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View Full Version : More Garter Questions

03-22-2010, 06:52 AM
Okay, these are all hypothetical questions. Just trying to learn here.

What if I got 2 garters, generally the same size but from 2 different sources at different times. How do I properly introduce them? ( I'm trying to avoid one trying to eat the other! )

Say I got one garter, maybe a marcinus and then got a sirtalis and they were the same size. Could I keep 2 different types of garters together in the same tank? And what is the proper way to introduce them?

Or should I just purchase 2 that are already tank mates?


P.S. I saw my first toad yesterday! 2 were hanging out on the doorstep waiting for bugs drawn by the house light when I took the hound for a walk last night before bed. I just had to scratch one on his head. So cute!

03-22-2010, 07:08 AM
I have found my garters to be very social with each other and overall accepting to newcomers. They give each other a quick smell and that's all it takes.
Size matching is important but also sex matching. I think most garters will live with others without much of a problem. The exception being, housing Wandering Garters with any others(correct me if I'm wrong). My T.radix(Plains Garter Snake) live with T.s.parietalis(Red Sided Garter Snake), size and sex matched. I've never introduced a new snake to a group or individual and had it turn out bad.
All good question, by the way.:)

03-22-2010, 08:00 AM
Just make sure they are both the same sex, 2 garters of opposite gender will mate regardless of weather one is a checkered the other a radix, etc...

I have a snake that came from Kyle (Known as Zephyr here) that is a cross between an eastern and a checkered.

He thought they wouldn't breed, they proved him wrong.

03-22-2010, 10:30 AM
I've never had a problem housing garters of the same gender and same approximate size together

03-22-2010, 11:04 AM
Just make sure they are both the same sex, 2 garters of opposite gender will mate regardless of weather one is a checkered the other a radix, etc...

I have a snake that came from Kyle (Known as Zephyr here) that is a cross between an eastern and a checkered.

He thought they wouldn't breed, they proved him wrong.
howd that turn out? (the cross between the 2 id love to see pics!)

03-22-2010, 11:04 AM
Size could be an issue later on and sometimes regurdless of species or sex a snake could resort to canniabelism (possability) buut it dosnt happen often tho...and you might want a tank thats bigger than what the checkered snake would need when it gets to full size (i got checker in a 55 or 50 gal.(ill check later)) beceause you want there to be enough room for them to some-what have their own space...thats just my opinion but im still rather new (im knowledgable but nothing compared to most people on the forum)

03-23-2010, 10:51 AM
I've never had a problem putting all different sizes, sexes and species together but these are snakes that share habitat and dens, and all are found together naturally.

03-23-2010, 10:55 AM
I've never had a problem housing garters of the same gender and same approximate size together
I have.

03-23-2010, 11:17 AM
different species grow at different rates and to different sizes. full grown checker and a full grown pudget (the blue and black one), how much of a size difference would that be? a lot i would think

03-23-2010, 11:20 AM
Which brings me to my point. Those snakes would never be found together in the wild. If your snakes are found together in the wild, (garters) and are not known to feed on each other, then it should be fine. In fact, even though the anery concinnus and ordinoides I have were given plenty of room in a 20 gallon long, they tend to "cuddle" up together.

04-12-2010, 11:01 AM
i got understand that the female is bigger than male, i have a 50 cm. male, if i get him a couple of almost 1 m. (same specie) can he be eated by the female?

04-12-2010, 11:05 AM
What kind of garter do you have?

04-12-2010, 02:51 PM
howd that turn out? (the cross between the 2 id love to see pics!)

I have two of the little mutts from Kyle, too :) For what it's worth, Kyle placed them in homes with very strict contracts that they never be bred and can not be re-homed. I need to get new pics, but you can see my guys, here... they're the babies: http://www.thamnophis.com/forum/showthread.php?t=4091