View Full Version : 2nd Childhood???

06-14-2010, 08:34 AM
I had an interesting experience a few days ago that some of you “older” members might get a kick out of. I was standing in line at a second hand store where I had purchased an aquarium that I planned on cleaning up and using for my snakes. An older couple in front of me, and when I say older I mean they were probably in their late 70’s to early 80’s, turned and smiled and said, “Yes, we remember when our kids went through the pet stage and we had an aquarium”. I smiled and said, “my kids are all gone now, this is for me”, to which they replied, “oh, you’re going through your second childhood”. We all laughed and then we parted ways. As I began to think about what they said, I wondered why it is assumed that a person only enjoys pets, other than maybe a dog or cat, only when they are “a child”. Do you find your acquaintances raising their eyebrows because you are a “pet” person (not to mention a snake person)? It is like others expect us to “grow out of” enjoying pets! Why would we? Pets to me have been a constant in my life since I can remember. Why would it be assumed that it is just a childhood fascination? Any thoughts on this?:rolleyes:

06-14-2010, 08:37 AM
I had an interesting experience a few days ago that some of you “older” members might get a kick out of. I was standing in line at a second hand store where I had purchased an aquarium that I planned on cleaning up and using for my snakes. An older couple in front of me, and when I say older I mean they were probably in their late 70’s to early 80’s, turned and smiled and said, “Yes, we remember when our kids went through the pet stage and we had an aquarium”. I smiled and said, “my kids are all gone now, this is for me”, to which they replied, “oh, you’re going through your second childhood”. We all laughed and then we parted ways. As I began to think about what they said, I wondered why it is assumed that a person only enjoys pets, other than maybe a dog or cat, only when they are “a child”. Do you find your acquaintances raising their eyebrows because you are a “pet” person (not to mention a snake person)? It is like others expect us to “grow out of” enjoying pets! Why would we? Pets to me have been a constant in my life since I can remember. Why would it be assumed that it is just a childhood fascination? Any thoughts on this?:rolleyes:

hmmm....guess I never grew out of my first childhood!! :cool: I have had pets all my life!!

06-14-2010, 08:44 AM
I never went "off the deep end" with pets until I was 40, So I guess I must be having my first childhood. ;)

06-14-2010, 10:58 AM
I do not find that at all, because since I work at a pet supply store... all of my customers are animals lovers of all types! I know many elderly folk who are very passionate about the animals they own, whether it be dogs, cats, fish or herps.

06-14-2010, 11:30 AM
I am glad to hear it is not just teenagers that keep snakes and pets in general. I am in my late 20s and have felt a little awkward when introducing my new pet to some friends. Growing up I loved animals and kept all sorts of pets but I have not had a pet since i was 12 and kept wondering to myself if this is something I should have outgrown by now.

06-14-2010, 12:09 PM
If you truly love your pets its not something you can outgrow. Im 26 and i have snakes, fish, birds, salamanders, frogs, tadpoles and cats as pets.

This isn't a stage I am in, its who I am. Be proud of who you are.

06-14-2010, 12:42 PM
If you truly love your pets its not something you can outgrow. Im 26 and i have snakes, fish, birds, salamanders, frogs, tadpoles and cats as pets.

This isn't a stage I am in, its who I am. Be proud of who you are.

outstanding post! love it.

06-14-2010, 02:08 PM
I don't think we ever "outgrow" it. I do believe that sometimes life's responsibilities may make it harder at some times to commit to taking care of them properly and in that case it is better to wait. My family had almost everything under the sun as a pet when we grew up. It was only last year when my husband "found" Stewie out in our yard when he was mowing that I suddenly remembered that I had always loved snakes! She came into our lives on Mother's day and we have had her since. Now we also have her squiggles. It allowed me to introduce them to my kids and to meet a whole bunch of wonderful and supportive forum friends!

Thanks, Stewie!:D

06-14-2010, 05:42 PM
I don't think we ever "outgrow" it. I do believe that sometimes life's responsibilities may make it harder at some times to commit to taking care of them properly and in that case it is better to wait. My family had almost everything under the sun as a pet when we grew up. It was only last year when my husband "found" Stewie out in our yard when he was mowing that I suddenly remembered that I had always loved snakes! She came into our lives on Mother's day and we have had her since. Now we also have her squiggles. It allowed me to introduce them to my kids and to meet a whole bunch of wonderful and supportive forum friends!

Thanks, Stewie!:D

It's that garter snake magic.

06-14-2010, 06:36 PM
It's magic, you know
Never believe, it's not so

Never been awake
without my garter snake
crawling on my pillow in the morning
Lazy day in bed
snakies in my head
Crazy radix playing in the morning light

Ho, ho, ho
It's magic, you know
Never believe it's not so

06-14-2010, 06:42 PM
It's magic, you know
Never believe, it's not so

Never been awake
without my garter snake
crawling on my pillow in the morning
Lazy day in bed
snakies in my head
Crazy radix playing in the morning light

Ho, ho, ho
It's magic, you know
Never believe it's not so

That is why YOU ARE THE MAN. Wayne.

06-14-2010, 06:50 PM
Gee thanks Steve.

06-14-2010, 06:54 PM
He is the MAN!

06-14-2010, 11:53 PM
Chock it up to that elderly couple's point of view. A point of view shaped by their individual experiences.

06-17-2010, 04:39 PM
well i wasnt allowed to keep pets till 9th grade cuz my friend told me he had blind snakes and after a long time of nagging my dad said fine go catch one and instead i got dusty the flathead...he died 2-3 months later and i spent the next month or so lookn for a coachwhip or a hognose since my dad was amazed i kept him alive that long...(8in. was big for dusties species) all spring break i went to burnet lookn for a snake in the rain, sleet, and cold freakn weather...as soon as we left the sun had the nerve to show up and get its act together. my dad one day had the terrarium out saying he bought my an indonesian black tip tongue snake..but i wasnt fooled...i knew it was garter...my incle brought it by for me....my childhood was put of till now! at this rate ill be in my 80s going through my mid life crisis! ill be singn a different tune than wayne
"oh my my how the years gone by
cant believe im in my 90s
and am still playn with my 12 ft. burm.
im the main show in the retirement home
singn hey you think this is cool
then you should see my garter snakes too!

you shouldv seen me back in my youth
were i was quite handsome , oh wait i stilll aammmm
wait thays not how its supposed to go
my snakes were treated like kings and queens
in their tanks that could line the halls of this rustic scene
somewhere down in hell
is where the rest of thees lyrics fell...."

lol sorry first time i havent had a tune besides dont stop believn stuck in my head for weeeeeeeeeks.anyway old people say second childhood as opposed to midlife crisis right?