View Full Version : Thiaminase in Atherina boyeri
06-03-2010, 03:12 AM
Do any of you guys know if the sand smelt Atherina boyeri contain the enzyme thiaminase? Or smelt in general?
I feed my Thamnophis this species of fish but I can't find out if this fish is safe.
As a precaution I heat the fish in the oven at 50-80 degrees for 5 minutes.
06-03-2010, 03:19 AM
I'm not sure, but I think it is safe. Anybody else?
06-03-2010, 03:54 AM
Do any of you guys know if the sand smelt Atherina boyeri contain the enzyme thiaminase? Or smelt in general?
I feed my Thamnophis this species of fish but I can't find out if this fish is safe.
As a precaution I heat the fish in the oven at 50-80 degrees for 5 minutes.
I suspect they do. The fish should also be heated to at least 80 C for 5 minutes, to destroy thiaminase
These fish aren't technically smelt (as in belonging to Osmeridae).
06-03-2010, 12:35 PM
Thanks for reply.
I will - as a precaution - continue to heat the fish before offering them.
06-03-2010, 01:58 PM
Don't you have silversides at your local pet store? some have them live but most stores have them frozen. I'd use those. I do use those.
06-03-2010, 02:48 PM
What about blue gill are they safe?
06-03-2010, 04:43 PM
Unsafe and Safe fish list:
06-03-2010, 04:54 PM
thiaminase smiaminase!
06-04-2010, 01:25 AM
LoL. Yeah, I know. I fed my garters gold fish (with a varied diet of wild food) and they lived exceptionally long lives and produced 150 offspring that lived, very few that didn't.
Bluegill are supposed to be safe but we all know about the spines and bones so I would only feed them the clean meat if it were me.
06-04-2010, 01:54 AM
Sorry for the intrusion. The boyeri Atherina, latterino as known in my part, I usually use congelato.
I try to use freshwater fish or at least brackish because here in
Italy have always misjudged marine fish.
Someone confirm or deny this?
08-31-2020, 12:26 PM
I had to look this one up since I just bought a pack of these IQF smelt that was exported from Turkey.
Big-scale sand smelt (Atherina boyeri) No Thiaminase
Pond smelt (Hypomesus olidus) No Thiaminase
09-01-2020, 01:49 PM
I suspect they do. The fish should also be heated to at least 80 C for 5 minutes, to destroy thiaminase
These fish aren't technically smelt (as in belonging to Osmeridae).
Oh! I had no idea you could cook the thiaminase out of fish! Does that work with any fish? I have some salmon filets labeled “Wild Caught” in my freezer but the location isn’t on there so I don’t fully trust it. But if I could cook the thiaminase out that would be great!
09-02-2020, 01:51 PM
Is this the freshwater variety of smelt? If so, they are on the unsafe list for Thiaminase.
10-08-2020, 12:30 PM
It says it's found in brackish waters throughout Europe. Smelt and sliversides are generic words used to describe many, many different types of fish. Have to look up the individual species. So far my baby garters have no issues with them. I'm transitioning them over to cut pinks and add vitamins/minerals to their food plus some garden worms. I must say, out of the three types of food (fish, pinks, and worms), worms and their waste from worms are the most disgusting in terms of cleanliness:)
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