12-26-2009, 11:18 AM
Late last night this thread would have started in the Urgent Care section.
As I was tucking everyone in and shutting off lights I saw one of my female T.s.parietalis babies(born 8/1/09) on its back. Its head was turned sharply and its mouth wide open. My mind started searching for what could have gone wrong. This group had been feed worm pieces a few hours ago. All the other babies seemed fine. I picked her up, thinking she was dead. It's then I felt her tail slap my hand. I could see her heart was beating but her respiration was almost nonexistent.
I took her up stairs for some TLC. At times, she would jump almost out of my hand. At one point she passed some urates. She then went into some kind of convulsion. Her muscles contracted along her belly and she had a very concave appearance. Once again the mouth was agape and head bent to the side. Her body would than take on a normal appearance and she would have deep respirations. During all of these times I didn't observe any tongue flicking or what I would call normal movements or actions. I felt at a loss to do anything for her. I placed her in a small container for the night in the hopes she would survive but knowing that in the morning I would find her dead.
This morning I opened the container to find a normal acting and looking parietalis. She was very active and when I held her, she musked me.
I'm guessing it's some kind of neurological issue maybe something on the lines of epilepsy. I'm hoping it's developmental and she'll grow out of it. She will be separated from her group and observed for a month or so.
Having her alive this morning was a late Christmas gift.
As I was tucking everyone in and shutting off lights I saw one of my female T.s.parietalis babies(born 8/1/09) on its back. Its head was turned sharply and its mouth wide open. My mind started searching for what could have gone wrong. This group had been feed worm pieces a few hours ago. All the other babies seemed fine. I picked her up, thinking she was dead. It's then I felt her tail slap my hand. I could see her heart was beating but her respiration was almost nonexistent.
I took her up stairs for some TLC. At times, she would jump almost out of my hand. At one point she passed some urates. She then went into some kind of convulsion. Her muscles contracted along her belly and she had a very concave appearance. Once again the mouth was agape and head bent to the side. Her body would than take on a normal appearance and she would have deep respirations. During all of these times I didn't observe any tongue flicking or what I would call normal movements or actions. I felt at a loss to do anything for her. I placed her in a small container for the night in the hopes she would survive but knowing that in the morning I would find her dead.
This morning I opened the container to find a normal acting and looking parietalis. She was very active and when I held her, she musked me.
I'm guessing it's some kind of neurological issue maybe something on the lines of epilepsy. I'm hoping it's developmental and she'll grow out of it. She will be separated from her group and observed for a month or so.
Having her alive this morning was a late Christmas gift.