View Full Version : Garter Gone Recluse

03-13-2010, 08:31 PM
Hello! I've had Tibby (Eastern garter) since late last summer, and he has always been very friendly. He was always active, crawling around his tank and peeking out of hides, and eating whenever I dangled something in front of him.

The very first time I picked him up, he did the whole freak-out-and-secrete dealy, but since then he has not sprayed once... until a couple of months ago.

Around Christmas I had to keep him in a small enclosure for a couple of weeks while at my family's home. He was fine there, but ever since we've been back, he's grown incredibly reclusive. He's always hiding in the smallest hide possible now, and I'm not sure if he ever crawls around the tank any more. He still eats when I dangle fish in front of him, but he'll only peer his head out a teeny bit, snap it up, and then duck back into his hide. He won't let me pick him up at all, and every time I put my hand inside the tank near him, he either hides or FLIPS OUT and flees in any direction. Whenever I DO manage to pick him up, he immediately starts secreting, and one time I think he tried to bite me (fortunately, he missed!)

Today I managed to pick him up after 15 minutes of cautious coaxing, and I thought he was actually being tolerant of me, but after a minute I glanced down and noticed the stream of secretion dripping onto my leg, down my bed and on the floor. xD; I didn't know the little guy could even hold that much nasty sauce!

Is there some way to convince him to be more personable again? He was such a nice snake before January. ):
And is there some sort of cause for this? Is he just being defensive because it's winter? Is it because my roommate's cats have been bothering him? (While I was away over Christmas, my roommate kept a mouse in Tibby's tank and the cats haven't left it alone since.) Or could it just be because I haven't been paying enough attention to him? (It's kind of difficult now that he's trying to pee on me every time I go near him!)

...Also, should I do something about the secretion on my carpet? xD I cleaned it with soap and water, but I'm scared that the smell might linger.

03-13-2010, 08:40 PM
hmm is he going into shed?Have you inspected him for mites?Have you ever walked in at night with a light to see if hes been "nocturnal"?

03-13-2010, 08:43 PM
It's just my guess but it could be the cat. They are major snake killers and that cat smell is probably picked up by the snake.
You did mention a few other thing that may also be contributing to the problem. Seasonal change, housing and even less time with you could all be part of it..
My money is on the cat as the problem.:mad:

03-14-2010, 01:54 AM
I loved my first cat when I was a kid. I was into raising wild nestling birds and garter snakes. Guess who I learned to hate? Bloody lips and all.

I can't really call it hate when a cat is just being a cat but to this day it takes one heck of a charming cat to make me like it, and as charming as that cat might be, it's not staying at my house. Snakes or no snakes. Birds or no birds, but definitely not staying at my house when birds or snakes are present.

03-14-2010, 11:09 AM
Could be the cat. Though my snakes deliberately "tease" the cat whenever they can.:D

03-14-2010, 12:06 PM
Could be the cat. Though my snakes deliberately "tease" the cat whenever they can.:D

Gooood snake. Gooood snake:D

03-14-2010, 06:54 PM
We got squirrels that actually play with one of the neighbors cats. This cat wouldn't hurt a mouse and the squirrels will tease the cat into playing with them. They will actually embrace and roll around on the ground. Kinda strange to watch. The squirrels know that this cat is safe but are cautious of other cats.

I've seen a few squirrels do the same thing with my pomeranians in the past. They'll get the dog to chase them, then circle around behind the dogs and pause so that they stay just one step ahead of the dogs. This can go on for quite some time.

03-15-2010, 08:05 PM
im allergic to cats...BACK TO TOPIc (lol coming from the teenager sorry just wanted to see what it feals like to be in controll) continue haneling as often as possable and put tank in place like a room the cat cant get in (close the door so it cant)

03-15-2010, 08:56 PM
Amy gets in these moods for week or so when she just hides and avoids temperatures above 70. Don't know why but it could be her instincts are telling her it's time to brumate. She still eats so I'm not too worried. Then she snaps out of it and comes out to bask and be sociable again. As long as your reclusive garter is eating fairly regularly I wouldn't worry too much.