View Full Version : lightning and dimension

03-28-2010, 01:51 PM
Hi I start thinking about building a garter (Thamnophis sirtalis concinnus) vivarium soon and was planning for the budget and costruction details. Did the garter need UVb lightning as they are diurn animal? or is it white light enough?

An overall viva of 24"X38"X16" with encastrate water tank 24"X11"X16" (lXdXh) in the floor, so a 24"X 27"X16" dry soil. Would it be enough for 2 garters?

I'm new in the snake captivity, got more experience with marine fishes and tropical lezard (CWD) but want the best setup for the garters and a nice looking vivarium

That's my interogations for now



p.s. use to speak french so sorry for my english ;)

03-28-2010, 02:12 PM
Your English works for me ;) .... mon Francais est vraiment mauvais.
Garters are diurnal ... UVB is not essential but some people have reported increased breeding success with it. A less than 5% UVB tube certainly won't do any harm so it's your choice.
Sounds like a fair size of enclosure although I would be wary of too large a water area. Difficult to keep sanitary and bacteria could be an issue. Having a large water bowl would be a better option in my opinion.

03-28-2010, 02:22 PM
For the aquatic part, I have a 36gal aquarium in my water dragon enclosure, all of it filter and water change once a week.I was planning on doing something the same style. For the garter, I want to planted the tank (do the garter are hard on plants?) and having a decant tank (12X12X10) where the pump and filters will be place.

03-28-2010, 03:37 PM
I would recommend a florescent light and I use 5% UVB tubes. I place them over a screen top, 12 inches above the bottom of the enclosure. The screen reduces the amount of UVB that they receive. Any full spectrum bulb that simulates natural daylight is good, even if it has no UV. I use ceramic heat emitters for heat. All lighting should be placed where the snakes cannot touch it. Design it so that it can accommodate the lighting. Leave a screen area at the top in one end or corner for heat lights. Don't forget to provide plenty of ventilation.

You should use a water dish that is removable and is just large enough for the snakes to coil up in. Also, the sides of the water dish should be higher than the bottom material. Do not use common soil from outside or plant soil from the store. Use coconut fiber or fir bark from a pet store if you want it to look natural. Keep the bottom material dry and clean.

It is a good idea to make the bottom of some material that will not rot. Choose a good rot resistant wood for the sides if you're using wood.

I think the size good for 2 concinnus snakes, perhaps 4. I kept 2 of them in a 24X24(inches) enclosure for many years.

Je recommanderais une lumière fluorescente et j'utilise des tubes de 5% d'UVB. Je les place sur un haut de l'écran de 12 pouces au-dessus du fond de l'enceinte. L'écran réduit la quantité d'UVB qu'ils reçoivent. Toute ampoule à spectre complet qui simule la lumière naturelle est bonne, même si elle n'a pas d'UV. J'utilise les émetteurs de chaleur en céramique pour la chaleur. Tout l'éclairage doit être placé là où les serpents peuvent pas y toucher. Conception, elle afin qu'elle puisse accueillir l'éclairage. Laissez une zone d'écran en haut à une extrémité ou un coin pour les feux de la chaleur. N'oubliez pas de fournir une excellente ventilation.

Vous devez utiliser un plat d'eau qui est amovible et est juste assez grand pour les serpents à enrouler po Aussi, les côtés du plat d'eau doit être plus élevé que le matériau de fond. Ne pas utiliser de sol commun de l'extérieur ou de la terre végétale à partir du magasin. Utilisez la fibre de coco ou de l'écorce de sapin dans un magasin pour animaux de compagnie si vous voulez avoir l'air naturel. Conserver le matériau de fond sec et propre.

C'est une bonne idée de rendre le fond d'un matériau qui ne pourrit pas. Choisissez un bois résistant à la pourriture bon pour les côtés si vous utilisez le bois.

Je pense que la bonne taille pour 2 serpents concinnus, peut-être 4. J'ai gardé 2 d'entre eux dans un (24x24 pouces) enceinte pour de nombreuses années.

03-28-2010, 03:41 PM
Hi, from Oregon, Barak666 :)

03-28-2010, 03:48 PM
Welcome from Connecticut!

03-28-2010, 04:39 PM
Thanks for the advices

here what I'm having in mind, the draw is not on scale and write in french, since hot = chaud and cold = froid it easy to understand ;)


The gray represent screen.

I will make the ground of the dry part in angle to have a good dranaige all over the place, I was thinking of putting earth (bake before) and planting some ground cover plants for the zone between the water and the basking/hiding area, where there will be plate rocks (for basking and hiding) who will absorb the heat from the lamp, with heating pad under the floor set with a thermostat.

The water portion will be filtered (mechanical and biological) and planted (are garter hard on plants?) with frequent water change (once a week about) do you think it will do?

For lightning of using 24" neon on part glass top and with screen over the hot point for the lightning/heating bulbs and aeration. with UVB neon inside the terra.

And Hi to you too from Gaspésie/Québec/Canada ;) closest to connecticut than oregon


03-29-2010, 04:56 PM
It looks like a well thought out design. :D a garter paradise. I'm still wary of large water areas but it sounds like you've already got good experience of keeping these in check.
Looking good ;)

03-29-2010, 05:53 PM
I still would not use earth even if it is baked. Also, planting vegetation makes cleaning and maintenance more complicated. It is a good idea to have water circulating and filtered but keep the water area small and keep it as far away from heat as possible.

You have a fairly good plan but I think it still needs some revision.

Make sure you use plywood that is rated for interior human habitation use. Some plywood will emit toxic gases. Also, any plywood will rot easily too if it's damp or just humid.

I still prefer all glass enclosures with secure screen tops.

As you can see, they can be quite nice and natural looking without any concerns. They are also very affordable. Not expensive. The moss you see is alive and not attached to anything. It can dry out but when you spray it with water, it comes to life. This moss from Washington State USA is safe to use also. Does anybody want some of that moss? It's great.

The substrate is fir bark (reptibark) and loose coconut fiber.


03-29-2010, 06:23 PM
I would love some of that moss. Can it be shipped legally?

03-29-2010, 06:56 PM
I would love some of that moss. Can it be shipped legally?

PM me. We are off-topic. ;)

03-29-2010, 06:59 PM
Oops. Mistake post. disregard and/or delete this one.