View Full Version : Snow

charles parenteau
04-27-2010, 08:21 AM
OMFG this is like winter here just like december....expect 8 inches of snow damn!!I think it's not very for snake,most of them are out of their den...yesterday the most beautiful day of this spring (19 CELCIUS) and right now it's -1 and it's like hell ...........
snow -slush-rain-snow .....what gonna happen to all the snakes I saw yesterday!!!Hope they find somewhere safe to hide!!!!

04-27-2010, 08:42 AM
They(snakes) knew the snow was coming long before the weather man did. They'll be just fine.
This deep into Spring it shouldn't be around for too long.

04-27-2010, 08:07 PM
I've heard it's safer for them to get colder than for them to overheat-

04-28-2010, 12:32 AM
I've heard it's safer for them to get colder than for them to overheat-

To a certain degree yes.... as long as they don't freeze up entirely.

Complete freezing destroys the brain. The water molecules in the brain cells will expand and rupture the cells.

04-28-2010, 01:14 PM
I saw the title of this thread and thought somebody had another litter of ugly pink worms. Lol.

You're right though, pratty. When it comes to husbandry, garter snakes generally can tolerate being kept too cool, easier than they can tolerate being kept too warm. And, it is easier to fatally or harmfully overheat them, than it is to do the same with cold.

Personally, I've seen garter snakes survive overnight with temps in the upper 20's and recover by the next afternoon with no apparent harm. Then I've seen the same species die within minutes at 110 degrees.