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View Full Version : my terrarium and my concinnus

06-07-2010, 04:35 PM
just want to show you my terra and my snakes ;)

hole terrarium:

http://s3.directupload.net/images/100525/temp/ivr2o7qf.jpg (http://s3.directupload.net/file/d/2170/ivr2o7qf_jpg.htm)

left side:

http://s1.directupload.net/images/100525/temp/zc4w9d3m.jpg (http://s1.directupload.net/file/d/2170/zc4w9d3m_jpg.htm)

right side:

http://s10.directupload.net/images/100525/temp/y94rd4fp.jpg (http://s10.directupload.net/file/d/2170/y94rd4fp_jpg.htm)

and this is Hugo, one of my two males:

http://s10.directupload.net/images/100525/temp/4n3wcrh6.jpg (http://s10.directupload.net/file/d/2170/4n3wcrh6_jpg.htm)

06-07-2010, 04:36 PM
just fed the beasts and i think they wanted to say: "give us more!!"

http://s5.directupload.net/images/100608/temp/xxzicioz.jpg (http://s5.directupload.net/file/d/2184/xxzicioz_jpg.htm)

a good pic of charly, my smaller female:

http://s5.directupload.net/images/100608/temp/expa4jj5.jpg (http://s5.directupload.net/file/d/2184/expa4jj5_jpg.htm)

and this is biggie, my bigger female ;)

http://s5.directupload.net/images/100608/temp/ewk8qvt8.jpg (http://s5.directupload.net/file/d/2184/ewk8qvt8_jpg.htm)

06-07-2010, 05:07 PM

06-07-2010, 05:08 PM
Very nice looking setup and beautiful snakes. Hervorragend.
I hope I got that right and didn't just insult you or something.:D

06-08-2010, 01:14 AM
Very nice set up. Good looking snakes, too.

06-08-2010, 01:41 AM
Very nice. After my big concinnus girls(30-38 inches) have their babies, I'll be ditching the tank liner making their enclosure nice and lush like yours but with cork bark background, fir bark/coconut fiber substrate and a little waterfall in a 55 gallon. Concinnus really seem to love a lush enclosure with lots of plants(fake or real doesn't matter)

Nice setup you got there.

06-08-2010, 03:29 AM
i ordered an background, cause i have two left hands ... i ordered one like this:

http://s7.directupload.net/images/100608/skz7bba3.jpg (http://www.directupload.net)

but not in that brown, i ordered it in gray. it should arrive here in the next one or two weeks. its all handmade so it taks a few weeks. and i ordered in fact 5 backgrounds, so i'm waiting since almoust 5 weeks now, but they will come.


06-08-2010, 12:58 PM
the background is awesome, perfect for thamnophis

06-08-2010, 02:55 PM
hey there,

perhaps some of you might reemember my first post in the forum

afraid of my own snakes (http://www.thamnophis.com/forum/showthread.php?t=6866)

i was really scared of my small snakies ... well, what should i say? pictures say more than thousand words =)

but i really have to say, i thought hugo would squeeze my hand, he was holding very tight :)

http://s10.directupload.net/images/100608/temp/jq489aso.jpg (http://s10.directupload.net/file/d/2184/jq489aso_jpg.htm)

06-08-2010, 05:04 PM
That is a very beautiful snake. Thanks for sharing the photo.

06-09-2010, 12:45 AM
No worries. I've never had a T.s. concinnus bite me unless it was a feeding response, as in, my hand still had food smell on it. Even wild concinnus usually just wiggle and musk for a minute. They rarely get aggressive and bite.

06-13-2010, 07:41 AM
background arrived and so i did a makeover. i'll make a better pic when a got more than my cellphone here.

http://s10.directupload.net/images/100613/temp/4wnq8ext.jpg (http://s10.directupload.net/file/d/2189/4wnq8ext_jpg.htm)

06-13-2010, 08:41 AM
just found this, it's my fat lady - biggie ;)

in two weeks she'll be exactly one year old, shes about 75cm long and has a weight of 107g.

http://s5.directupload.net/images/100613/temp/mvfv93c4.jpg (http://s5.directupload.net/file/d/2189/mvfv93c4_jpg.htm)

06-13-2010, 08:42 AM
Very nice! What is the substrate you are using?

06-13-2010, 08:47 AM

it's usually used for horses, it's great for snakes, cheap and they can digger in it, hide and so on ... don't really know how to tell all of it's bonuses for my animals in english xD

but i can use it for my rats, mice and snakes ... so i don't have to run for serveral different substrates.

06-13-2010, 09:19 AM

it's usually used for horses, it's great for snakes, cheap and they can digger in it, hide and so on ... don't really know how to tell all of it's bonuses for my animals in english xD

but i can use it for my rats, mice and snakes ... so i don't have to run for serveral different substrates.

for people that live in the us they have it at tractor supply its in a HUGE bag its rally cheap though and you dont have to get cedar because the have different ones mad out of defferent wooda I use it for baby goats

06-13-2010, 09:23 AM
What is it called in the US?

06-13-2010, 03:08 PM
No worries. I've never had a T.s. concinnus bite me unless it was a feeding response, as in, my hand still had food smell on it. Even wild concinnus usually just wiggle and musk for a minute. They rarely get aggressive and bite.
hmmmm....you need to meet my male.... loves to bite! :eek:

06-13-2010, 03:22 PM
He's probably got a little infernalis in him or he just doesn't like you:p

06-14-2010, 09:28 AM
hm .. i also have a little male, who will bite bite bite musk musk musk poop poop poop ( :) ) if you pick him up ;) tried it several times, always the same. he is the only one who is fed in the terrarium. causse i don't wonna stress him too much by catching him every 6-8 days.

06-14-2010, 10:00 AM
Like I've said before, I think one of the reasons I like garters so much is their personalities. They are all so individual! One of my T.e.vagrans wants to be held the minute I open the enclosure. She just loves to be held. Then the T.s.finchi bolts around his enclosure like a wild man and will just tolerate being held. But I love them both for their very different personalities!

06-14-2010, 01:33 PM
Nice looking concinnus and the enclosure looks really good with the background:)

06-14-2010, 02:24 PM
Weird. My experience has been with concinnus right out of the wild, or CB offspring from them. Males have always been a bit high strung compared to females, and yes, even musking and tail whipping but never have I had one that was a biter. Interesting.