View Full Version : What do Radix, concinnus, ordioides have in common?

05-03-2010, 03:56 AM
I'll tell you what. Lately my concinnus have gotten very unenthusiastic about eating fish, if you can believe that. That's a new one on me. I only have perhaps one out of 5 ordinoides that will eat fish. So, my concinnus and ordinoides haven't been eating well lately.

I went and purchased 26 night crawlers in hopes of getting my ordinoides to eat. Historically, many ordioides I have kept will only go for worms. Lately, my concinnus haven't been eating fish or anything.

I put some halved night crawlers in the tank with my ordinoides. OMG! watch the fingers! They were downright vicious! Prego ordinoides, picky ordioides, all are nice and fat with a belly full of worms tonight.

Presented worms to my concinnus. Same result. Watch the fingers! my god, there was carnage! It was downright ugly. Glad to see it.:p

So, I decided to see how Amy (radix) reacts. Normally she only eats pinky parts (which smell like fish) and fish meat.

This time around, I snipped the tail off of a night crawler and presented it to her, no fish, no fish smell.

She up and bit my finger! She wouldn't let go! Like a patient father, I waited and let her chew. Eventually she let go. Then she devoured a couple of pieces of night crawlers.

They all love the night crawlers!

05-03-2010, 05:25 AM
No surprises there. Glad everyones eating for you.

05-03-2010, 06:06 AM
My only question is which end of the night crawler was the tail?
haha... jk.

Usually worms are a sure thing.

05-03-2010, 12:07 PM
What do Radix, concinnus, ordioides have in common?

They're all in the genus thamnophis :D

05-03-2010, 12:20 PM
They're all in the genus thamnophis :D And magnificent :D:cool::)

05-03-2010, 08:37 PM
Only mine are. Yours suck. :D If they don't, it's because they should be mine.:p

05-04-2010, 06:35 PM
Only mine are. Yours suck. :D If they don't, it's because they should be mine.:p
Sucks is not a technical term and should be replaced with "a very low Pascal number" please :eek:

06-03-2010, 03:01 AM
They all love night crawlers!

OK, speaking of night crawlers I have a story to tell that ends with all of my garters gorging themselves on night crawlers for the next 2 weeks.

Tuesday, June 1st I went to work from 3pm to 11:30 pm. A regular average day.
When I took my last short break at 9:30pm, I went outside and it had warmed up quite a bit (60 F) and was dark and pouring rain much like the last 9 wet weeks. Right outside the door from the employee cafeteria was a small strip of dirt between the gravel parking lot and the solid slab of concrete that my place of work sits on. Apparently, this was the only place for night crawlers to come up as the water table rose. I collected, literally about a pound of them and half of them were at least 12 inches long!!! An hour later, the area was under 2 inches of water.

So, I go home about midnight and my driveway is full of monster night crawlers. Got them too. I go out back where I recently removed a substantial portion of sod from my backyard. That bare dirt area is covered in... you guessed it, monster night crawlers.

The worms (minus about 10 of them from today's garter feeding) are comfortably resting between layers of damp paper towels and leaf compost in a container in my fridge and are awaiting their final disposition: to become garter poo from my ordinoides and concinnus!

I mean for one day only, it was utopia for any creature seeking to find night crawlers. I just happened to do the collection on behalf of my charges. They're feasting!

06-03-2010, 03:39 AM
On a side note, the rain has been relentless. It's been raining every day for the last 17 days. breaks in the rain have been few since March 20. Forecasters say "we haven't seen nothin' yet". A very strong, cool, and wet system is bringing us the chance of heavy rains, urban flooding, and high winds on top of already saturated soil and high water levels. Weather typical of November and December is expected. It's going to be a fantasitic week.:rolleyes: Make no mistake. Large trees will fall and hillsides will slide:eek:
