View Full Version : Calm Patient

03-13-2010, 10:30 AM
Our girl Lucky retained her right eye cap last shed(2 weeks ago). She shed again yesterday and this time retained both eye caps. I'm not sure as to why this is happening but she's the only snake that has had a problem. Her enclosure humidity is between 52% and 57% and there is also a large water dish for soaking.
I don't get too upset if they retain one eye cap but two was too many. I told Gabby to get a warm wet cotton towel and bring it to the big snake room. I got Lucky out and she did her usual moving around until we started brushing her eye with the towel. Once we started that she stopped moving and held still. She held still until we removed both eye caps, then she was off moving again. It was almost as if she knew what we were doing and allowed it to happen. For this snake I believe that. Both Gabby and I feel relieved to have her eye problem taken care of.

03-13-2010, 10:42 AM
I have had snakes react adversely to me trying to help them with stuck shed and eyecaps, and I have had others that, once they feel the skin pulling up they stop and let it happen. I even have a few who will start wiggling their muscles to help get it off. I think it feels relieving to them.

03-13-2010, 01:40 PM
good for her
that thing looks like a contact lens