with Don any time.
Scott F
06-29-2010, 09:27 PM
I check temps on all shipments the night b4 shipping. If the temps are extreme, I prefer shipping to a Fed Ex office that is closest/most convenient to the customer. This way it is held in an air conditioned environment where it will be protected from the elements. If temps are borderline, I mark on the box " AVOID DIRECT SUNLIGHT-LEAVE IN SHADED AREA IF NO ONE IS HOME". To date, shipping literally hundreds of shipments, I have had no problems following these steps. Hope this helps.
06-29-2010, 09:29 PM
Great advice Scott. Thanks.
06-30-2010, 01:42 AM
Got Amy from Don and she arrived safely in a sturdy insulated box with a heat pack back in Dec. I'm very happy with the purchase. Amy is doing fantastic. I am already planning to get a male from Don for Amy so I would definitely do business with Don any time.
I really do love Amy, she's absolutely stunning
06-30-2010, 01:54 AM
That's when she was in shed, "cloudy" or "blue" as they call it. She just shed so I will try to get new pics posted in the next couple of days. Her stripe is much more golden, the areas lacking pigment are much more lavender colored.
But enough about Amy. It's Don we're talking about. Bad things happen, sometimes twice in a row, to good breeders. Chalk it up to bad luck. Don will make it right and this problem you had is definitely not a common occurrence with Don. Many satisfied customers and snakes shipped safely:D
06-30-2010, 01:57 AM
Make sure you do! I shall look forward to viewing them :D
06-30-2010, 08:10 PM
I just received a pm from Beth....both snakes arrived safe and sound! :D
06-30-2010, 09:19 PM
yay... great news.
Don is THE man.
07-01-2010, 02:01 AM
You would not be able to send in France by chance Don ?
07-01-2010, 02:08 AM
Make sure you do! I shall look forward to viewing them :D
Will do. My day is just ending so give me about 12 hours and I'll post new pics of Amy since she just shed. I have to take pics anyway to measure her. I try to do that every time she sheds. In case you're wondering why I need pics for measuring, it's time to revisit this link. Download the snake measuring program. If you have a digital camera you can get very precise and accurate measurements of your snakes. No strings, no tubes, none of that is necessary. Just download the simple program and take a pic of your snake with an object of known size. For best results, your photo should be 600X800 or 640X480.
Apps (
01-30-2011, 08:09 PM
Look guys. I have publicly stated my disappointment (I would expect anyone would do the same if they weren't happy with deals made with me) that the first snake I purchased from Don was supposed to be a female. Turns out, I have a boy named Amy. Awesome snake though!
I just wanted to be clear that Don has made every effort to make things right and I am very satisfied with our recent dealings. Didn't know where else to put this but I just wanted to say, I like Don as a person and things are cool between us. Again, I'm very satisfied and happy with our recent business and I would be glad to deal with him again.
01-30-2011, 08:22 PM
thanks Richard :D hope to do some more dealing this year! :cool:
01-30-2011, 08:23 PM
Count on it.;)
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